Merge branch 'main' into feat/picture-component
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'@astrojs/cloudflare': minor
Add support for the following Node.js Runtime APIs, which are availabe in [Cloudflare]( using the `node:` syntax.
- assert
- AsyncLocalStorage
- Buffer
- Diagnostics Channel
- EventEmitter
- path
- process
- Streams
- StringDecoder
- util
import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
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# astro
# astro
## 3.1.2
### Patch Changes
- [#8612]( [`bcad715ce`]( Thanks [@matthewp](! - Ensure cookies are attached when middleware changes the Response
- [#8598]( [`bdd267d08`]( Thanks [@Princesseuh](! - Fix relative images in Markdown breaking the build process in certain circumstances
- [#8382]( [`e522a5eb4`]( Thanks [@DerTimonius](! - Do not throw an error for an empty collection directory.
- [#8600]( [`ed54d4644`]( Thanks [@FredKSchott](! - Improve config info telemetry
- [#8592]( [`70f2a8003`]( Thanks [@bluwy](! - Fix alias plugin causing CSS ordering issue
- [#8614]( [`4398e9298`]( Thanks [@lilnasy](! - Fixed an issue where spaces and unicode characters in project path prevented middleware from running.
- [#8603]( [`8f8b9069d`]( Thanks [@matthewp](! - Prevent body scripts from re-executing on navigation
- [#8609]( [`5a988eaf6`]( Thanks [@bluwy](! - Fix Astro HMR from a CSS dependency
- Updated dependencies [[`ed54d4644`](]:
- @astrojs/telemetry@3.0.2
## 3.1.1
## 3.1.1
### Patch Changes
### Patch Changes
@ -17,18 +17,26 @@ const { fallback = 'animate' } = Astro.props as Props;
index: number;
index: number;
scrollX: number;
scrollX: number;
scrollY: number;
scrollY: number;
intraPage?: boolean;
type Events = 'astro:page-load' | 'astro:after-swap';
type Events = 'astro:page-load' | 'astro:after-swap';
// only update history entries that are managed by us
// only update history entries that are managed by us
// leave other entries alone and do not accidently add state.
// leave other entries alone and do not accidently add state.
const persistState = (state: State) => history.state && history.replaceState(state, '');
const persistState = (state: State) => history.state && history.replaceState(state, '');
// @ts-expect-error: startViewTransition might exist
const supportsViewTransitions = !!document.startViewTransition;
const supportsViewTransitions = !!document.startViewTransition;
const transitionEnabledOnThisPage = () =>
const transitionEnabledOnThisPage = () =>
const triggerEvent = (name: Events) => document.dispatchEvent(new Event(name));
const triggerEvent = (name: Events) => document.dispatchEvent(new Event(name));
const onPageLoad = () => triggerEvent('astro:page-load');
const onPageLoad = () => triggerEvent('astro:page-load');
const PERSIST_ATTR = 'data-astro-transition-persist';
const PERSIST_ATTR = 'data-astro-transition-persist';
const parser = new DOMParser();
// explained at its usage
let noopEl: HTMLDivElement;
if (import.meta.env.DEV) {
noopEl = document.createElement('div');
// The History API does not tell you if navigation is forward or back, so
// The History API does not tell you if navigation is forward or back, so
// you can figure it using an index. On pushState the index is incremented so you
// you can figure it using an index. On pushState the index is incremented so you
@ -40,7 +48,7 @@ const { fallback = 'animate' } = Astro.props as Props;
currentHistoryIndex = history.state.index;
currentHistoryIndex = history.state.index;
scrollTo({ left: history.state.scrollX, top: history.state.scrollY });
scrollTo({ left: history.state.scrollX, top: history.state.scrollY });
} else if (transitionEnabledOnThisPage()) {
} else if (transitionEnabledOnThisPage()) {
history.replaceState({ index: currentHistoryIndex, scrollX, scrollY }, '');
history.replaceState({ index: currentHistoryIndex, scrollX, scrollY, intraPage: false }, '');
const throttle = (cb: (...args: any[]) => any, delay: number) => {
const throttle = (cb: (...args: any[]) => any, delay: number) => {
let wait = false;
let wait = false;
@ -64,19 +72,28 @@ const { fallback = 'animate' } = Astro.props as Props;
async function getHTML(href: string) {
// returns the contents of the page or null if the router can't deal with it.
async function fetchHTML(
href: string
): Promise<null | { html: string; redirected?: string; mediaType: DOMParserSupportedType }> {
try {
try {
const res = await fetch(href);
const res = await fetch(href);
// drop potential charset (+ other name/value pairs) as parser needs the mediaType
const mediaType = res.headers.get('content-type')?.replace(/;.*$/, '');
// the DOMParser can handle two types of HTML
if (mediaType !== 'text/html' && mediaType !== 'application/xhtml+xml') {
// everything else (e.g. audio/mp3) will be handled by the browser but not by us
return null;
const html = await res.text();
const html = await res.text();
return {
return {
ok: res.ok,
redirected: res.redirected ? res.url : undefined,
redirected: res.redirected ? res.url : undefined,
// drop potential charset (+ other name/value pairs) as parser needs the mediaType
mediaType: res.headers.get('content-type')?.replace(/;.*$/, ''),
} catch (err) {
} catch (err) {
return { ok: false };
// can't fetch, let someone else deal with it.
return null;
@ -98,19 +115,19 @@ const { fallback = 'animate' } = Astro.props as Props;
let wait = Promise.resolve();
let wait = Promise.resolve();
for (const script of Array.from(document.scripts)) {
for (const script of Array.from(document.scripts)) {
if (script.dataset.astroExec === '') continue;
if (script.dataset.astroExec === '') continue;
const s = document.createElement('script');
const newScript = document.createElement('script');
s.innerHTML = script.innerHTML;
newScript.innerHTML = script.innerHTML;
for (const attr of script.attributes) {
for (const attr of script.attributes) {
if ( === 'src') {
if ( === 'src') {
const p = new Promise((r) => {
const p = new Promise((r) => {
s.onload = r;
newScript.onload = r;
wait = wait.then(() => p as any);
wait = wait.then(() => p as any);
s.setAttribute(, attr.value);
newScript.setAttribute(, attr.value);
s.dataset.astroExec = '';
newScript.dataset.astroExec = '';
return wait;
return wait;
@ -122,46 +139,60 @@ const { fallback = 'animate' } = Astro.props as Props;
return style.animationIterationCount === 'infinite';
return style.animationIterationCount === 'infinite';
const parser = new DOMParser();
const updateHistoryAndScrollPosition = (toLocation) => {
if (toLocation.href !== location.href) {
{ index: ++currentHistoryIndex, scrollX: 0, scrollY: 0 },
// now we are on the new page for non-history navigations!
// (with history navigation page change happens before popstate is fired)
// freshly loaded pages start from the top
scrollTo({ left: 0, top: 0, behavior: 'instant' });
// A noop element used to prevent styles from being removed
if (toLocation.hash) {
if (import.meta.env.DEV) {
// because we are already on the target page ...
var noopEl = document.createElement('div');
// ... what comes next is a intra-page navigation
// that won't reload the page but instead scroll to the fragment
location.href = toLocation.href;
async function updateDOM(doc: Document, loc: URL, state?: State, fallback?: Fallback) {
// replace head and body of the windows document with contents from newDocument
// Check for a head element that should persist, either because it has the data
// if !popstate, update the history entry and scroll position according to toLocation
// attribute or is a link el.
// if popState is given, this holds the scroll position for history navigation
// if fallback === "animate" then simulate view transitions
async function updateDOM(
newDocument: Document,
toLocation: URL,
popState?: State,
fallback?: Fallback
) {
// Check for a head element that should persist and returns it,
// either because it has the data attribute or is a link el.
const persistedHeadElement = (el: HTMLElement): Element | null => {
const persistedHeadElement = (el: HTMLElement): Element | null => {
const id = el.getAttribute(PERSIST_ATTR);
const id = el.getAttribute(PERSIST_ATTR);
const newEl = id && doc.head.querySelector(`[${PERSIST_ATTR}="${id}"]`);
const newEl = id && newDocument.head.querySelector(`[${PERSIST_ATTR}="${id}"]`);
if (newEl) {
if (newEl) {
return newEl;
return newEl;
if (el.matches('link[rel=stylesheet]')) {
if (el.matches('link[rel=stylesheet]')) {
const href = el.getAttribute('href');
const href = el.getAttribute('href');
return doc.head.querySelector(`link[rel=stylesheet][href="${href}"]`);
return newDocument.head.querySelector(`link[rel=stylesheet][href="${href}"]`);
if (el.tagName === 'SCRIPT') {
// What follows is a fix for an issue (#8472) with missing client:only styles after transition.
let s1 = el as HTMLScriptElement;
// That problem exists only in dev mode where styles are injected into the page by Vite.
for (const s2 of doc.scripts) {
// Returning a noop element ensures that the styles are not removed from the old document.
if (
// Guarding the code below with the dev mode check
// Inline
// allows tree shaking to remove this code in production.
