**Astro** is a next-generation static-site generator with partial hydration. Use your favorite JS framework and ship bare-minimum JS (or none at all!).
Even though nearly-everything [is configurable][config], we recommend starting out by creating an `astro/` folder in your project with the following structure:
├── astro/
│ ├── components/
│ └── pages/
│ └── index.astro
├── public/
└── package.json
-`astro/components/*`: where your reusable components go. You can place these anywhere, but we recommend a single folder to keep them organized.
-`astro/pages/*`: this is a special folder where your [routing][routing] lives.
#### 🚦 Routing
Routing happens in `astro/pages/*`. Every `.astro` or `.md.astro` file in this folder corresponds with a public URL. For example:
Static assets should be placed in a `public/` folder in your project. You can place any images, fonts, files, or global CSS in here you need to reference.
By default, Astro outputs zero client-side JS. If you'd like to include an interactive component in the client output, you may use any of the following techniques.
Frontend state management depends on your framework of choice. Below is a list of popular frontend state management libraries, and their current support with Astro.
Our goal is to support all popular state management libraries, as long as there is no technical reason that we cannot.
- **React/Preact**
- [ ]**Redux: Partial Support** (Note: You can access a Redux store directly, but full `react-redux` support requires the ability to set a custom `<Provider>` wrapper to every component island. Planned.)
- [ ]**Vuex: Partial Support** (Note: You can access a vuex store directly, but full `vuex` support requires the ability to set a custom `vue.use(store)` call to every component island. Planned.)
¹ _`.astro` files have no runtime, therefore Scoped CSS takes the place of CSS Modules (styles are still scoped to components, but don’t need dynamic values)_
For fetching from a remote API, use a native JavaScript `fetch()` ([docs][fetch-js]) as you are used to. For fetching local content, use `Astro.fetchContent()` ([docs][fetch-content]).
Astro will automatically create a `/sitemap.xml` for you for SEO! Be sure to set the `site` URL in your [Astro config][config] so the URLs can be generated properly.
⚠️ Note that Astro won’t inject this into your HTML for you! You’ll have to add the tag yourself in your `<head>` on all pages that need it:
[Fetching data is easy in Astro](#-fetching-data). But what if you wanted to make a paginated blog? What if you wanted an easy way to sort data, or filter, say, by a given tag? When you need something a little more powerful than simple data fetching, Astro’s Collections API may be what you need.