diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fd80dc320 --- /dev/null +++ b/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +MIT License + +Copyright (c) 2021 Fred K. Schott + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. + + +""" + +This license applies to parts of the `src/compiler` subdirectory originating from the +https://github.com/sveltejs/svelte repository: + + +Copyright (c) 2016-21 [these people](https://github.com/sveltejs/svelte/graphs/contributors) + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. + +""" diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json index fe56ac7a4..67e840061 100644 --- a/package-lock.json +++ b/package-lock.json @@ -162,6 +162,11 @@ "defer-to-connect": "^1.0.1" } }, + "@types/estree": { + "version": "0.0.46", + "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/@types/estree/-/estree-0.0.46.tgz", + "integrity": "sha512-laIjwTQaD+5DukBZaygQ79K1Z0jb1bPEMRrkXSLjtCcZm+abyp5YbrqpSLzD42FwWW6gK/aS4NYpJ804nG2brg==" + }, "@types/json-schema": { "version": "7.0.7", "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/@types/json-schema/-/json-schema-7.0.7.tgz", @@ -382,8 +387,7 @@ "acorn-jsx": { "version": "5.3.1", "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/acorn-jsx/-/acorn-jsx-5.3.1.tgz", - "integrity": "sha512-K0Ptm/47OKfQRpNQ2J/oIN/3QYiK6FwW+eJbILhsdxh2WTLdl+30o8aGdTbm5JbffpFFAg/g+zi1E+jvJha5ng==", - "dev": true + "integrity": "sha512-K0Ptm/47OKfQRpNQ2J/oIN/3QYiK6FwW+eJbILhsdxh2WTLdl+30o8aGdTbm5JbffpFFAg/g+zi1E+jvJha5ng==" }, "ajv": { "version": "6.12.6", @@ -1960,6 +1964,11 @@ "integrity": "sha1-HADHQ7QzzQpOgHWPe2SldEDZ/wA=", "dev": true }, + "locate-character": { + "version": "2.0.5", + "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/locate-character/-/locate-character-2.0.5.tgz", + "integrity": "sha512-n2GmejDXtOPBAZdIiEFy5dJ5N38xBCXLNOtw2WpB9kGh6pnrEuKlwYI+Tkpofc4wDtVXHtoAOJaMRlYG/oYaxg==" + }, "lodash": { "version": "4.17.21", "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/lodash/-/lodash-4.17.21.tgz", diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index 292b5693f..1164ec733 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -24,9 +24,11 @@ "copy-js:watch": "nodemon -w src --ext js --exec 'npm run copy-js'" }, "dependencies": { + "@types/estree": "0.0.46", "@types/node": "^14.14.31", "@vue/server-renderer": "^3.0.7", "acorn": "^7.4.0", + "acorn-jsx": "^5.3.1", "astring": "^1.7.0", "cheerio": "^0.22.0", "css-tree": "^1.1.2", @@ -35,6 +37,7 @@ "gray-matter": "^4.0.2", "htmlparser2": "^6.0.0", "kleur": "^4.1.4", + "locate-character": "^2.0.5", "magic-string": "^0.25.3", "micromark": "^2.11.4", "micromark-extension-gfm": "^0.3.3", diff --git a/src/compiler.d.ts b/src/compiler.d.ts deleted file mode 100644 index ee22628f9..000000000 --- a/src/compiler.d.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -export { compile, parse, preprocess, walk, VERSION } from './@types/compiler/index'; diff --git a/src/compiler.js b/src/compiler.js deleted file mode 100644 index 92c6959f4..000000000 --- a/src/compiler.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21135 +0,0 @@ -import acorn, { isIdentifierStart, isIdentifierChar, parse as parse$3, parseExpressionAt } from 'acorn'; -import parse$2 from 'css-tree/lib/parser/index.js'; -import MagicString from 'magic-string'; - -const now = - typeof process !