(s1.textContent && s1.textContent === s2.textContent) ||
// External
(s1.type === s2.type && s1.src === s2.src)
) {
return s2;
// Only run this in dev. This will get stripped from production builds and is not needed.
if (import.meta.env.DEV) {
if (import.meta.env.DEV) {
if (el.tagName === 'STYLE' && el.dataset.viteDevId) {
if (el.tagName === 'STYLE' && el.dataset.viteDevId) {
const devId = el.dataset.viteDevId;
const devId = el.dataset.viteDevId;
// If this same style tag exists, remove it from the new page
// If this same style tag exists, remove it from the new page
return (
return (
doc.querySelector(`style[data-astro-dev-id="${devId}"]`) ||
newDocument.querySelector(`style[data-astro-dev-id="${devId}"]`) ||
// Otherwise, keep it anyways. This is client:only styles.
// Otherwise, keep it anyways. This is client:only styles.
@ -171,10 +202,6 @@ const { fallback = 'animate' } = Astro.props as Props;
const swap = () => {
const swap = () => {
// noscript tags inside head element are not honored on swap (#7969).
// Remove them before swapping.
doc.querySelectorAll('head noscript').forEach((el) => el.remove());
// swap attributes of the html element
// swap attributes of the html element
// - delete all attributes from the current document
// - delete all attributes from the current document
// - insert all attributes from doc
// - insert all attributes from doc
@ -183,10 +210,26 @@ const { fallback = 'animate' } = Astro.props as Props;
const astro = [...html.attributes].filter(
const astro = [...html.attributes].filter(
({ name }) => (html.removeAttribute(name), name.startsWith('data-astro-'))
({ name }) => (html.removeAttribute(name), name.startsWith('data-astro-'))
[...doc.documentElement.attributes, ...astro].forEach(({ name, value }) =>
[...newDocument.documentElement.attributes, ...astro].forEach(({ name, value }) =>
html.setAttribute(name, value)
html.setAttribute(name, value)
// Replace scripts in both the head and body.
for (const s1 of document.scripts) {
for (const s2 of newDocument.scripts) {
if (
// Inline
(s1.textContent && s1.textContent === s2.textContent) ||
// External
(s1.type === s2.type && s1.src === s2.src)
) {
} else {
// Swap head
// Swap head
for (const el of Array.from(document.head.children)) {
for (const el of Array.from(document.head.children)) {
const newEl = persistedHeadElement(el as HTMLElement);
const newEl = persistedHeadElement(el as HTMLElement);
@ -199,12 +242,15 @@ const { fallback = 'animate' } = Astro.props as Props;
// Everything left in the new head is new, append it all.
// Everything left in the new head is new, append it all.
// Persist elements in the existing body
// Persist elements in the existing body
const oldBody = document.body;
const oldBody = document.body;
// this will reset scroll Position
for (const el of oldBody.querySelectorAll(`[${PERSIST_ATTR}]`)) {
for (const el of oldBody.querySelectorAll(`[${PERSIST_ATTR}]`)) {
const id = el.getAttribute(PERSIST_ATTR);
const id = el.getAttribute(PERSIST_ATTR);
const newEl = document.querySelector(`[${PERSIST_ATTR}="${id}"]`);
const newEl = document.querySelector(`[${PERSIST_ATTR}="${id}"]`);
@ -215,39 +261,18 @@ const { fallback = 'animate' } = Astro.props as Props;
// Simulate scroll behavior of Safari and
if (popState) {
// Chromium based browsers (Chrome, Edge, Opera, ...)
scrollTo(popState.scrollX, popState.scrollY); // usings 'auto' scrollBehavior
scrollTo({ left: 0, top: 0, behavior: 'instant' });
} else {
let initialScrollX = 0;
let initialScrollY = 0;
if (!state && loc.hash) {
const id = decodeURIComponent(loc.hash.slice(1));
const elem = document.getElementById(id);
// prefer scrollIntoView() over scrollTo() because it takes scroll-padding into account
if (elem) {
initialScrollX = Math.max(
elem.offsetLeft + elem.offsetWidth - document.documentElement.clientWidth
initialScrollY = elem.offsetTop;
} else if (state) {
scrollTo(state.scrollX, state.scrollY); // usings default scrollBehavior
!state &&
{ index: ++currentHistoryIndex, scrollX: initialScrollX, scrollY: initialScrollY },
// Wait on links to finish, to prevent FOUC
// Wait on links to finish, to prevent FOUC
const links: Promise<any>[] = [];
const links: Promise<any>[] = [];
for (const el of doc.querySelectorAll('head link[rel=stylesheet]')) {
for (const el of newDocument.querySelectorAll('head link[rel=stylesheet]')) {
// Do not preload links that are already on the page.
// Do not preload links that are already on the page.
if (
if (
@ -287,32 +312,44 @@ const { fallback = 'animate' } = Astro.props as Props;
async function navigate(dir: Direction, loc: URL, state?: State) {
async function transition(direction: Direction, toLocation: URL, popState?: State) {
let finished: Promise<void>;
let finished: Promise<void>;
const href = loc.href;
const href = toLocation.href;
const { html, ok, mediaType, redirected } = await getHTML(href);
const response = await fetchHTML(href);
// if there was a redirection, show the final URL in the browser's address bar
redirected && (loc = new URL(redirected));
// If there is a problem fetching the new page, just do an MPA navigation to it.
// If there is a problem fetching the new page, just do an MPA navigation to it.
if (!ok || !(mediaType === 'text/html' || mediaType === 'application/xhtml+xml')) {
if (response === null) {
location.href = href;
// if there was a redirection, show the final URL in the browser's address bar
if (response.redirected) {
toLocation = new URL(response.redirected);
const newDocument = parser.parseFromString(response.html, response.mediaType);
// The next line might look like a hack,
// but it is actually necessary as noscript elements
// and their contents are returned as markup by the parser,
// see
newDocument.querySelectorAll('noscript').forEach((el) => el.remove());
if (!newDocument.querySelector('[name="astro-view-transitions-enabled"]')) {
location.href = href;
location.href = href;
const doc = parser.parseFromString(html, mediaType);
if (!popState) {
if (!doc.querySelector('[name="astro-view-transitions-enabled"]')) {
// save the current scroll position before we change the DOM and transition to the new page
location.href = href;
history.replaceState({ ...history.state, scrollX, scrollY }, '');
document.documentElement.dataset.astroTransition = direction;
// Now we are sure that we will push state, and it is time to create a state if it is still missing.
!state && history.replaceState({ index: currentHistoryIndex, scrollX, scrollY }, '');
document.documentElement.dataset.astroTransition = dir;
if (supportsViewTransitions) {
if (supportsViewTransitions) {
finished = document.startViewTransition(() => updateDOM(doc, loc, state)).finished;
// @ts-expect-error: startViewTransition exist
finished = document.startViewTransition(() =>
updateDOM(newDocument, toLocation, popState)
} else {
} else {
finished = updateDOM(doc, loc, state, getFallback());
finished = updateDOM(newDocument, toLocation, popState, getFallback());
try {
try {
await finished;
await finished;
@ -328,7 +365,9 @@ const { fallback = 'animate' } = Astro.props as Props;
// Prefetching
// Prefetching
function maybePrefetch(pathname: string) {
function maybePrefetch(pathname: string) {
if (document.querySelector(`link[rel=prefetch][href="${pathname}"]`)) return;
if (document.querySelector(`link[rel=prefetch][href="${pathname}"]`)) return;
// @ts-expect-error: connection might exist
if (navigator.connection) {
if (navigator.connection) {
// @ts-expect-error: connection does exist
let conn = navigator.connection;
let conn = navigator.connection;
if (conn.saveData || /(2|3)g/.test(conn.effectiveType || '')) return;
if (conn.saveData || /(2|3)g/.test(conn.effectiveType || '')) return;
@ -339,8 +378,6 @@ const { fallback = 'animate' } = Astro.props as Props;
if (supportsViewTransitions || getFallback() !== 'none') {
if (supportsViewTransitions || getFallback() !== 'none') {
document.addEventListener('click', (ev) => {
document.addEventListener('click', (ev) => {
let link =;
let link =;
if (link instanceof Element && link.tagName !== 'A') {
if (link instanceof Element && link.tagName !== 'A') {
@ -362,51 +399,59 @@ const { fallback = 'animate' } = Astro.props as Props;
ev.ctrlKey || // new tab (windows)
ev.ctrlKey || // new tab (windows)
ev.altKey || // download
ev.altKey || // download
ev.shiftKey || // new window
ev.shiftKey || // new window
ev.defaultPrevented ||
) {
) {
// No page transitions in these cases,
// No page transitions in these cases,
// Let the browser standard action handle this
// Let the browser standard action handle this
// We do not need to handle same page links because there are no page transitions
// Same page means same path and same query params (but different hash)
if (location.pathname === link.pathname && === {
if (link.hash) {
// The browser default action will handle navigations with hash fragments
} else {
// Special case: self link without hash
// If handed to the browser it will reload the page
// But we want to handle it like any other same page navigation
// So we scroll to the top of the page but do not start page transitions
// push state on the first navigation but not if we were here already
if (location.hash) {
{ index: currentHistoryIndex, scrollX, scrollY: -(scrollY + 1) },
const newState: State = { index: ++currentHistoryIndex, scrollX: 0, scrollY: 0 };
history.pushState(newState, '', link.href);
scrollTo({ left: 0, top: 0, behavior: 'instant' });
// these are the cases we will handle: same origin, different page
navigate('forward', new URL(link.href));
function navigate(href) {
// not ours
if (!transitionEnabledOnThisPage()) {
location.href = href;
const toLocation = new URL(href, location.href);
// We do not have page transitions on navigations to the same page (intra-page navigation)
// but we want to handle prevent reload on navigation to the same page
// Same page means same origin, path and query params (but maybe different hash)
if (
location.origin === toLocation.origin &&
location.pathname === toLocation.pathname &&
| ===
) {
// mark current position as non transition intra-page scrolling
if (location.href !== toLocation.href) {
history.replaceState({ ...history.state, intraPage: true }, '');
{ index: ++currentHistoryIndex, scrollX: 0, scrollY: 0 },
if (toLocation.hash) {
location.href = toLocation.href;
} else {
scrollTo({ left: 0, top: 0, behavior: 'instant' });
} else {
transition('forward', toLocation);
addEventListener('popstate', (ev) => {
addEventListener('popstate', (ev) => {
if (!transitionEnabledOnThisPage() && ev.state) {
if (!transitionEnabledOnThisPage() && ev.state) {
// The current page doesn't have View Transitions enabled
// The current page doesn't have View Transitions enabled
// but the page we navigate to does (because it set the state).
