it('should be able to avoid evaluating JSX-like expressions in inline codes',async()=>{
const{code}=awaitrenderMarkdown(`# \`{ foo }\` is a shorthand for \`{ foo: foo }\``,{});
'<h1 id="-foo--is-a-shorthand-for--foo-foo-"><code is:raw>{ foo }</code> is a shorthand for <code is:raw>{ foo: foo }</code></h1>'
it('should be able to avoid evaluating JSX-like expressions & escape HTML tag characters in inline codes',async()=>{
`###### \`{}\` is equivalent to \`Record<never, never>\` <small>(at TypeScript v{frontmatter.version})</small>`,
`<h6 id={$$slug(\`{} is equivalent to Record<never, never> (at TypeScript v\${frontmatter.version})\`)}><code is:raw>{}</code> is equivalent to <code is:raw>Record<never, never></code> <small>(at TypeScript v{frontmatter.version})</small></h6>`