== 'undefined' && process.hrtime - ? () => { - const t = process.hrtime(); - return t[0] * 1e3 + t[1] / 1e6; - } - : () => self.performance.now(); - -function collapse_timings(timings) { - const result = {}; - timings.forEach((timing) => { - result[timing.label] = Object.assign( - { - total: timing.end - timing.start, - }, - timing.children && collapse_timings(timing.children) - ); - }); - return result; -} - -class Stats { - constructor() { - this.start_time = now(); - this.stack = []; - this.current_children = this.timings = []; - } - - start(label) { - const timing = { - label, - start: now(), - end: null, - children: [], - }; - - this.current_children.push(timing); - this.stack.push(timing); - - this.current_timing = timing; - this.current_children = timing.children; - } - - stop(label) { - if (label !== this.current_timing.label) { - throw new Error(`Mismatched timing labels (expected ${this.current_timing.label}, got ${label})`); - } - - this.current_timing.end = now(); - this.stack.pop(); - this.current_timing = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]; - this.current_children = this.current_timing ? this.current_timing.children : this.timings; - } - - render() { - const timings = Object.assign( - { - total: now() - this.start_time, - }, - collapse_timings(this.timings) - ); - - return { - timings, - }; - } -} - -function createCommonjsModule(fn, module) { - return (module = { exports: {} }), fn(module, module.exports), module.exports; -} - -var xhtml = { - quot: '\u0022', - amp: '&', - apos: '\u0027', - lt: '<', - gt: '>', - nbsp: '\u00A0', - iexcl: '\u00A1', - cent: '\u00A2', - pound: '\u00A3', - curren: '\u00A4', - yen: '\u00A5', - brvbar: '\u00A6', - sect: '\u00A7', - uml: '\u00A8', - copy: '\u00A9', - ordf: '\u00AA', - laquo: '\u00AB', - not: '\u00AC', - shy: '\u00AD', - reg: '\u00AE', - macr: '\u00AF', - deg: '\u00B0', - plusmn: '\u00B1', - sup2: '\u00B2', - sup3: '\u00B3', - acute: '\u00B4', - micro: '\u00B5', - para: '\u00B6', - middot: '\u00B7', - cedil: '\u00B8', - sup1: '\u00B9', - ordm: '\u00BA', - raquo: '\u00BB', - frac14: '\u00BC', - frac12: '\u00BD', - frac34: '\u00BE', - iquest: '\u00BF', - Agrave: '\u00C0', - Aacute: '\u00C1', - Acirc: '\u00C2', - Atilde: '\u00C3', - Auml: '\u00C4', - Aring: '\u00C5', - AElig: '\u00C6', - Ccedil: '\u00C7', - Egrave: '\u00C8', - Eacute: '\u00C9', - Ecirc: '\u00CA', - Euml: '\u00CB', - Igrave: '\u00CC', - Iacute: '\u00CD', - Icirc: '\u00CE', - Iuml: '\u00CF', - ETH: '\u00D0', - Ntilde: '\u00D1', - Ograve: '\u00D2', - Oacute: '\u00D3', - Ocirc: '\u00D4', - Otilde: '\u00D5', - Ouml: '\u00D6', - times: '\u00D7', - Oslash: '\u00D8', - Ugrave: '\u00D9', - Uacute: '\u00DA', - Ucirc: '\u00DB', - Uuml: '\u00DC', - Yacute: '\u00DD', - THORN: '\u00DE', - szlig: '\u00DF', - agrave: '\u00E0', - aacute: '\u00E1', - acirc: '\u00E2', - atilde: '\u00E3', - auml: '\u00E4', - aring: '\u00E5', - aelig: '\u00E6', - ccedil: '\u00E7', - egrave: '\u00E8', - eacute: '\u00E9', - ecirc: '\u00EA', - euml: '\u00EB', - igrave: '\u00EC', - iacute: '\u00ED', - icirc: '\u00EE', - iuml: '\u00EF', - eth: '\u00F0', - ntilde: '\u00F1', - ograve: '\u00F2', - oacute: '\u00F3', - ocirc: '\u00F4', - otilde: '\u00F5', - ouml: '\u00F6', - divide: '\u00F7', - oslash: '\u00F8', - ugrave: '\u00F9', - uacute: '\u00FA', - ucirc: '\u00FB', - uuml: '\u00FC', - yacute: '\u00FD', - thorn: '\u00FE', - yuml: '\u00FF', - OElig: '\u0152', - oelig: '\u0153', - Scaron: '\u0160', - scaron: '\u0161', - Yuml: '\u0178', - fnof: '\u0192', - circ: '\u02C6', - tilde: '\u02DC', - Alpha: '\u0391', - Beta: '\u0392', - Gamma: '\u0393', - Delta: '\u0394', - Epsilon: '\u0395', - Zeta: '\u0396', - Eta: '\u0397', - Theta: '\u0398', - Iota: '\u0399', - Kappa: '\u039A', - Lambda: '\u039B', - Mu: '\u039C', - Nu: '\u039D', - Xi: '\u039E', - Omicron: '\u039F', - Pi: '\u03A0', - Rho: '\u03A1', - Sigma: '\u03A3', - Tau: '\u03A4', - Upsilon: '\u03A5', - Phi: '\u03A6', - Chi: '\u03A7', - Psi: '\u03A8', - Omega: '\u03A9', - alpha: '\u03B1', - beta: '\u03B2', - gamma: '\u03B3', - delta: '\u03B4', - epsilon: '\u03B5', - zeta: '\u03B6', - eta: '\u03B7', - theta: '\u03B8', - iota: '\u03B9', - kappa: '\u03BA', - lambda: '\u03BB', - mu: '\u03BC', - nu: '\u03BD', - xi: '\u03BE', - omicron: '\u03BF', - pi: '\u03C0', - rho: '\u03C1', - sigmaf: '\u03C2', - sigma: '\u03C3', - tau: '\u03C4', - upsilon: '\u03C5', - phi: '\u03C6', - chi: '\u03C7', - psi: '\u03C8', - omega: '\u03C9', - thetasym: '\u03D1', - upsih: '\u03D2', - piv: '\u03D6', - ensp: '\u2002', - emsp: '\u2003', - thinsp: '\u2009', - zwnj: '\u200C', - zwj: '\u200D', - lrm: '\u200E', - rlm: '\u200F', - ndash: '\u2013', - mdash: '\u2014', - lsquo: '\u2018', - rsquo: '\u2019', - sbquo: '\u201A', - ldquo: '\u201C', - rdquo: '\u201D', - bdquo: '\u201E', - dagger: '\u2020', - Dagger: '\u2021', - bull: '\u2022', - hellip: '\u2026', - permil: '\u2030', - prime: '\u2032', - Prime: '\u2033', - lsaquo: '\u2039', - rsaquo: '\u203A', - oline: '\u203E', - frasl: '\u2044', - euro: '\u20AC', - image: '\u2111', - weierp: '\u2118', - real: '\u211C', - trade: '\u2122', - alefsym: '\u2135', - larr: '\u2190', - uarr: '\u2191', - rarr: '\u2192', - darr: '\u2193', - harr: '\u2194', - crarr: '\u21B5', - lArr: '\u21D0', - uArr: '\u21D1', - rArr: '\u21D2', - dArr: '\u21D3', - hArr: '\u21D4', - forall: '\u2200', - part: '\u2202', - exist: '\u2203', - empty: '\u2205', - nabla: '\u2207', - isin: '\u2208', - notin: '\u2209', - ni: '\u220B', - prod: '\u220F', - sum: '\u2211', - minus: '\u2212', - lowast: '\u2217', - radic: '\u221A', - prop: '\u221D', - infin: '\u221E', - ang: '\u2220', - and: '\u2227', - or: '\u2228', - cap: '\u2229', - cup: '\u222A', - int: '\u222B', - there4: '\u2234', - sim: '\u223C', - cong: '\u2245', - asymp: '\u2248', - ne: '\u2260', - equiv: '\u2261', - le: '\u2264', - ge: '\u2265', - sub: '\u2282', - sup: '\u2283', - nsub: '\u2284', - sube: '\u2286', - supe: '\u2287', - oplus: '\u2295', - otimes: '\u2297', - perp: '\u22A5', - sdot: '\u22C5', - lceil: '\u2308', - rceil: '\u2309', - lfloor: '\u230A', - rfloor: '\u230B', - lang: '\u2329', - rang: '\u232A', - loz: '\u25CA', - spades: '\u2660', - clubs: '\u2663', - hearts: '\u2665', - diams: '\u2666', -}; - -var acornJsx = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { - const hexNumber = /^[\da-fA-F]+$/; - const decimalNumber = /^\d+$/; - - // The map to `acorn-jsx` tokens from `acorn` namespace objects. - const acornJsxMap = new WeakMap(); - - // Get the original tokens for the given `acorn` namespace object. - function getJsxTokens(acorn) { - acorn = acorn.Parser.acorn || acorn; - let acornJsx = acornJsxMap.get(acorn); - if (!acornJsx) { - const tt = acorn.tokTypes; - const TokContext = acorn.TokContext; - const TokenType = acorn.TokenType; - const tc_oTag = new TokContext('...', true, true); - const tokContexts = { - tc_oTag: tc_oTag, - tc_cTag: tc_cTag, - tc_expr: tc_expr, - }; - const tokTypes = { - jsxName: new TokenType('jsxName'), - jsxText: new TokenType('jsxText', { beforeExpr: true }), - jsxTagStart: new TokenType('jsxTagStart', { startsExpr: true }), - jsxTagEnd: new TokenType('jsxTagEnd'), - }; - - tokTypes.jsxTagStart.updateContext = function () { - this.context.push(tc_expr); // treat as beginning of JSX expression - this.context.push(tc_oTag); // start opening tag context - this.exprAllowed = false; - }; - tokTypes.jsxTagEnd.updateContext = function (prevType) { - let out = this.context.pop(); - if ((out === tc_oTag && prevType === tt.slash) || out === tc_cTag) { - this.context.pop(); - this.exprAllowed = this.curContext() === tc_expr; - } else { - this.exprAllowed = true; - } - }; - - acornJsx = { tokContexts: tokContexts, tokTypes: tokTypes }; - acornJsxMap.set(acorn, acornJsx); - } - - return acornJsx; - } - - // Transforms JSX element name to string. - - function getQualifiedJSXName(object) { - if (!object) return object; - - if (object.type === 'JSXIdentifier') return object.name; - - if (object.type === 'JSXNamespacedName') return object.namespace.name + ':' + object.name.name; - - if (object.type === 'JSXMemberExpression') return getQualifiedJSXName(object.object) + '.' + getQualifiedJSXName(object.property); - } - - module.exports = function (options) { - options = options || {}; - return function (Parser) { - return plugin( - { - allowNamespaces: options.allowNamespaces !== false, - allowNamespacedObjects: !!options.allowNamespacedObjects, - }, - Parser - ); - }; - }; - - // This is `tokTypes` of the peer dep. - // This can be different instances from the actual `tokTypes` this plugin uses. - Object.defineProperty(module.exports, 'tokTypes', { - get: function get_tokTypes() { - return getJsxTokens(acorn).tokTypes; - }, - configurable: true, - enumerable: true, - }); - - function plugin(options, Parser) { - const acorn$1 = Parser.acorn || acorn; - const acornJsx = getJsxTokens(acorn$1); - const tt = acorn$1.tokTypes; - const tok = acornJsx.tokTypes; - const tokContexts = acorn$1.tokContexts; - const tc_oTag = acornJsx.tokContexts.tc_oTag; - const tc_cTag = acornJsx.tokContexts.tc_cTag; - const tc_expr = acornJsx.tokContexts.tc_expr; - const isNewLine = acorn$1.isNewLine; - const isIdentifierStart = acorn$1.isIdentifierStart; - const isIdentifierChar = acorn$1.isIdentifierChar; - - return class extends Parser { - // Expose actual `tokTypes` and `tokContexts` to other plugins. - static get acornJsx() { - return acornJsx; - } - - // Reads inline JSX contents token. - jsx_readToken() { - let out = '', - chunkStart = this.pos; - for (;;) { - if (this.pos >= this.input.length) this.raise(this.start, 'Unterminated JSX contents'); - let ch = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos); - - switch (ch) { - case 60: // '<' - case 123: // '{' - if (this.pos === this.start) { - if (ch === 60 && this.exprAllowed) { - ++this.pos; - return this.finishToken(tok.jsxTagStart); - } - return this.getTokenFromCode(ch); - } - out += this.input.slice(chunkStart, this.pos); - return this.finishToken(tok.jsxText, out); - - case 38: // '&' - out += this.input.slice(chunkStart, this.pos); - out += this.jsx_readEntity(); - chunkStart = this.pos; - break; - - case 62: // '>' - case 125: // '}' - this.raise( - this.pos, - 'Unexpected token `' + this.input[this.pos] + '`. Did you mean `' + (ch === 62 ? '>' : '}') + '` or ' + '`{"' + this.input[this.pos] + '"}' + '`?' - ); - - default: - if (isNewLine(ch)) { - out += this.input.slice(chunkStart, this.pos); - out += this.jsx_readNewLine(true); - chunkStart = this.pos; - } else { - ++this.pos; - } - } - } - } - - jsx_readNewLine(normalizeCRLF) { - let ch = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos); - let out; - ++this.pos; - if (ch === 13 && this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos) === 10) { - ++this.pos; - out = normalizeCRLF ? '\n' : '\r\n'; - } else { - out = String.fromCharCode(ch); - } - if (this.options.locations) { - ++this.curLine; - this.lineStart = this.pos; - } - - return out; - } - - jsx_readString(quote) { - let out = '', - chunkStart = ++this.pos; - for (;;) { - if (this.pos >= this.input.length) this.raise(this.start, 'Unterminated string constant'); - let ch = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos); - if (ch === quote) break; - if (ch === 38) { - // '&' - out += this.input.slice(chunkStart, this.pos); - out += this.jsx_readEntity(); - chunkStart = this.pos; - } else if (isNewLine(ch)) { - out += this.input.slice(chunkStart, this.pos); - out += this.jsx_readNewLine(false); - chunkStart = this.pos; - } else { - ++this.pos; - } - } - out += this.input.slice(chunkStart, this.pos++); - return this.finishToken(tt.string, out); - } - - jsx_readEntity() { - let str = '', - count = 0, - entity; - let ch = this.input[this.pos]; - if (ch !== '&') this.raise(this.pos, 'Entity must start with an ampersand'); - let startPos = ++this.pos; - while (this.pos < this.input.length && count++ < 10) { - ch = this.input[this.pos++]; - if (ch === ';') { - if (str[0] === '#') { - if (str[1] === 'x') { - str = str.substr(2); - if (hexNumber.test(str)) entity = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(str, 16)); - } else { - str = str.substr(1); - if (decimalNumber.test(str)) entity = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(str, 10)); - } - } else { - entity = xhtml[str]; - } - break; - } - str += ch; - } - if (!entity) { - this.pos = startPos; - return '&'; - } - return entity; - } - - // Read a JSX identifier (valid tag or attribute name). - // - // Optimized version since JSX identifiers can't contain - // escape characters and so can be read as single slice. - // Also assumes that first character was already checked - // by isIdentifierStart in readToken. - - jsx_readWord() { - let ch, - start = this.pos; - do { - ch = this.input.charCodeAt(++this.pos); - } while (isIdentifierChar(ch) || ch === 45); // '-' - return this.finishToken(tok.jsxName, this.input.slice(start, this.pos)); - } - - // Parse next token as JSX identifier - - jsx_parseIdentifier() { - let node = this.startNode(); - if (this.type === tok.jsxName) node.name = this.value; - else if (this.type.keyword) node.name = this.type.keyword; - else this.unexpected(); - this.next(); - return this.finishNode(node, 'JSXIdentifier'); - } - - // Parse namespaced identifier. - - jsx_parseNamespacedName() { - let startPos = this.start, - startLoc = this.startLoc; - let name = this.jsx_parseIdentifier(); - if (!options.allowNamespaces || !this.eat(tt.colon)) return name; - var node = this.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc); - node.namespace = name; - node.name = this.jsx_parseIdentifier(); - return this.finishNode(node, 'JSXNamespacedName'); - } - - // Parses element name in any form - namespaced, member - // or single identifier. - - jsx_parseElementName() { - if (this.type === tok.jsxTagEnd) return ''; - let startPos = this.start, - startLoc = this.startLoc; - let node = this.jsx_parseNamespacedName(); - if (this.type === tt.dot && node.type === 'JSXNamespacedName' && !options.allowNamespacedObjects) { - this.unexpected(); - } - while (this.eat(tt.dot)) { - let newNode = this.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc); - newNode.object = node; - newNode.property = this.jsx_parseIdentifier(); - node = this.finishNode(newNode, 'JSXMemberExpression'); - } - return node; - } - - // Parses any type of JSX attribute value. - - jsx_parseAttributeValue() { - switch (this.type) { - case tt.braceL: - let node = this.jsx_parseExpressionContainer(); - if (node.expression.type === 'JSXEmptyExpression') this.raise(node.start, 'JSX attributes must only be assigned a non-empty expression'); - return node; - - case tok.jsxTagStart: - case tt.string: - return this.parseExprAtom(); - - default: - this.raise(this.start, 'JSX value should be either an expression or a quoted JSX text'); - } - } - - // JSXEmptyExpression is unique type since it doesn't actually parse anything, - // and so it should start at the end of last read token (left brace) and finish - // at the beginning of the next one (right brace). - - jsx_parseEmptyExpression() { - let node = this.startNodeAt(this.lastTokEnd, this.lastTokEndLoc); - return this.finishNodeAt(node, 'JSXEmptyExpression', this.start, this.startLoc); - } - - // Parses JSX expression enclosed into curly brackets. - - jsx_parseExpressionContainer() { - let node = this.startNode(); - this.next(); - node.expression = this.type === tt.braceR ? this.jsx_parseEmptyExpression() : this.parseExpression(); - this.expect(tt.braceR); - return this.finishNode(node, 'JSXExpressionContainer'); - } - - // Parses following JSX attribute name-value pair. - - jsx_parseAttribute() { - let node = this.startNode(); - if (this.eat(tt.braceL)) { - this.expect(tt.ellipsis); - node.argument = this.parseMaybeAssign(); - this.expect(tt.braceR); - return this.finishNode(node, 'JSXSpreadAttribute'); - } - node.name = this.jsx_parseNamespacedName(); - node.value = this.eat(tt.eq) ? this.jsx_parseAttributeValue() : null; - return this.finishNode(node, 'JSXAttribute'); - } - - // Parses JSX opening tag starting after '<'. - - jsx_parseOpeningElementAt(startPos, startLoc) { - let node = this.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc); - node.attributes = []; - let nodeName = this.jsx_parseElementName(); - if (nodeName) node.name = nodeName; - while (this.type !== tt.slash && this.type !== tok.jsxTagEnd) node.attributes.push(this.jsx_parseAttribute()); - node.selfClosing = this.eat(tt.slash); - this.expect(tok.jsxTagEnd); - return this.finishNode(node, nodeName ? 'JSXOpeningElement' : 'JSXOpeningFragment'); - } - - // Parses JSX closing tag starting after ''); - } - } - let fragmentOrElement = openingElement.name ? 'Element' : 'Fragment'; - - node['opening' + fragmentOrElement] = openingElement; - node['closing' + fragmentOrElement] = closingElement; - node.children = children; - if (this.type === tt.relational && this.value === '<') { - this.raise(this.start, 'Adjacent JSX elements must be wrapped in an enclosing tag'); - } - return this.finishNode(node, 'JSX' + fragmentOrElement); - } - - // Parse JSX text - - jsx_parseText() { - let node = this.parseLiteral(this.value); - node.type = 'JSXText'; - return node; - } - - // Parses entire JSX element from current position. - - jsx_parseElement() { - let startPos = this.start, - startLoc = this.startLoc; - this.next(); - return this.jsx_parseElementAt(startPos, startLoc); - } - - parseExprAtom(refShortHandDefaultPos) { - if (this.type === tok.jsxText) return this.jsx_parseText(); - else if (this.type === tok.jsxTagStart) return this.jsx_parseElement(); - else return super.parseExprAtom(refShortHandDefaultPos); - } - - readToken(code) { - let context = this.curContext(); - - if (context === tc_expr) return this.jsx_readToken(); - - if (context === tc_oTag || context === tc_cTag) { - if (isIdentifierStart(code)) return this.jsx_readWord(); - - if (code == 62) { - ++this.pos; - return this.finishToken(tok.jsxTagEnd); - } - - if ((code === 34 || code === 39) && context == tc_oTag) return this.jsx_readString(code); - } - - if (code === 60 && this.exprAllowed && this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1) !