// but the page we navigate to does (because it set the state).
// Do a full page refresh to reload the client-side router from the new page.
// Do a full page refresh to reload the client-side router from the new page.
// Scroll restauration will then happen during the reload when the router's code is re-executed
// Scroll restauration will then happen during the reload when the router's code is re-executed
history.scrollRestoration && (history.scrollRestoration = 'manual');
if (history.scrollRestoration) {
history.scrollRestoration = 'manual';
@ -429,13 +474,14 @@ const { fallback = 'animate' } = Astro.props as Props;
const state: State = history.state;
const state: State = history.state;
const nextIndex = state.index;
if (state.intraPage) {
const direction: Direction = nextIndex > currentHistoryIndex ? 'forward' : 'back';
// this is non transition intra-page scrolling
currentHistoryIndex = nextIndex;
scrollTo(state.scrollX, state.scrollY);
if (state.scrollY < 0) {
scrollTo(state.scrollX, -(state.scrollY + 1));
} else {
} else {
navigate(direction, new URL(location.href), state);
const nextIndex = state.index;
const direction: Direction = nextIndex > currentHistoryIndex ? 'forward' : 'back';
currentHistoryIndex = nextIndex;
transition(direction, new URL(location.href), state);
@ -457,6 +503,7 @@ const { fallback = 'animate' } = Astro.props as Props;
{ passive: true, capture: true }
{ passive: true, capture: true }
addEventListener('load', onPageLoad);
addEventListener('load', onPageLoad);
// There's not a good way to record scroll position before a back button.
// There's not a good way to record scroll position before a back button.
// So the way we do it is by listening to scrollend if supported, and if not continuously record the scroll position.
// So the way we do it is by listening to scrollend if supported, and if not continuously record the scroll position.
@ -466,5 +513,7 @@ const { fallback = 'animate' } = Astro.props as Props;
if ('onscrollend' in window) addEventListener('scrollend', updateState);
if ('onscrollend' in window) addEventListener('scrollend', updateState);
else addEventListener('scroll', throttle(updateState, 300));
else addEventListener('scroll', throttle(updateState, 300));
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { expect } from '@playwright/test';
import { expect } from '@playwright/test';
import { getColor, testFactory } from './test-utils.js';
import { testFactory } from './test-utils.js';
const test = testFactory({ root: './fixtures/astro-component/' });
const test = testFactory({ root: './fixtures/astro-component/' });
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ test.describe('Astro component HMR', () => {
test('update linked dep Astro style', async ({ page, astro }) => {
test('update linked dep Astro style', async ({ page, astro }) => {
await page.goto(astro.resolveUrl('/'));
await page.goto(astro.resolveUrl('/'));
let h1 = page.locator('#astro-linked-lib');
let h1 = page.locator('#astro-linked-lib');
expect(await getColor(h1)).toBe('rgb(255, 0, 0)');
await expect(h1).toHaveCSS('color', 'rgb(255, 0, 0)');
await Promise.all([
await Promise.all([
await astro.editFile('../_deps/astro-linked-lib/Component.astro', (content) =>
await astro.editFile('../_deps/astro-linked-lib/Component.astro', (content) =>
@ -107,6 +107,6 @@ test.describe('Astro component HMR', () => {
h1 = page.locator('#astro-linked-lib');
h1 = page.locator('#astro-linked-lib');
expect(await getColor(h1)).toBe('rgb(0, 128, 0)');
await expect(h1).toHaveCSS('color', 'rgb(0, 128, 0)');
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { expect } from '@playwright/test';
import { expect } from '@playwright/test';
import { getColor, testFactory } from './test-utils.js';
import { testFactory } from './test-utils.js';
const test = testFactory({
const test = testFactory({
root: './fixtures/css/',
root: './fixtures/css/',
@ -20,13 +20,13 @@ test.describe('CSS HMR', () => {
await page.goto(astro.resolveUrl('/'));
await page.goto(astro.resolveUrl('/'));
const h = page.locator('h1');
const h = page.locator('h1');
expect(await getColor(h)).toBe('rgb(255, 0, 0)');
await expect(h).toHaveCSS('color', 'rgb(255, 0, 0)');
await astro.editFile('./src/styles/main.css', (original) =>
await astro.editFile('./src/styles/main.css', (original) =>
original.replace('--h1-color: red;', '--h1-color: green;')
original.replace('--h1-color: red;', '--h1-color: green;')
expect(await getColor(h)).toBe('rgb(0, 128, 0)');
await expect(h).toHaveCSS('color', 'rgb(0, 128, 0)');
test('removes Astro-injected CSS once Vite-injected CSS loads', async ({ page, astro }) => {
test('removes Astro-injected CSS once Vite-injected CSS loads', async ({ page, astro }) => {
@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
"name": "@e2e/invalidate-script-deps",
"name": "@e2e/hmr",
"version": "0.0.0",
"version": "0.0.0",
"private": true,
"private": true,
"devDependencies": {
"devDependencies": {
"astro": "workspace:*"
"astro": "workspace:*",
"sass": "^1.66.1"
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
<h1 class="css-dep">This is blue</h1>
<style lang="scss">
@use "../styles/vars.scss" as *;
.css-dep {
color: $color;
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
$color: blue;
@ -1,13 +1 @@
<svg xmlns="" width="363" height="102" viewBox="0 0 363 102" fill="none" aria-hidden="true" class="astro-2W66RQV5">
<svg fill="none" height="102" viewBox="0 0 363 102" width="363" xmlns=""><path clip-rule="evenodd" d="m55.07 14.216 16.81 54.865a72.6 72.6 0 0 0 -20.765-6.984l-11.307-37.962a1.475 1.475 0 0 0 -2.827.005l-11.171 37.938a72.598 72.598 0 0 0 -20.859 6.995l16.896-54.873c.998-3.243 1.497-4.865 2.47-6.066a8 8 0 0 1 3.239-2.392c1.434-.576 3.13-.576 6.524-.576h8.751c3.398 0 5.097 0 6.532.577a8 8 0 0 1 3.241 2.397c.972 1.203 1.47 2.827 2.465 6.076z" fill="#fff" fill-rule="evenodd"/><path clip-rule="evenodd" d="m54.618 71.779c-2.863 2.432-8.578 4.091-15.161 4.091-8.08 0-14.852-2.499-16.649-5.86-.642 1.926-.786 4.13-.786 5.539 0 0-.423 6.915 4.418 11.725 0-2.498 2.037-4.522 4.551-4.522 4.309 0 4.304 3.734 4.3 6.764v.27c0 4.6 2.829 8.541 6.852 10.203a9.22 9.22 0 0 1 -.938-4.064c0-4.386 2.592-6.02 5.604-7.917 2.396-1.51 5.06-3.188 6.894-6.554a12.297 12.297 0 0 0 1.502-5.905c0-1.314-.206-2.581-.587-3.77z" fill="#ff5d01" fill-rule="evenodd"/><path d="m126.554 69c13.115 0 21.047-3.14 25.68-9.654 0 2.904.157 5.651.55 8.163h7.774c-.706-4.082-.863-6.75-.863-14.128v-10.047c0-10.831-8.403-16.56-24.424-16.56-15.47 0-25.522 5.964-26.779 14.598h8.246c1.256-5.808 7.774-8.87 18.533-8.87 10.602 0 16.885 3.69 16.885 9.969v.785l-24.502 1.413c-9.974.549-13.665 1.962-16.492 4.003-2.67 1.962-4.162 5.023-4.162 8.555 0 7.456 7.696 11.773 19.554 11.773zm2.513-5.573c-9.109 0-14.135-2.119-14.135-6.357 0-4.553 3.141-6.593 14.214-7.3l23.01-1.412v1.805c0 8.241-9.66 13.264-23.089 13.264zm67.019 5.573c16.256 0 22.775-5.337 22.775-13.108 0-6.436-4.006-9.732-14.215-10.596l-19.083-1.49c-5.183-.393-8.088-1.884-8.088-5.102 0-4.082 4.476-6.201 14.135-6.201 10.995 0 16.727 2.198 20.497 7.064l6.361-3.061c-3.927-6.122-12.644-9.733-26.151-9.733-13.9 0-22.224 4.631-22.224 12.244 0 6.829 4.947 10.125 14.292 10.91l18.926 1.492c6.204.47 8.089 1.726 8.089 4.944 0 4.631-4.79 6.829-14.293 6.829-11.544 0-18.847-3.14-22.381-8.87l-6.204 3.376c4.79 7.22 13.193 11.302 27.564 11.302zm38.843-34.849v18.916c0 7.77 2.67 15.54 17.198 15.54 3.691 0 8.167-.706 10.131-1.57v-6.357c-2.749.628-6.047 1.1-9.267 1.1-6.832 0-10.523-2.67-10.523-9.42v-18.209h19.633v-5.887h-19.633v-13.264l-7.539 3.061v10.204h-12.33v5.886zm45.894-5.886h-6.911v39.244h7.461v-14.679c0-5.65 1.099-10.439 4.24-13.735 2.749-3.061 6.283-4.788 12.487-4.788 2.12 0 3.455.157 5.262.471v-7.22c-1.65-.393-3.063-.472-5.184-.472-8.402 0-15.078 4.945-17.355 12.558v-11.38zm53.984 40.735c16.727 0 28.193-8.477 28.193-21.113 0-12.637-11.466-21.114-28.193-21.114s-28.193 8.477-28.193 21.114c0 12.636 11.466 21.113 28.193 21.113zm0-6.2c-12.329 0-20.261-5.809-20.261-14.913 0-9.105 7.932-14.913 20.261-14.913 12.251 0 20.261 5.808 20.261 14.913 0 9.104-8.01 14.912-20.261 14.912z" fill="#fff"/></svg>
.text {
fill: white;
.hover {
fill: white;
<path class="text astro-2W66RQV5" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M55.07 14.216l16.81 54.865a72.6 72.6 0 00-20.765-6.984L39.808 24.135a1.475 1.475 0 00-2.827.005L25.81 62.078a72.598 72.598 0 00-20.859 6.995L21.847 14.2c.998-3.243 1.497-4.865 2.47-6.066a8 8 0 013.239-2.392c1.434-.576 3.13-.576 6.524-.576h8.751c3.398 0 5.097 0 6.532.577a8 8 0 013.241 2.397c.972 1.203 1.47 2.827 2.465 6.076z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path>
