274 lines
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274 lines
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import type { MemberExpression, Literal } from 'estree';
import type { MarkdownAstroData, AstroConfig } from 'astro';
import type { Data, VFile } from 'vfile';
import { visit as estreeVisit } from 'estree-util-visit';
import { jsToTreeNode } from './utils.js';
import { nodeTypes } from '@mdx-js/mdx';
import type { PluggableList } from '@mdx-js/mdx/lib/core.js';
import type { Options as MdxRollupPluginOptions } from '@mdx-js/rollup';
import { bold, yellow } from 'kleur/colors';
import rehypeRaw from 'rehype-raw';
import remarkGfm from 'remark-gfm';
import remarkSmartypants from 'remark-smartypants';
import rehypeCollectHeadings from './rehype-collect-headings.js';
import remarkPrism from './remark-prism.js';
import remarkShiki from './remark-shiki.js';
import { MdxOptions } from './index.js';
export function recmaInjectImportMetaEnvPlugin({
}: {
importMetaEnv: Record<string, any>;
}) {
return (tree: any) => {
estreeVisit(tree, (node) => {
if (node.type === 'MemberExpression') {
// attempt to get "import.meta.env" variable name
const envVarName = getImportMetaEnvVariableName(node as MemberExpression);
if (typeof envVarName === 'string') {
// clear object keys to replace with envVarLiteral
for (const key in node) {
delete (node as any)[key];
const envVarLiteral: Literal = {
type: 'Literal',
value: importMetaEnv[envVarName],
raw: JSON.stringify(importMetaEnv[envVarName]),
Object.assign(node, envVarLiteral);
export function remarkInitializeAstroData() {
return function (tree: any, vfile: VFile) {
if (!vfile.data.astro) {
vfile.data.astro = { frontmatter: {} };
const EXPORT_NAME = 'frontmatter';
export function rehypeApplyFrontmatterExport(pageFrontmatter: Record<string, any>) {
return function (tree: any, vfile: VFile) {
const { frontmatter: injectedFrontmatter } = safelyGetAstroData(vfile.data);
const frontmatter = { ...injectedFrontmatter, ...pageFrontmatter };
const exportNodes = [
jsToTreeNode(`export const ${EXPORT_NAME} = ${JSON.stringify(frontmatter)};`),
if (frontmatter.layout) {
// NOTE(bholmesdev) 08-22-2022
// Using an async layout import (i.e. `const Layout = (await import...)`)
// Preserves the dev server import cache when globbing a large set of MDX files
// Full explanation: 'https://github.com/withastro/astro/pull/4428'
/** @see 'vite-plugin-markdown' for layout props reference */
`import { jsx as layoutJsx } from 'astro/jsx-runtime';
export default async function ({ children }) {
const Layout = (await import(${JSON.stringify(frontmatter.layout)})).default;
const { layout, ...content } = frontmatter;
content.file = file;
content.url = url;
content.astro = {};
Object.defineProperty(content.astro, 'headings', {
get() {
throw new Error('The "astro" property is no longer supported! To access "headings" from your layout, try using "Astro.props.headings."')
Object.defineProperty(content.astro, 'html', {
get() {
throw new Error('The "astro" property is no longer supported! To access "html" from your layout, try using "Astro.props.compiledContent()."')
Object.defineProperty(content.astro, 'source', {
get() {
throw new Error('The "astro" property is no longer supported! To access "source" from your layout, try using "Astro.props.rawContent()."')
