dim yabasic 2.90.2, built on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu

sub getPriority(ch$)
  local a
  a = asc(ch$)
  if and(a>=asc("a"), a<=asc("z")) return a-asc("a")+1
  if and(a >= asc("A"), a<=asc("Z")) return a-asc("A")+27
end sub

open "03.txt" for reading as #1

sum = 0
while not eof(1)
  line input #1 line$
  lineLen = len(line$)
  halfLen = lineLen/2

  firstHalf$ = mid$(line$, 1, halfLen)
  secondHalf$ = mid$(line$, halfLen + 1)

  for i=1 to halfLen
    for j=1 to halfLen
      if mid$(firstHalf$, i, 1) == mid$(secondHalf$, j, 1) then
        dup$ = mid$(firstHalf$, i, 1)
        break 2
    next j
  next i

  sum = sum + getPriority(dup$)
close #1

print sum

open "03.txt" for reading as #1

sum = 0
while not eof(1)
  line input #1 line1$
  line input #1 line2$
  line input #1 line3$

  for i=1 to len(line1$)
    c1$ = mid$(line1$, i, 1)

    for j=1 to len(line2$)
      c2$ = mid$(line2$, j, 1)
      if c1$ != c2$ continue

      for k=1 to len(line3$)
        c3$ = mid$(line3$, k, 1)
        if c2$ != c3$ continue

        badge$ = c3$
      next k
    next j
  next i

  sum = sum + getPriority(badge$)
close #1

print sum