<path fill="#FF5D01" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M54.618 71.779c-2.863 2.432-8.578 4.091-15.161 4.091-8.08 0-14.852-2.499-16.649-5.86-.642 1.926-.786 4.13-.786 5.539 0 0-.423 6.915 4.418 11.725 0-2.498 2.037-4.522 4.551-4.522 4.309 0 4.304 3.734 4.3 6.764v.27c0 4.6 2.829 8.541 6.852 10.203a9.22 9.22 0 01-.938-4.064c0-4.386 2.592-6.02 5.604-7.917 2.396-1.51 5.06-3.188 6.894-6.554a12.297 12.297 0 001.502-5.905c0-1.314-.206-2.581-.587-3.77z" clip-rule="evenodd" class="astro-2W66RQV5"></path>
<path class="text astro-2W66RQV5" d="M126.554 69c13.115 0 21.047-3.14 25.68-9.654 0 2.904.157 5.651.55 8.163h7.774c-.706-4.082-.863-6.75-.863-14.128V43.334c0-10.831-8.403-16.56-24.424-16.56-15.47 0-25.522 5.964-26.779 14.598h8.246c1.256-5.808 7.774-8.87 18.533-8.87 10.602 0 16.885 3.69 16.885 9.969v.785l-24.502 1.413c-9.974.549-13.665 1.962-16.492 4.003-2.67 1.962-4.162 5.023-4.162 8.555C107 64.683 114.696 69 126.554 69zm2.513-5.573c-9.109 0-14.135-2.119-14.135-6.357 0-4.553 3.141-6.593 14.214-7.3l23.01-1.412v1.805c0 8.241-9.66 13.264-23.089 13.264zM196.086 69c16.256 0 22.775-5.337 22.775-13.108 0-6.436-4.006-9.732-14.215-10.596l-19.083-1.49c-5.183-.393-8.088-1.884-8.088-5.102 0-4.082 4.476-6.201 14.135-6.201 10.995 0 16.727 2.198 20.497 7.064l6.361-3.061c-3.927-6.122-12.644-9.733-26.151-9.733-13.9 0-22.224 4.631-22.224 12.244 0 6.829 4.947 10.125 14.292 10.91l18.926 1.492c6.204.47 8.089 1.726 8.089 4.944 0 4.631-4.79 6.829-14.293 6.829-11.544 0-18.847-3.14-22.381-8.87l-6.204 3.376C173.312 64.918 181.715 69 196.086 69zM234.929 34.151v18.916c0 7.77 2.67 15.54 17.198 15.54 3.691 0 8.167-.706 10.131-1.57V60.68c-2.749.628-6.047 1.1-9.267 1.1-6.832 0-10.523-2.67-10.523-9.42V34.151h19.633v-5.887h-19.633V15l-7.539 3.061v10.204h-12.33v5.886h12.33zM280.823 28.265h-6.911v39.244h7.461V52.83c0-5.65 1.099-10.439 4.24-13.735 2.749-3.061 6.283-4.788 12.487-4.788 2.12 0 3.455.157 5.262.471v-7.22c-1.65-.393-3.063-.472-5.184-.472-8.402 0-15.078 4.945-17.355 12.558v-11.38zM334.807 69C351.534 69 363 60.523 363 47.887c0-12.637-11.466-21.114-28.193-21.114-16.727 0-28.193 8.477-28.193 21.114C306.614 60.523 318.08 69 334.807 69zm0-6.2c-12.329 0-20.261-5.809-20.261-14.913 0-9.105 7.932-14.913 20.261-14.913 12.251 0 20.261 5.808 20.261 14.913 0 9.104-8.01 14.912-20.261 14.912z"></path>
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 2.9 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 2.7 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 330 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 311 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
<div id="counter">Count</div>
<script is:inline>
let count = 1;
const onAfterSwap = () => {
document.querySelector('#counter').textContent = `Count: ${count}`;
document.addEventListener('astro:page-load', onAfterSwap);
@ -11,4 +11,5 @@ import Layout from '../components/Layout.astro';
<a id="click-two" href="/two" data-astro-reload>load page / no navigation</a>
<a id="click-two" href="/two" data-astro-reload>load page / no navigation</a>
<a id="click-logo" href="/logo.svg" download>load page / no navigation</a>
<a id="click-logo" href="/logo.svg" download>load page / no navigation</a>
<a id="click-svg" href="/logo.svg">load page / no navigation</a>
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
import Layout from '../components/Layout.astro';
import InlineScript from '../components/InlineScript.astro';
<InlineScript />
<a id="click-one" href="/inline-script-two">Go to 2</a>
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
import Layout from '../components/Layout.astro';
import InlineScript from '../components/InlineScript.astro';
<InlineScript />
<a id="click-two" href="/inline-script-one">Go to 1</a>
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import { expect } from '@playwright/test';
import { testFactory } from './test-utils.js';
import { testFactory } from './test-utils.js';
const test = testFactory({
const test = testFactory({
root: './fixtures/invalidate-script-deps/',
root: './fixtures/hmr/',
let devServer;
let devServer;
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ test.afterAll(async () => {
test.describe('Scripts with dependencies', () => {
test.describe('Scripts with dependencies', () => {
test('refresh with HMR', async ({ page, astro }) => {
test('refresh with HMR', async ({ page, astro }) => {
await page.goto(astro.resolveUrl('/'));
await page.goto(astro.resolveUrl('/script-dep'));
const h = page.locator('h1');
const h = page.locator('h1');
await expect(h, 'original text set').toHaveText('before');
await expect(h, 'original text set').toHaveText('before');
@ -29,3 +29,16 @@ test.describe('Scripts with dependencies', () => {
await expect(h, 'text changed').toHaveText('after');
await expect(h, 'text changed').toHaveText('after');
test.describe('Styles with dependencies', () => {
test('refresh with HMR', async ({ page, astro }) => {
await page.goto(astro.resolveUrl('/css-dep'));
const h = page.locator('h1');
await expect(h).toHaveCSS('color', 'rgb(0, 0, 255)');
await astro.editFile('./src/styles/vars.scss', (original) => original.replace('blue', 'red'));
await expect(h).toHaveCSS('color', 'rgb(255, 0, 0)');
@ -71,13 +71,6 @@ export async function getErrorOverlayContent(page) {
return { message, hint, absoluteFileLocation, fileLocation };
return { message, hint, absoluteFileLocation, fileLocation };
* @returns {Promise<string>}
export async function getColor(el) {
return await el.evaluate((e) => getComputedStyle(e).color);
* Wait for `astro-island` that contains the `el` to hydrate
* Wait for `astro-island` that contains the `el` to hydrate
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
@ -293,12 +293,12 @@ test.describe('View Transitions', () => {
locator = page.locator('#click-one-again');
locator = page.locator('#click-one-again');
await expect(locator).toBeInViewport();
await expect(locator).toBeInViewport();
// Scroll up to top fragment
// goto page 1
locator = page.locator('#one');
locator = page.locator('#one');
await expect(locator).toHaveText('Page 1');
await expect(locator).toHaveText('Page 1');
// Back to middle of the page
// Back to middle of the previous page
await page.goBack();
await page.goBack();
locator = page.locator('#click-one-again');
locator = page.locator('#click-one-again');
await expect(locator).toBeInViewport();
await expect(locator).toBeInViewport();
@ -520,6 +520,22 @@ test.describe('View Transitions', () => {
await downloadPromise;
await downloadPromise;
test('data-astro-reload not required for non-html content', async ({ page, astro }) => {
const loads = [];
page.addListener('load', (p) => {
// Go to page 4
await page.goto(astro.resolveUrl('/four'));
let p = page.locator('#four');
await expect(p, 'should have content').toHaveText('Page 4');
p = page.locator('svg');
await expect(p).toBeVisible();
expect(loads.length, 'There should be 2 page load').toEqual(2);
test('Scroll position is restored on back navigation from page w/o ViewTransitions', async ({
test('Scroll position is restored on back navigation from page w/o ViewTransitions', async ({
@ -663,4 +679,22 @@ test.describe('View Transitions', () => {
locator = page.locator('#click-one');
locator = page.locator('#click-one');
await expect(locator).not.toBeInViewport();
await expect(locator).not.toBeInViewport();
test('body inline scripts do not re-execute on navigation', async ({ page, astro }) => {
const errors = [];
page.addListener('pageerror', (err) => {
await page.goto(astro.resolveUrl('/inline-script-one'));
let article = page.locator('#counter');
await expect(article, 'should have script content').toBeVisible('exists');
article = page.locator('#counter');
await expect(article, 'should have script content').toHaveText('Count: 3');
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "astro",
"name": "astro",
"version": "3.1.1",
"version": "3.1.2",
"description": "Astro is a modern site builder with web best practices, performance, and DX front-of-mind.",
"description": "Astro is a modern site builder with web best practices, performance, and DX front-of-mind.",
"type": "module",
"type": "module",
"author": "withastro",
"author": "withastro",
@ -29,8 +29,11 @@ const qualityTable: Record<
// Squoosh's PNG encoder does not support a quality setting, so we can skip that here
// Squoosh's PNG encoder does not support a quality setting, so we can skip that here
async function getRotationForEXIF(inputBuffer: Buffer): Promise<Operation | undefined> {
async function getRotationForEXIF(
const meta = await imageMetadata(inputBuffer);
inputBuffer: Buffer,
src?: string
): Promise<Operation | undefined> {
const meta = await imageMetadata(inputBuffer, src);
if (!meta) return undefined;
if (!meta) return undefined;
// EXIF orientations are a bit hard to read, but the numbers are actually standard. See for a list.
