For demonstration purposes, we will be using [`npm`]( in the examples below, but you could also use [`yarn`]( or [`pnpm`]( if you prefer an npm alternative.
`npm init astro` is the easiest way to install Astro in a new project. Run this command in your terminal to start our `create-astro` install wizard to assist you with setting up a new project.
[`create-astro`]( wizard lets you choose from a set of [starter templates](/examples) or alternatively, you could import your own Astro project directly from GitHub.
After `create-astro` scaffolds out your project, remember to install your projects dependencies using npm or your package manager of choice. In this example, we'll use npm:
You can now [Start](#start-astro) your Astro project. Once you have completed assembling your Astro project you can then [Build](#build-astro) your project. Astro would then package up your application and have the static files ready for you to [Deploy](/guides/deploy) to your favourite hosting provider.
Astro is designed to work with the entirety of the npm package ecosystem. This is managed by a project manifest at the root of your project known as `package.json` . If you're not familiar with the `package.json` file, we highly recommend you to have a quick read over it on [the npm documentation](
Following the instructions above, you should have a directory with a single `package.json` file inside of it. You can now set up Astro inside your project.
The [`dev`](#start-astro) command launches the Astro Dev Server on `http://localhost:3000`. Once your project is ready, the [`build`](#build-astro) command outputs your project to the `dist/` directory. [Read more about deploying Astro in the Deploy guide.](/guides/deploy)
// JS Code entered here is ran entirely on the Browser
console.log('See me in the devTools')
Above is an example of the Astro's Component's Syntax, which comprises of both HTML & JSX.
You can create more pages in the `src/pages` directory, and Astro will use the filename to create new pages on your site. For example, by creating a new file at `src/pages/about.astro` (reusing the previous snippet), Astro will generate a new page at the URL : `http://localhost/about`
Astro will now start serving your application on `http://localhost:3000`. By opening this URL in your browser, you should see the Astro's “Hello, World”
## [Build Astro](#build-astro)
npm run build
This will instruct Astro to build your site and save it directly to disk. Your application is now ready in the `dist/` directory.
We highly encourage you to get more familiar with the way Astro works. You can do so by further exploring our Docs, we suggest that you consider the following:
📚 Learn more about Astro's project structure in our [Project Structure guide.](/core-concepts/project-structure)
📚 Learn more about Astro's component syntax in our [Astro Components guide.](/core-concepts/astro-components)