== 33) { - ++this.pos; - return this.finishToken(tok.jsxTagStart); - } - return super.readToken(code); - } - - updateContext(prevType) { - if (this.type == tt.braceL) { - var curContext = this.curContext(); - if (curContext == tc_oTag) this.context.push(tokContexts.b_expr); - else if (curContext == tc_expr) this.context.push(tokContexts.b_tmpl); - else super.updateContext(prevType); - this.exprAllowed = true; - } else if (this.type === tt.slash && prevType === tok.jsxTagStart) { - this.context.length -= 2; // do not consider JSX expr -> JSX open tag -> ... anymore - this.context.push(tc_cTag); // reconsider as closing tag context - this.exprAllowed = false; - } else { - return super.updateContext(prevType); - } - } - }; - } -}); - -const acornJsx$1 = acorn.Parser.extend(acornJsx()); - -const parse = (source) => - acorn.parse(source, { - sourceType: 'module', - ecmaVersion: 2020, - locations: true, - }); - -const parse_expression_at = (source, index) => - acornJsx$1.parseExpressionAt(source, index, { - sourceType: 'module', - ecmaVersion: 2020, - locations: true, - }); - -const whitespace = /[ \t\r\n]/; - -const dimensions = /^(?:offset|client)(?:Width|Height)$/; - -// import { Node } from 'estree'; - -function read_expression(parser) { - try { - const node = parse_expression_at(parser.template, parser.index); - - let num_parens = 0; - - for (let i = parser.index; i < node.start; i += 1) { - if (parser.template[i] === '(') num_parens += 1; - } - - let index = node.end; - while (num_parens > 0) { - const char = parser.template[index]; - - if (char === ')') { - num_parens -= 1; - } else if (!whitespace.test(char)) { - parser.error( - { - code: 'unexpected-token', - message: 'Expected )', - }, - index - ); - } - - index += 1; - } - - parser.index = index; - - return parser.template.substring(node.start, node.end); - // return node as Node; - } catch (err) { - parser.acorn_error(err); - } -} - -const script_closing_tag = ''; - -function get_context(parser, attributes, start) { - const context = attributes.find((attribute) => attribute.name === 'context'); - if (!context) return 'default'; - - if (context.value.length !== 1 || context.value[0].type !== 'Text') { - parser.error( - { - code: 'invalid-script', - message: 'context attribute must be static', - }, - start - ); - } - - const value = context.value[0].data; - - if (value !== 'module') { - parser.error( - { - code: 'invalid-script', - message: 'If the context attribute is supplied, its value must be "module"', - }, - context.start - ); - } - - return value; -} - -function read_script(parser, start, attributes) { - const script_start = parser.index; - const script_end = parser.template.indexOf(script_closing_tag, script_start); - - if (script_end === -1) { - parser.error({ - code: 'unclosed-script', - message: ''; + +function get_context(parser: Parser, attributes: any[], start: number): string { + const context = attributes.find(attribute => attribute.name === 'context'); + if (!context) return 'default'; + + if (context.value.length !== 1 || context.value[0].type !== 'Text') { + parser.error({ + code: 'invalid-script', + message: 'context attribute must be static' + }, start); + } + + const value = context.value[0].data; + + if (value !== 'module') { + parser.error({ + code: 'invalid-script', + message: 'If the context attribute is supplied, its value must be "module"' + }, context.start); + } + + return value; +} + +export default function read_script(parser: Parser, start: number, attributes: Node[]): Script { + const script_start = parser.index; + const script_end = parser.template.indexOf(script_closing_tag, script_start); + + if (script_end === -1) { + parser.error({ + code: 'unclosed-script', + message: '