// EXIF orientations are a bit hard to read, but the numbers are actually standard. See for a list.
@ -64,7 +67,7 @@ const service: LocalImageService = {
const operations: Operation[] = [];
const operations: Operation[] = [];
const rotation = await getRotationForEXIF(inputBuffer);
const rotation = await getRotationForEXIF(inputBuffer, transform.src);
if (rotation) {
if (rotation) {
@ -22,11 +22,7 @@ export async function emitESMImage(
return undefined;
return undefined;
const fileMetadata = await imageMetadata(fileData);
const fileMetadata = await imageMetadata(fileData, id);
if (!fileMetadata) {
return undefined;
const emittedImage: ImageMetadata = {
const emittedImage: ImageMetadata = {
src: '',
src: '',
@ -1,19 +1,23 @@
import probe from 'probe-image-size';
import probe from 'probe-image-size';
import { AstroError, AstroErrorData } from '../../core/errors/index.js';
import type { ImageInputFormat, ImageMetadata } from '../types.js';
import type { ImageInputFormat, ImageMetadata } from '../types.js';
export async function imageMetadata(data: Buffer): Promise<Omit<ImageMetadata, 'src'> | undefined> {
export async function imageMetadata(
data: Buffer,
src?: string
): Promise<Omit<ImageMetadata, 'src'>> {
const result = probe.sync(data);
const result = probe.sync(data);
if (result === null) {
if (result === null) {
throw new Error('Failed to probe image size.');
throw new AstroError({
message: AstroErrorData.NoImageMetadata.message(src),
const { width, height, type, orientation } = result;
const { width, height, type, orientation } = result;
const isPortrait = (orientation || 0) >= 5;
const isPortrait = (orientation || 0) >= 5;
if (!width || !height || !type) {
return undefined;
return {
return {
width: isPortrait ? height : width,
width: isPortrait ? height : width,
height: isPortrait ? width : height,
height: isPortrait ? width : height,
@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ import MagicString from 'magic-string';
import type * as vite from 'vite';
import type * as vite from 'vite';
import { normalizePath } from 'vite';
import { normalizePath } from 'vite';
import type { AstroPluginOptions, ImageTransform } from '../@types/astro.js';
import type { AstroPluginOptions, ImageTransform } from '../@types/astro.js';
import { extendManualChunks } from '../core/build/plugins/util.js';
import { AstroError, AstroErrorData } from '../core/errors/index.js';
import {
import {
@ -28,6 +30,18 @@ export default function assets({
// Expose the components and different utilities from `astro:assets` and handle serving images from `/_image` in dev
// Expose the components and different utilities from `astro:assets` and handle serving images from `/_image` in dev
name: 'astro:assets',
name: 'astro:assets',
outputOptions(outputOptions) {
// Specifically split out chunk for asset files to prevent TLA deadlock
// caused by `getImage()` for markdown components.
extendManualChunks(outputOptions, {
after(id) {
if (id.includes('astro/dist/assets/services/')) {
return `astro-assets-services`;
async resolveId(id) {
async resolveId(id) {
if (id === VIRTUAL_SERVICE_ID) {
if (id === VIRTUAL_SERVICE_ID) {
return await this.resolve(settings.config.image.service.entrypoint);
return await this.resolve(settings.config.image.service.entrypoint);
@ -126,6 +140,14 @@ export default function assets({
if (assetRegex.test(id)) {
if (assetRegex.test(id)) {
const meta = await emitESMImage(id, this.meta.watchMode, this.emitFile);
const meta = await emitESMImage(id, this.meta.watchMode, this.emitFile);
if (!meta) {
throw new AstroError({
message: AstroErrorData.ImageNotFound.message(id),
return `export default ${JSON.stringify(meta)}`;
return `export default ${JSON.stringify(meta)}`;
@ -9,7 +9,12 @@ import ora from 'ora';
import preferredPM from 'preferred-pm';
import preferredPM from 'preferred-pm';
import prompts from 'prompts';
import prompts from 'prompts';
import type yargs from 'yargs-parser';
import type yargs from 'yargs-parser';
import { loadTSConfig, resolveConfigPath, resolveRoot } from '../../core/config/index.js';
import {
} from '../../core/config/index.js';
import {
import {
@ -23,7 +28,7 @@ import { appendForwardSlash } from '../../core/path.js';
import { apply as applyPolyfill } from '../../core/polyfill.js';
import { apply as applyPolyfill } from '../../core/polyfill.js';
import { parseNpmName } from '../../core/util.js';
import { parseNpmName } from '../../core/util.js';
import { eventCliSession, telemetry } from '../../events/index.js';
import { eventCliSession, telemetry } from '../../events/index.js';
import { createLoggerFromFlags } from '../flags.js';
import { createLoggerFromFlags, flagsToAstroInlineConfig } from '../flags.js';
import { generate, parse, t, visit } from './babel.js';
import { generate, parse, t, visit } from './babel.js';
import { ensureImport } from './imports.js';
import { ensureImport } from './imports.js';
import { wrapDefaultExport } from './wrapper.js';
import { wrapDefaultExport } from './wrapper.js';
@ -87,7 +92,9 @@ async function getRegistry(): Promise<string> {
export async function add(names: string[], { flags }: AddOptions) {
export async function add(names: string[], { flags }: AddOptions) {
const inlineConfig = flagsToAstroInlineConfig(flags);
const { userConfig } = await resolveConfig(inlineConfig, 'add');
telemetry.record(eventCliSession('add', userConfig));
if ( || names.length === 0) {
if ( || names.length === 0) {
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import type { MarkdownHeading } from '@astrojs/markdown-remark';
import type { MarkdownHeading } from '@astrojs/markdown-remark';
import { ZodIssueCode, string as zodString } from 'zod';
import { ZodIssueCode, string as zodString } from 'zod';
import type { AstroIntegration } from '../@types/astro.js';
import { AstroError, AstroErrorData } from '../core/errors/index.js';
import { AstroError, AstroErrorData } from '../core/errors/index.js';
import { prependForwardSlash } from '../core/path.js';
import { prependForwardSlash } from '../core/path.js';
import {
import {
@ -55,10 +56,7 @@ export function createGetCollection({
} else if (collection in dataCollectionToEntryMap) {
} else if (collection in dataCollectionToEntryMap) {
type = 'data';
type = 'data';
} else {
} else {
throw new AstroError({
return warnOfEmptyCollection(collection);
message: AstroErrorData.CollectionDoesNotExistError.message(collection),
const lazyImports = Object.values(
const lazyImports = Object.values(
type === 'content'
type === 'content'
@ -392,3 +390,16 @@ type PropagatedAssetsModule = {
function isPropagatedAssetsModule(module: any): module is PropagatedAssetsModule {
function isPropagatedAssetsModule(module: any): module is PropagatedAssetsModule {
return typeof module === 'object' && module != null && '__astroPropagation' in module;
return typeof module === 'object' && module != null && '__astroPropagation' in module;
function warnOfEmptyCollection(collection: string): AstroIntegration {
return {
name: 'astro-collection',
hooks: {
'astro:server:start': ({ logger }) => {
`The collection **${collection}** does not exist or is empty. Ensure a collection directory with this name exists.`
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ export function vitePluginMiddleware(
async resolveId(id) {
async resolveId(id) {
const middlewareId = await this.resolve(
const middlewareId = await this.resolve(
if (middlewareId) {
if (middlewareId) {
resolvedMiddlewareId =;
resolvedMiddlewareId =;
@ -140,7 +140,6 @@ export const AstroConfigSchema = z.object({
server: z.preprocess(
server: z.preprocess(
// preprocess
// preprocess
@ -158,7 +157,6 @@ export const AstroConfigSchema = z.object({
port: z.number().optional().default(ASTRO_CONFIG_DEFAULTS.server.port),
port: z.number().optional().default(ASTRO_CONFIG_DEFAULTS.server.port),
headers: z.custom<OutgoingHttpHeaders>().optional(),
headers: z.custom<OutgoingHttpHeaders>().optional(),
redirects: z
redirects: z
@ -274,27 +272,11 @@ export const AstroConfigSchema = z.object({
`Invalid or outdated experimental feature.\nCheck for incorrect spelling or outdated Astro version.\nSee for a list of all current experiments.`
(d) => {
const validKeys = Object.keys(ASTRO_CONFIG_DEFAULTS.experimental);
const invalidKeys = Object.keys(d).filter((key) => !validKeys.includes(key));
if (invalidKeys.length > 0) return false;
return true;
(d) => {
const validKeys = Object.keys(ASTRO_CONFIG_DEFAULTS.experimental);
const invalidKeys = Object.keys(d).filter((key) => !validKeys.includes(key));
return {
message: `Invalid experimental key: \`${invalidKeys.join(
', '