return layoutJsx(Layout, {
frontmatter: content,
headings: getHeadings(),
'server:root': true,
tree.children = exportNodes.concat(tree.children);
const DEFAULT_REMARK_PLUGINS: PluggableList = [remarkGfm, remarkSmartypants];
const DEFAULT_REHYPE_PLUGINS: PluggableList = [];
export async function getRemarkPlugins(
mdxOptions: MdxOptions,
config: AstroConfig
): Promise<MdxRollupPluginOptions['remarkPlugins']> {
let remarkPlugins: PluggableList = [
// Set "vfile.data.astro" for plugins to inject frontmatter
switch (mdxOptions.extendPlugins) {
case false:
case 'astroDefaults':
remarkPlugins = [...remarkPlugins, ...DEFAULT_REMARK_PLUGINS];
remarkPlugins = [
...(markdownShouldExtendDefaultPlugins(config) ? DEFAULT_REMARK_PLUGINS : []),
...ignoreStringPlugins(config.markdown.remarkPlugins ?? []),
if (config.markdown.syntaxHighlight === 'shiki') {
remarkPlugins.push([await remarkShiki(config.markdown.shikiConfig)]);
if (config.markdown.syntaxHighlight === 'prism') {
remarkPlugins = [...remarkPlugins, ...(mdxOptions.remarkPlugins ?? [])];
return remarkPlugins;
export function getRehypePlugins(
mdxOptions: MdxOptions,
config: AstroConfig
): MdxRollupPluginOptions['rehypePlugins'] {
let rehypePlugins: PluggableList = [
// getHeadings() is guaranteed by TS, so we can't allow user to override
// rehypeRaw allows custom syntax highlighters to work without added config
[rehypeRaw, { passThrough: nodeTypes }] as any,
switch (mdxOptions.extendPlugins) {
case false:
case 'astroDefaults':
rehypePlugins = [...rehypePlugins, ...DEFAULT_REHYPE_PLUGINS];
rehypePlugins = [
...(markdownShouldExtendDefaultPlugins(config) ? DEFAULT_REHYPE_PLUGINS : []),
...ignoreStringPlugins(config.markdown.rehypePlugins ?? []),
rehypePlugins = [...rehypePlugins, ...(mdxOptions.rehypePlugins ?? [])];
return rehypePlugins;
function markdownShouldExtendDefaultPlugins(config: AstroConfig): boolean {
return (
config.markdown.extendDefaultPlugins ||
(config.markdown.remarkPlugins.length === 0 && config.markdown.rehypePlugins.length === 0)
function ignoreStringPlugins(plugins: any[]) {
let validPlugins: PluggableList = [];
let hasInvalidPlugin = false;
for (const plugin of plugins) {
if (typeof plugin === 'string') {
console.warn(yellow(`[MDX] ${bold(plugin)} not applied.`));
hasInvalidPlugin = true;
} else if (Array.isArray(plugin) && typeof plugin[0] === 'string') {
console.warn(yellow(`[MDX] ${bold(plugin[0])} not applied.`));
hasInvalidPlugin = true;
} else {
if (hasInvalidPlugin) {
`To inherit Markdown plugins in MDX, please use explicit imports in your config instead of "strings." See Markdown docs: https://docs.astro.build/en/guides/markdown-content/#markdown-plugins`
return validPlugins;
* Copied from markdown utils
* @see "vite-plugin-utils"
function isValidAstroData(obj: unknown): obj is MarkdownAstroData {
if (typeof obj === 'object' && obj !== null && obj.hasOwnProperty('frontmatter')) {
const { frontmatter } = obj as any;
try {
// ensure frontmatter is JSON-serializable
} catch {
return false;
return typeof frontmatter === 'object' && frontmatter !== null;
return false;
* Copied from markdown utils
* @see "vite-plugin-utils"
function safelyGetAstroData(vfileData: Data): MarkdownAstroData {
const { astro } = vfileData;
if (!astro) return { frontmatter: {} };
if (!isValidAstroData(astro)) {
throw Error(
`[MDX] A remark or rehype plugin tried to add invalid frontmatter. Ensure "astro.frontmatter" is a JSON object!`
return astro;
* Check if estree entry is "import.meta.env.VARIABLE"
* If it is, return the variable name (i.e. "VARIABLE")
function getImportMetaEnvVariableName(node: MemberExpression): string | Error {
try {
// check for ".[ANYTHING]"
if (node.object.type !== 'MemberExpression' || node.property.type !== 'Identifier')
return new Error();
const nestedExpression = node.object;
// check for ".env"
if (nestedExpression.property.type !== 'Identifier' || nestedExpression.property.name !== 'env')
return new Error();
const envExpression = nestedExpression.object;
// check for ".meta"
if (
envExpression.type !== 'MetaProperty' ||
envExpression.property.type !== 'Identifier' ||
envExpression.property.name !== 'meta'
return new Error();
// check for "import"
if (envExpression.meta.name !== 'import') return new Error();
return node.property.name;
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof Error) {
return e;
return new Error('Unknown parsing error');