- bd18e14: Switches to [the new JSX Transform](https://reactjs.org/blog/2020/09/22/introducing-the-new-jsx-transform.html) originally introduced for React v17. This also leverages the new `jsxTransformOptions` options for renderers.
This change also removes the need for importing your Framework's `jsxFactory` directly, which means you can wave goodbye to `import React from "react";` and `import { h } from "preact";`.
> **If you are using mutliple frameworks** and a file doesn't reference `react` or `preact`, Astro might not be able to locate the correct renderer! You can add a pragma comment like `/** @jsxImportSource preact */` to the top of your file. Alternatively, just import the JSX pragma as you traditionally would have.
### Patch Changes
- bd18e14: Update `check` logic to exclude false-positives from SolidJS