)}\`. \nMake sure the spelling is correct, and that your Astro version supports this experiment.\nSee for more information.`,
legacy: z.object({}).optional().default({}),
legacy: z.object({}).default({}),
export type AstroConfigType = z.infer<typeof AstroConfigSchema>;
export type AstroConfigType = z.infer<typeof AstroConfigSchema>;
@ -1,2 +1,6 @@
export { AstroCookies } from './cookies.js';
export { AstroCookies } from './cookies.js';
export { attachCookiesToResponse, getSetCookiesFromResponse } from './response.js';
export {
} from './response.js';
@ -6,6 +6,10 @@ export function attachCookiesToResponse(response: Response, cookies: AstroCookie
Reflect.set(response, astroCookiesSymbol, cookies);
Reflect.set(response, astroCookiesSymbol, cookies);
export function responseHasCookies(response: Response): boolean {
return Reflect.has(response, astroCookiesSymbol);
function getFromResponse(response: Response): AstroCookies | undefined {
function getFromResponse(response: Response): AstroCookies | undefined {
let cookies = Reflect.get(response, astroCookiesSymbol);
let cookies = Reflect.get(response, astroCookiesSymbol);
if (cookies != null) {
if (cookies != null) {
@ -620,8 +620,42 @@ export const ExpectedImageOptions = {
message: (options: string) =>
message: (options: string) =>
`Expected getImage() parameter to be an object. Received \`${options}\`.`,
`Expected getImage() parameter to be an object. Received \`${options}\`.`,
} satisfies ErrorData;
} satisfies ErrorData;
* @docs
* @docs
* @see
* - [Images](
* @description
* Astro could not find an image you imported. Often, this is simply caused by a typo in the path.
* Images in Markdown are relative to the current file. To refer to an image that is located in the same folder as the `.md` file, the path should start with `./`
export const ImageNotFound = {
name: 'ImageNotFound',
title: 'Image not found.',
message: (imagePath: string) => `Could not find requested image \`${imagePath}\`. Does it exist?`,
hint: 'This is often caused by a typo in the image path. Please make sure the file exists, and is spelled correctly.',
} satisfies ErrorData;
* @docs
* @message Could not process image metadata for `IMAGE_PATH`.
* @see
* - [Images](
* @description
* Astro could not process the metadata of an image you imported. This is often caused by a corrupted or malformed image and re-exporting the image from your image editor may fix this issue.
export const NoImageMetadata = {
name: 'NoImageMetadata',
title: 'Could not process image metadata.',
message: (imagePath: string | undefined) =>
`Could not process image metadata${imagePath ? ' for `${imagePath}`' : ''}.`,
hint: 'This is often caused by a corrupted or malformed image. Re-exporting the image from your image editor may fix this issue.',
} satisfies ErrorData;
* @docs
* @deprecated This error is no longer Markdown specific and as such, as been replaced by `ImageNotFound`
* @message
* @message
* Could not find requested image `IMAGE_PATH` at `FULL_IMAGE_PATH`.
* Could not find requested image `IMAGE_PATH` at `FULL_IMAGE_PATH`.
* @see
* @see
@ -640,6 +674,7 @@ export const MarkdownImageNotFound = {
hint: 'This is often caused by a typo in the image path. Please make sure the file exists, and is spelled correctly.',
hint: 'This is often caused by a typo in the image path. Please make sure the file exists, and is spelled correctly.',
} satisfies ErrorData;
} satisfies ErrorData;
* @docs
* @docs
* @description
* @description
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import type {
} from '../../@types/astro.js';
} from '../../@types/astro.js';
import { attachCookiesToResponse, responseHasCookies } from '../cookies/index.js';
import { AstroError, AstroErrorData } from '../errors/index.js';
import { AstroError, AstroErrorData } from '../errors/index.js';
import type { Environment } from '../render/index.js';
import type { Environment } from '../render/index.js';
@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ export async function callMiddleware<R>(
if (value instanceof Response === false) {
if (value instanceof Response === false) {
throw new AstroError(AstroErrorData.MiddlewareNotAResponse);
throw new AstroError(AstroErrorData.MiddlewareNotAResponse);
return value as R;
return ensureCookiesAttached(apiContext, value as Response);
} else {
} else {
* Here we handle the case where `next` was called and returned nothing.
* Here we handle the case where `next` was called and returned nothing.
@ -105,11 +106,18 @@ export async function callMiddleware<R>(
throw new AstroError(AstroErrorData.MiddlewareNotAResponse);
throw new AstroError(AstroErrorData.MiddlewareNotAResponse);
} else {
} else {
// Middleware did not call resolve and returned a value
// Middleware did not call resolve and returned a value
return value as R;
return ensureCookiesAttached(apiContext, value as Response);
function ensureCookiesAttached(apiContext: APIContext, response: Response): Response {
if (apiContext.cookies !== undefined && !responseHasCookies(response)) {
attachCookiesToResponse(response, apiContext.cookies);
return response;
function isEndpointOutput(endpointResult: any): endpointResult is EndpointOutput {
function isEndpointOutput(endpointResult: any): endpointResult is EndpointOutput {
return (
return (
!(endpointResult instanceof Response) &&
!(endpointResult instanceof Response) &&
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ export async function loadMiddleware(
srcDir: AstroSettings['config']['srcDir']
srcDir: AstroSettings['config']['srcDir']
) {
) {
// can't use node Node.js builtins
// can't use node Node.js builtins
let middlewarePath = srcDir.pathname + '/' + MIDDLEWARE_PATH_SEGMENT_NAME;
let middlewarePath = `${decodeURI(srcDir.pathname)}${MIDDLEWARE_PATH_SEGMENT_NAME}`;
try {
try {
const module = await moduleLoader.import(middlewarePath);
const module = await moduleLoader.import(middlewarePath);
return module;
return module;
@ -1,25 +1,8 @@
import type { AstroUserConfig } from '../@types/astro.js';
import type { AstroIntegration, AstroUserConfig } from '../@types/astro.js';
import { AstroConfigSchema } from '../core/config/schema.js';
interface ConfigInfo {
markdownPlugins: string[];
adapter: string | null;
integrations: string[];
trailingSlash: undefined | 'always' | 'never' | 'ignore';
| undefined
| {
format: undefined | 'file' | 'directory';
| undefined
| {
drafts: undefined | boolean;
syntaxHighlight: undefined | 'shiki' | 'prism' | false;
interface EventPayload {
interface EventPayload {
cliCommand: string;
cliCommand: string;
config?: ConfigInfo;
config?: ConfigInfo;
@ -28,87 +11,126 @@ interface EventPayload {
optionalIntegrations?: number;
optionalIntegrations?: number;
const multiLevelKeys = new Set([
type ConfigInfoValue = string | boolean | string[] | undefined;
type ConfigInfoRecord = Record<string, ConfigInfoValue>;
type ConfigInfoBase = {
[alias in keyof AstroUserConfig]: ConfigInfoValue | ConfigInfoRecord;
export interface ConfigInfo extends ConfigInfoBase {
build: ConfigInfoRecord;
image: ConfigInfoRecord;
markdown: ConfigInfoRecord;
experimental: ConfigInfoRecord;
legacy: ConfigInfoRecord;
vite: ConfigInfoRecord | undefined;
function measureIsDefined(val: unknown) {
// if val is undefined, measure undefined as a value
if (val === undefined) {
function configKeys(obj: Record<string, any> | undefined, parentKey: string): string[] {
return undefined;
if (!obj) {
return [];
// otherwise, convert the value to a boolean
return Boolean(val);
return Object.entries(obj)
type StringLiteral<T> = T extends string ? (string extends T ? never : T) : never;
.map(([key, value]) => {
if (typeof value === 'object' && !Array.isArray(value)) {
const localKey = parentKey ? parentKey + '.' + key : key;
if (multiLevelKeys.has(localKey)) {
let keys = configKeys(value, localKey).map((subkey) => key + '.' + subkey);
return keys;
return key;
* Measure supports string literal values. Passing a generic `string` type
* results in an error, to make sure generic user input is never measured directly.
function measureStringLiteral<T extends string>(
val: StringLiteral<T> | boolean | undefined
): string | boolean | undefined {
return val;
function measureIntegration(val: AstroIntegration | false | null | undefined): string | undefined {
if (!val || ! {
return undefined;
function sanitizeConfigInfo(obj: object | undefined, validKeys: string[]): ConfigInfoRecord {
if (!obj || validKeys.length === 0) {
return {};
return validKeys.reduce(
(result, key) => {
result[key] = measureIsDefined((obj as Record<string, unknown>)[key]);
return result;
{} as Record<string, boolean | undefined>
* This function creates an anonymous ConfigInfo object from the user's config.
