
148 lines
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/** @file Runs all smoke tests and may add extra smoke-test dependencies to `yarn.lock`. */
// @ts-check
import Zip from 'adm-zip';
import { execa } from 'execa';
import { polyfill } from '@astropub/webapi';
import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url';
import { promises as fs } from 'node:fs';
polyfill(globalThis, { exclude: 'window document' });
/* Configuration
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** URL directory containing this current script. */
const scriptDir = new URL('./', import.meta.url);
/** URL directory containing the entire project. */
const rootDir = new URL('../../', import.meta.url);
/** URL directory containing the example subdirectories. */
const exampleDir = new URL('examples/', rootDir);
/** URL directory containing the Astro package. */
const astroDir = new URL('packages/astro/', rootDir);
/** GitHub configuration for the external "docs" Astro project. */
const docGithubConfig = { org: 'withastro', name: 'docs', branch: 'main' };
/** GitHub configuration for the external "" Astro project. */
const wwwGithubConfig = { org: 'withastro', name: '', branch: 'main' };
/* Application
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** Runs all smoke tests. */
async function run() {
2021-12-22 16:11:05 -05:00
const directories = await getChildDirectories(exampleDir);
2022-02-15 15:50:25 -05:00
// TODO Skipped the docs-main test since it is failing at the moment.
directories.push(/*await downloadGithubZip(docGithubConfig), */await downloadGithubZip(wwwGithubConfig));
console.log('🤖', 'Preparing', 'yarn');
await execa('yarn', [], { cwd: fileURLToPath(rootDir), stdout: 'inherit', stderr: 'inherit' });
for (const directory of directories) {
console.log('🤖', 'Testing', directory.pathname.split('/').at(-1));
2021-12-22 16:11:05 -05:00
try {
await execa('yarn', ['build'], { cwd: fileURLToPath(directory), stdout: 'inherit', stderr: 'inherit' });
2021-12-22 16:11:05 -05:00
} catch (err) {
2021-12-22 16:11:05 -05:00
2021-12-22 16:11:05 -05:00
/* Functionality
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** Returns the URL to the ZIP of the given GitHub project. */
const getGithubZipURL = (/** @type {GithubOpts} */ opts) => `${}/${}/archive/refs/heads/${opts.branch}.zip`;
/** Returns the awaited ZIP Buffer from the given GitHub project. */
const fetchGithubZip = (/** @type {GithubOpts} */ opts) =>
.then((response) => response.arrayBuffer())
.then((arrayBuffer) => Buffer.from(arrayBuffer));
/** Downloads a ZIP from the given GitHub project. */
const downloadGithubZip = async (/** @type {GithubOpts} */ opts) => {
/** Expected directory when the zip is downloaded. */
const githubDir = new URL(`${}-${opts.branch}`, scriptDir);
/** Whether the expected directory is already available */
const hasGithubDir = await fs.stat(githubDir).then(
(stats) => stats.isDirectory(),
() => false
if (!hasGithubDir) {
console.log('🤖', 'Downloading', `${}/${}#${opts.branch}`);
const buffer = await fetchGithubZip(opts);
console.log('🤖', 'Extracting', `${}/${}#${opts.branch}`);
new Zip(buffer).extractAllTo(fileURLToPath(scriptDir), true);
console.log('🤖', 'Preparing', `${}/${}#${opts.branch}`);
const astroPackage = await readDirectoryPackage(astroDir);
const githubPackage = await readDirectoryPackage(githubDir);
if ('astro' in Object(githubPackage.dependencies)) {
githubPackage.dependencies['astro'] = astroPackage.version;
if ('astro' in Object(githubPackage.devDependencies)) {
githubPackage.devDependencies['astro'] = astroPackage.version;
if ('astro' in Object(githubPackage.peerDependencies)) {
githubPackage.peerDependencies['astro'] = astroPackage.version;
await writeDirectoryPackage(githubDir, githubPackage);
return githubDir;
/** Returns the parsed package.json of the given directory. */
const readDirectoryPackage = async (/** @type {URL} */ dir) => JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(new URL('package.json', dir + '/'), 'utf-8'));
/** Returns upon completion of writing a package.json to the given directory. */
const writeDirectoryPackage = async (/** @type {URL} */ dir, /** @type {any} */ data) =>
await fs.writeFile(new URL('package.json', dir + '/'), JSON.stringify(data, null, ' ') + '\n');
/** Returns all child directories of the given directory. */
const getChildDirectories = async (/** @type {URL} */ dir) => {
/** @type {URL[]} */
const dirs = [];
for await (const dirent of await fs.opendir(dir)) {
if (dirent.isDirectory()) {
dirs.push(new URL(, dir));
return dirs;
/* Execution
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** @typedef {{ org: string, name: string, branch: string }} GithubOpts */