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+layout: ~/layouts/Main.astro
+title: API Reference
+## `Astro` global
+The `Astro` global is available in all contexts in `.astro` files. It has the following functions:
+### `Astro.fetchContent()`
+`Astro.fetchContent()` is a way to load local `*.md` files into your static site setup. You can either use this on its own, or within [Astro Collections](/core-concepts/collections).
+// ./src/components/my-component.astro
+const data = Astro.fetchContent('../pages/post/*.md'); // returns an array of posts that live at ./src/pages/post/*.md
+`.fetchContent()` only takes one parameter: a relative URL glob of which local files you’d like to import. Currently only `*.md` files are supported. It’s synchronous, and returns an array of items of type:
+ /** frontmatter from the post.. example frontmatter:
+ title: '',
+ tag: '',
+ date: '',
+ image: '',
+ author: '',
+ description: '',
+ **/
+ astro: {
+ headers: [], // an array of h1...h6 elements in the markdown file
+ source: '' // raw source of the markdown file
+ html: '' // rendered HTML of the markdown file
+ },
+ url: '' // the rendered path
+ }[]
+### `Astro.request`
+`Astro.request` returns an object with the following properties:
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| :------------- | :---- | :---------------------------------------------- |
+| `url` | `URL` | The URL of the request being rendered. |
+| `canonicalURL` | `URL` | [Canonical URL][canonical] of the current page. |
+⚠️ Temporary restriction: this is only accessible in top-level pages and not in sub-components.
+### `Astro.site`
+`Astro.site` returns a `URL` made from `buildOptions.site` in your Astro config. If undefined, this will return a URL generated from `localhost`.
+## Collections API
+### `collection` prop
+const { collection } = Astro.props;
+When using the [Collections API](/core-concepts/collections), `collection` is a prop exposed to the page with the following shape:
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| :------------------------ | :-------------------: | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `collection.data` | `Array` | Array of data returned from `data()` for the current page. |
+| `collection.start` | `number` | Index of first item on current page, starting at `0` (e.g. if `pageSize: 25`, this would be `0` on page 1, `25` on page 2, etc.). |
+| `collection.end` | `number` | Index of last item on current page. |
+| `collection.total` | `number` | The total number of items across all pages. |
+| `collection.page.current` | `number` | The current page number, starting with `1`. |
+| `collection.page.size` | `number` | How many items per-page. |
+| `collection.page.last` | `number` | The total number of pages. |
+| `collection.url.current` | `string` | Get the URL of the current page (useful for canonical URLs) |
+| `collection.url.prev` | `string \| undefined` | Get the URL of the previous page (will be `undefined` if on page 1). |
+| `collection.url.next` | `string \| undefined` | Get the URL of the next page (will be `undefined` if no more pages). |
+| `collection.params` | `object` | If page params were used, this returns a `{ key: value }` object of all values. |
+### `createCollection()`
+export async function createCollection() {
+ return {
+ async data({ params }) {
+ // load data
+ },
+ pageSize: 25,
+ routes: [{ tag: 'movie' }, { tag: 'television' }],
+ permalink: ({ params }) => `/tag/${params.tag}`,
+ };
+When using the [Collections API](/core-concepts/collections), `createCollection()` is an async function that returns an object of the following shape:
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| :---------- | :--------------------------------------: | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `data` | `async ({ params }) => any[]` | **Required.** Load an array of data with this function to be returned. |
+| `pageSize` | `number` | Specify number of items per page (default: `25`). |
+| `routes` | `params[]` | **Required for URL Params.** Return an array of all possible URL `param` values in `{ name: value }` form. |
+| `permalink` | `({ params }) => string` | **Required for URL Params.** Given a `param` object of `{ name: value }`, generate the final URL.\* |
+| `rss` | [RSS](/reference/api-reference#rss-feed) | Optional: generate an RSS 2.0 feed from this collection ([docs](/reference/api-reference#rss-feed)) |
+_\* Note: don’t create confusing URLs with `permalink`, e.g. rearranging params conditionally based on their values._
+⚠️ `createCollection()` executes in its own isolated scope before page loads. Therefore you can’t reference anything from its parent scope. If you need to load data you may fetch or use async `import()`s within the function body for anything you need (that’s why it’s `async`—to give you this ability). If it wasn’t isolated, then `collection` would be undefined! Therefore, duplicating imports between `createCollection()` and your Astro component is OK.
+#### RSS Feed
+You can optionally generate an RSS 2.0 feed from `createCollection()` by adding an `rss` option. Here are all the options:
+export async function createCollection() {
+ return {
+ async data({ params }) {
+ // load data
+ },
+ pageSize: 25,
+ rss: {
+ title: 'My RSS Feed',
+ description: 'Description of the feed',
+ /** (optional) add xmlns:* properties to root element */
+ xmlns: {
+ itunes: 'http://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd',
+ content: 'http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/',
+ },
+ /** (optional) add arbitrary XML to */
+ customData: `en-us
+The Sunset Explorers`,
+ /** Format each item from things returned in data() */
+ item: (item) => ({
+ title: item.title,
+ description: item.description,
+ pubDate: item.pubDate + 'Z', // enforce GMT timezone (otherwise it’ll be different based on where it’s built)
+ /** (optional) add arbitrary XML to each */
+ customData: `${item.type}
+${item.explicit || false}`,
+ }),
+ },
+ };
+Astro will generate an RSS 2.0 feed at `/feed/[collection].xml` (for example, `/src/pages/$podcast.xml` would generate `/feed/podcast.xml`).
+⚠️ Even though Astro will create the RSS feed for you, you’ll still need to add `` tags manually in your `` HTML:
+## `import.meta`
+All ESM modules include a `import.meta` property. Astro adds `import.meta.env` through [Snowpack](https://www.snowpack.dev/).
+**import.meta.env.SSR** can be used to know when rendering on the server. Some times you might want different logic, for example a component that should only be rendered in the client:
+import { h } from 'preact';
+export default function () {
+ return import.meta.env.SSR ? : ;
+[canonical]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canonical_link_element