* All values are sanitized to preserve anonymity. Simple "exist" boolean checks
* are used by default, with a few additional sanitized values added manually.
* Helper functions should always be used to ensure correct sanitization.
function createAnonymousConfigInfo(userConfig: AstroUserConfig) {
// Sanitize and measure the generic config object
// NOTE(fks): Using _def is the correct, documented way to get the `shape`
// from a Zod object that includes a wrapping default(), optional(), etc.
// Even though `_def` appears private, it is type-checked for us so that
// any changes between versions will be detected.
const configInfo: ConfigInfo = {
...sanitizeConfigInfo(userConfig, Object.keys(AstroConfigSchema.shape)),
build: sanitizeConfigInfo(
image: sanitizeConfigInfo(
markdown: sanitizeConfigInfo(
experimental: sanitizeConfigInfo(
legacy: sanitizeConfigInfo(
vite: userConfig.vite
? sanitizeConfigInfo(userConfig.vite, Object.keys(userConfig.vite))
: undefined,
// Measure string literal/enum configuration values
| = measureStringLiteral(;
configInfo.markdown.syntaxHighlight = measureStringLiteral(userConfig.markdown?.syntaxHighlight);
configInfo.output = measureStringLiteral(userConfig.output);
configInfo.scopedStyleStrategy = measureStringLiteral(userConfig.scopedStyleStrategy);
configInfo.trailingSlash = measureStringLiteral(userConfig.trailingSlash);
// Measure integration & adapter usage
configInfo.adapter = measureIntegration(userConfig.adapter);
configInfo.integrations = userConfig.integrations
.filter(Boolean) as string[];
// Return the sanitized ConfigInfo object
return configInfo;
export function eventCliSession(
export function eventCliSession(
cliCommand: string,
cliCommand: string,
userConfig?: AstroUserConfig,
userConfig: AstroUserConfig,
flags?: Record<string, any>
flags?: Record<string, any>
): { eventName: string; payload: EventPayload }[] {
): { eventName: string; payload: EventPayload }[] {
// Filter out falsy integrations
const configValues = userConfig
? {
markdownPlugins: [
...(userConfig?.markdown?.remarkPlugins?.map((p) =>
typeof p === 'string' ? p : typeof p
) ?? []),
...(userConfig?.markdown?.rehypePlugins?.map((p) =>
typeof p === 'string' ? p : typeof p
) ?? []),
] as string[],
adapter: userConfig?.adapter?.name ?? null,
integrations: (userConfig?.integrations ?? [])
.map((i: any) => i?.name),
trailingSlash: userConfig?.trailingSlash,
build: userConfig?.build
? {
format: userConfig?.build?.format,
: undefined,
markdown: userConfig?.markdown
? {
drafts: userConfig.markdown?.drafts,
syntaxHighlight: userConfig.markdown?.syntaxHighlight,
: undefined,
: undefined;
// Filter out yargs default `_` flag which is the cli command
// Filter out yargs default `_` flag which is the cli command
const cliFlags = flags ? Object.keys(flags).filter((name) => name != '_') : undefined;
const cliFlags = flags ? Object.keys(flags).filter((name) => name != '_') : undefined;
const payload: EventPayload = {
const payload: EventPayload = {
configKeys: userConfig ? configKeys(userConfig, '') : undefined,
config: createAnonymousConfigInfo(userConfig),
config: configValues,
flags: cliFlags,
flags: cliFlags,
return [{ eventName: EVENT_SESSION, payload }];
return [{ eventName: EVENT_SESSION, payload }];
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import type { SSRResult } from '../../@types/astro.js';
import type { SSRResult } from '../../@types/astro.js';
import islandScript from './astro-island.prebuilt.js';
import islandScript from './astro-island.prebuilt.js';
const ISLAND_STYLES = `<style style="display:none">astro-island,astro-slot,astro-static-slot{display:contents}</style>`;
const ISLAND_STYLES = `<style>astro-island,astro-slot,astro-static-slot{display:contents}</style>`;
export function determineIfNeedsHydrationScript(result: SSRResult): boolean {
export function determineIfNeedsHydrationScript(result: SSRResult): boolean {
if (result._metadata.hasHydrationScript) {
if (result._metadata.hasHydrationScript) {
@ -36,12 +36,12 @@ export function getPrescripts(result: SSRResult, type: PrescriptType, directive:
// deps to be loaded immediately.
// deps to be loaded immediately.
switch (type) {
switch (type) {
case 'both':
case 'both':
return `${ISLAND_STYLES}<script style="display:none">${getDirectiveScriptText(
return `${ISLAND_STYLES}<script>${getDirectiveScriptText(
case 'directive':
case 'directive':
return `<script style="display:none">${getDirectiveScriptText(result, directive)}</script>`;
return `<script>${getDirectiveScriptText(result, directive)}</script>`;
return '';
return '';
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ export async function handleHotUpdate(
// Bugfix: sometimes style URLs get normalized and end with `lang.css=`
// Bugfix: sometimes style URLs get normalized and end with `lang.css=`
// These will cause full reloads, so filter them out here
// These will cause full reloads, so filter them out here
const mods = ctx.modules.filter((m) => !m.url.endsWith('='));
const mods = [...filtered].filter((m) => !m.url.endsWith('='));
const file = ctx.file.replace(config.root.pathname, '/');
const file = ctx.file.replace(config.root.pathname, '/');
// If only styles are changed, remove the component file from the update list
// If only styles are changed, remove the component file from the update list
@ -109,17 +109,6 @@ export async function handleHotUpdate(
// If this is a module that is imported from a <script>, invalidate the Astro
// component so that it is cached by the time the script gets transformed.
