2021-05-24 16:18:56 -06:00
import fs from 'fs';
import path from 'path';
import { fileURLToPath } from 'url';
import { suite } from 'uvu';
import execa from 'execa';
import del from 'del';
import * as assert from 'uvu/assert';
const CreateAstro = suite('npm init astro');
2021-05-28 10:06:22 -06:00
const cwd = fileURLToPath(path.dirname(import.meta.url));
const templates = fs.readdirSync(path.join(cwd, '..', 'src', 'templates'));
2021-05-24 16:18:56 -06:00
CreateAstro.before(async () => {
2021-05-28 10:06:22 -06:00
const fixturesDir = path.join(cwd, 'fixtures');
await del(fixturesDir);
await fs.promises.mkdir(fixturesDir);
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for (const template of templates) {
CreateAstro(template, async () => {
2021-05-28 10:06:22 -06:00
const { stdout } = await execa('../../create-astro.js', [`./${template}`, '--template', template, '--skip-install'], { cwd: path.join(cwd, 'fixtures') });
2021-05-26 06:16:49 +08:00
// test: path should formatted as './{dirName}'
assert.not.match(stdout, '././');
2021-05-24 16:18:56 -06:00
const DOES_HAVE = ['.gitignore', 'package.json', 'public', 'src'];
2021-05-28 10:06:22 -06:00
const DOES_NOT_HAVE = ['_gitignore', 'meta.json', 'node_modules', 'yarn.lock'];
2021-05-24 16:18:56 -06:00
// test: template contains essential files & folders
for (const file of DOES_HAVE) {
assert.ok(fs.existsSync(path.join(cwd, template, file)), `has ${file}`);
// test: template DOES NOT contain files supposed to be stripped away
for (const file of DOES_NOT_HAVE) {
2021-05-26 06:16:49 +08:00
assert.not.ok(fs.existsSync(path.join(cwd, template, file)), `does not have ${file}`);
2021-05-24 16:18:56 -06:00