for (const mod of filtered) {
if ( && isAstroScript( && mod.file) {
const astroMod = ctx.server.moduleGraph.getModuleById(mod.file);
if (astroMod) {
// TODO: Svelte files should be marked as `isSelfAccepting` but they don't appear to be
// TODO: Svelte files should be marked as `isSelfAccepting` but they don't appear to be
const isSelfAccepting = mods.every((m) => m.isSelfAccepting || m.url.endsWith('.svelte'));
const isSelfAccepting = mods.every((m) => m.isSelfAccepting || m.url.endsWith('.svelte'));
if (isSelfAccepting) {
if (isSelfAccepting) {
@ -70,7 +70,8 @@ export default function configAliasVitePlugin({
const plugin: VitePlugin = {
const plugin: VitePlugin = {
name: 'astro:tsconfig-alias',
name: 'astro:tsconfig-alias',
enforce: 'pre',
// use post to only resolve ids that all other plugins before it can't
enforce: 'post',
configResolved(config) {
configResolved(config) {
patchCreateResolver(config, plugin);
patchCreateResolver(config, plugin);
@ -100,7 +101,7 @@ export default function configAliasVitePlugin({
* Vite may simplify this soon:
* Vite may simplify this soon:
function patchCreateResolver(config: ResolvedConfig, prePlugin: VitePlugin) {
function patchCreateResolver(config: ResolvedConfig, postPlugin: VitePlugin) {
const _createResolver = config.createResolver;
const _createResolver = config.createResolver;
// @ts-expect-error override readonly property intentionally
// @ts-expect-error override readonly property intentionally
config.createResolver = function (...args1: any) {
config.createResolver = function (...args1: any) {
@ -124,15 +125,16 @@ function patchCreateResolver(config: ResolvedConfig, prePlugin: VitePlugin) {
const result = await resolver.apply(_createResolver, args2);
if (result) return result;
// @ts-expect-error resolveId exists
// @ts-expect-error resolveId exists
const resolved = await prePlugin.resolveId.apply(fakePluginContext, [
const resolved = await postPlugin.resolveId.apply(fakePluginContext, [
if (resolved) return resolved;
if (resolved) return resolved;
return resolver.apply(_createResolver, args2);
@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ import { normalizePath } from 'vite';
import type { AstroSettings } from '../@types/astro.js';
import type { AstroSettings } from '../@types/astro.js';
import { AstroError, AstroErrorData, MarkdownError } from '../core/errors/index.js';
import { AstroError, AstroErrorData, MarkdownError } from '../core/errors/index.js';
import type { Logger } from '../core/logger/core.js';
import type { Logger } from '../core/logger/core.js';
import { isMarkdownFile, rootRelativePath } from '../core/util.js';
import { isMarkdownFile } from '../core/util.js';
import { shorthash } from '../runtime/server/shorthash.js';
import type { PluginMetadata } from '../vite-plugin-astro/types.js';
import type { PluginMetadata } from '../vite-plugin-astro/types.js';
import { escapeViteEnvReferences, getFileInfo } from '../vite-plugin-utils/index.js';
import { escapeViteEnvReferences, getFileInfo } from '../vite-plugin-utils/index.js';
@ -92,12 +93,13 @@ export default function markdown({ settings, logger }: AstroPluginOptions): Plug
const { headings, imagePaths: rawImagePaths, frontmatter } = renderResult.metadata;
const { headings, imagePaths: rawImagePaths, frontmatter } = renderResult.metadata;
// Resolve all the extracted images from the content
// Resolve all the extracted images from the content
const imagePaths: { raw: string; resolved: string }[] = [];
const imagePaths: { raw: string; resolved: string; safeName: string }[] = [];
for (const imagePath of rawImagePaths.values()) {
for (const imagePath of rawImagePaths.values()) {
raw: imagePath,
raw: imagePath,
(await this.resolve(imagePath, id))?.id ?? path.join(path.dirname(id), imagePath),
(await this.resolve(imagePath, id))?.id ?? path.join(path.dirname(id), imagePath),
safeName: shorthash(imagePath),
@ -118,39 +120,28 @@ export default function markdown({ settings, logger }: AstroPluginOptions): Plug
${layout ? `import Layout from ${JSON.stringify(layout)};` : ''}
${layout ? `import Layout from ${JSON.stringify(layout)};` : ''}
import { getImage } from "astro:assets";
import { getImage } from "astro:assets";
${ => `import Astro__${entry.safeName} from ${JSON.stringify(entry.raw)};`)}
export const images = {
const images = async function() {
return {
(entry) =>
`'${entry.raw}': await getImageSafely((await import("${entry.raw}")).default, "${
.map((entry) => `"${entry.raw}": await getImage({src: Astro__${entry.safeName}})`)
}", "${rootRelativePath(settings.config.root, entry.resolved)}")`
async function getImageSafely(imageSrc, imagePath, resolvedImagePath) {
if (!imageSrc) {
throw new AstroError({
message: AstroErrorData.MarkdownImageNotFound.message(
location: { file: "${id}" },
return await getImage({src: imageSrc})
function updateImageReferences(html) {
async function updateImageReferences(html) {
return html.replaceAll(
return images().then((images) => {
return html.replaceAll(/__ASTRO_IMAGE_="([^"]+)"/gm, (full, imagePath) =>
(full, imagePath) => spreadAttributes({src: images[imagePath].src, ...images[imagePath].attributes})
src: images[imagePath].src,
const html = updateImageReferences(${JSON.stringify(html)});
const html = await updateImageReferences(${JSON.stringify(html)});
export const frontmatter = ${JSON.stringify(frontmatter)};
export const frontmatter = ${JSON.stringify(frontmatter)};
export const file = ${JSON.stringify(fileId)};
export const file = ${JSON.stringify(fileId)};
@ -244,6 +244,22 @@ describe('Content Collections', () => {
describe('With empty collections directory', () => {
it('Handles the empty directory correclty', async () => {
const fixture = await loadFixture({
root: './fixtures/content-collections-empty-dir/',
let error;
try {
} catch (e) {
error = e.message;
// TODO: try to render a page
describe('SSR integration', () => {
describe('SSR integration', () => {
let app;
let app;
@ -5,44 +5,7 @@ import * as events from '../dist/events/index.js';
describe('Events', () => {
describe('Events', () => {
describe('eventCliSession()', () => {
describe('eventCliSession()', () => {
it('All top-level keys added', () => {
it('string literal "build.format" is included', () => {
const config = {
root: 1,
srcDir: 2,
publicDir: 3,
outDir: 4,
site: 5,
base: 6,
trailingSlash: 7,
experimental: 8,
const expected = Object.keys(config);
const [{ payload }] = events.eventCliSession(
cliCommand: 'dev',
it('configKeys includes format', () => {
const config = {
srcDir: 1,
build: {
format: 'file',
const [{ payload }] = events.eventCliSession(
cliCommand: 'dev',
expect(payload.configKeys).to.deep.equal(['srcDir', 'build', 'build.format']);
it('', () => {
const config = {
const config = {
srcDir: 1,
srcDir: 1,
build: {
build: {
@ -58,59 +21,7 @@ describe('Events', () => {
it('configKeys includes server props', () => {
it('string literal "markdown.syntaxHighlight" is included', () => {
const config = {
srcDir: 1,
server: {
host: '',
port: 8033,
const [{ payload }] = events.eventCliSession(
cliCommand: 'dev',
expect(payload.configKeys).to.deep.equal(['srcDir', 'server', '', 'server.port']);
it('configKeys is deep', () => {
const config = {
publicDir: 1,
markdown: {
drafts: true,
shikiConfig: {
lang: 1,
theme: 2,
wrap: 3,
syntaxHighlight: 'shiki',
remarkPlugins: [],
rehypePlugins: [],
const [{ payload }] = events.eventCliSession(
cliCommand: 'dev',
it('syntaxHighlight', () => {
const config = {
const config = {
markdown: {
markdown: {
syntaxHighlight: 'shiki',
syntaxHighlight: 'shiki',
@ -145,233 +56,16 @@ describe('Events', () => {
it('vite.resolve keys are captured', async () => {
it('falsy integrations are handled', () => {
const config = {
vite: {
resolve: {
alias: {
a: 'b',
dedupe: ['one', 'two'],
const [{ payload }] = events.eventCliSession(
cliCommand: 'dev',
it('vite.css keys are captured', async () => {
const config = {
vite: {
resolve: {
dedupe: ['one', 'two'],
css: {
modules: [],
postcss: {},
const [{ payload }] = events.eventCliSession(
cliCommand: 'dev',
it('vite.server keys are captured', async () => {
const config = {
vite: {
server: {
host: '',
open: true,
fs: {
strict: true,
allow: ['a', 'b'],
const [{ payload }] = events.eventCliSession(
cliCommand: 'dev',
it(' keys are captured', async () => {
const config = {
vite: {
build: {
target: 'one',
outDir: 'some/dir',
cssTarget: {
one: 'two',
const [{ payload }] = events.eventCliSession(
cliCommand: 'dev',
it('vite.preview keys are captured', async () => {
const config = {
vite: {
preview: {
host: '',
port: 8080,
another: {
a: 'b',
const [{ payload }] = events.eventCliSession(
cliCommand: 'dev',
it('vite.optimizeDeps keys are captured', async () => {
const config = {
vite: {
optimizeDeps: {
entries: ['one', 'two'],
exclude: ['secret', 'name'],
const [{ payload }] = events.eventCliSession(
cliCommand: 'dev',
it('vite.ssr keys are captured', async () => {
const config = {
vite: {
ssr: {
external: ['a'],
target: { one: 'two' },
const [{ payload }] = events.eventCliSession(
cliCommand: 'dev',
it('vite.worker keys are captured', async () => {
const config = {
vite: {
worker: {
format: { a: 'b' },
plugins: ['a', 'b'],
const [{ payload }] = events.eventCliSession(
cliCommand: 'dev',
it('falsy integrations', () => {
const config = {
const config = {
srcDir: 1,
srcDir: 1,
integrations: [null, undefined, false],
integrations: [null, undefined, false],
@ -385,7 +79,7 @@ describe('Events', () => {
it('finds names for integration arrays', () => {
it('only integration names are included', () => {
const config = {
const config = {
integrations: [{ name: 'foo' }, [{ name: 'bar' }, { name: 'baz' }]],
integrations: [{ name: 'foo' }, [{ name: 'bar' }, { name: 'baz' }]],
@ -393,6 +87,14 @@ describe('Events', () => {
expect(payload.config.integrations).to.deep.equal(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);
expect(payload.config.integrations).to.deep.equal(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);
it('only adapter name is included', () => {
const config = {
adapter: { name: 'ADAPTER_NAME' },
const [{ payload }] = events.eventCliSession({ cliCommand: 'dev' }, config);
it('includes cli flags in payload', () => {
it('includes cli flags in payload', () => {
const config = {};
const config = {};
const flags = {
const flags = {
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ describe('Adapter', () => {
it("should error if the adapter doesn't support edge middleware", async () => {
it("should error if the adapter doesn't support edge middleware", async () => {
try {
try {
fixture = await loadFixture({
fixture = await loadFixture({
root: './fixtures/middleware-dev/',
root: './fixtures/middleware space/',
output: 'server',
output: 'server',
build: {
build: {
excludeMiddleware: true,
excludeMiddleware: true,
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ describe('Adapter', () => {
it("should error if the adapter doesn't support split build", async () => {
it("should error if the adapter doesn't support split build", async () => {
try {
try {
fixture = await loadFixture({
fixture = await loadFixture({
root: './fixtures/middleware-dev/',
root: './fixtures/middleware space/',
output: 'server',
output: 'server',
build: {
build: {
split: true,
split: true,
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 12 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 11 KiB |