Provide completion suggestions in component props (#1082)
* Provide completion suggestions in component props * Limit prop completion to props that the component exports
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 173 additions and 18 deletions
@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ export function startServer() {
filterIncompleteCompletions: !evt.initializationOptions?.dontFilterIncompleteCompletions,
definitionLinkSupport: !!evt.capabilities.textDocument?.definition?.linkSupport,
pluginHost.register(new AstroPlugin(docManager, configManager, workspaceUris));
pluginHost.register(new HTMLPlugin(docManager, configManager));
pluginHost.register(new CSSPlugin(docManager, configManager));
pluginHost.register(new TypeScriptPlugin(docManager, configManager, workspaceUris));
pluginHost.register(new AstroPlugin(docManager, configManager, workspaceUris));
configManager.updateEmmetConfig(evt.initializationOptions?.configuration?.emmet || evt.initializationOptions?.emmetConfig || {});
return {
@ -8,14 +8,18 @@ import {
} from 'vscode-languageserver';
import { Node } from 'vscode-html-languageservice';
import { isPossibleClientComponent, pathToUrl, urlToPath } from '../../utils';
import { toVirtualAstroFilePath } from '../typescript/utils';
import { isInsideFrontmatter } from '../../core/documents/utils';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import { LanguageServiceManager as TypeScriptLanguageServiceManager } from '../typescript/LanguageServiceManager';
@ -50,6 +54,13 @@ export class AstroPlugin implements CompletionsProvider, FoldingRangeProvider {
if (clientHint) items.push(...clientHint);
if (!this.isInsideFrontmatter(document, position)) {
const props = await this.getPropCompletions(document, position, completionContext);
if(props.length) {
return CompletionList.create(items, true);
@ -88,27 +99,13 @@ export class AstroPlugin implements CompletionsProvider, FoldingRangeProvider {
const [componentName] = node.tag!.split(':');
const filePath = urlToPath(document.uri);
const tsFilePath = filePath + '.ts';
const { lang } = await this.tsLanguageServiceManager.getTypeScriptDoc(document);
const defs = this.getDefinitionsForComponentName(document, lang, componentName);
const { lang, tsDoc } = await this.tsLanguageServiceManager.getTypeScriptDoc(document);
const sourceFile = lang.getProgram()?.getSourceFile(tsFilePath);
if (!sourceFile) {
return [];
const specifier = this.getImportSpecifierForIdentifier(sourceFile, componentName);
if (!specifier) {
return [];
const defs = lang.getDefinitionAtPosition(tsFilePath, specifier.getStart());
if (!defs) {
return [];
const tsFragment = await tsDoc.getFragment();
const startRange: Range = Range.create(Position.create(0, 0), Position.create(0, 0));
const links = => {
const defFilePath = ensureRealFilePath(def.fileName);
@ -170,6 +167,101 @@ export class AstroPlugin implements CompletionsProvider, FoldingRangeProvider {
return null;
private async getPropCompletions(document: Document, position: Position, completionContext?: CompletionContext): Promise<CompletionItem[]> {
const offset = document.offsetAt(position);
const html = document.html;
const node = html.findNodeAt(offset);
if(!this.isComponentTag(node)) {
return [];
const inAttribute = node.start + node.tag!.length < offset;
if(!inAttribute) {
return [];
// If inside of attributes, skip.
if(completionContext && completionContext.triggerKind === CompletionTriggerKind.TriggerCharacter && completionContext.triggerCharacter === '"') {
return [];
const componentName = node.tag!;
const { lang: thisLang } = await this.tsLanguageServiceManager.getTypeScriptDoc(document);
const defs = this.getDefinitionsForComponentName(document, thisLang, componentName);
if (!defs) {
return [];
const defFilePath = ensureRealFilePath(defs[0].fileName);
const lang = await this.tsLanguageServiceManager.getTypeScriptLangForPath(defFilePath);
const program = lang.getProgram();
const sourceFile = program?.getSourceFile(toVirtualAstroFilePath(defFilePath));
const typeChecker = program?.getTypeChecker();
if(!sourceFile || !typeChecker) {
return [];
let propsNode = this.getPropsNode(sourceFile);
if(!propsNode) {
return [];
const completionItems: CompletionItem[] = [];
for(let type of typeChecker.getBaseTypes(propsNode as unknown as ts.InterfaceType)) {
type.symbol.members!.forEach(mem => {
let item: CompletionItem = {
commitCharacters: []
let description = mem.getDocumentationComment(typeChecker).map(val => val.text).join('\n');
if(description) {
let docs: MarkupContent = {
kind: MarkupKind.Markdown,
value: description
item.documentation = docs;
for(let member of propsNode.members) {
if(! continue;
let name =;
let symbol = typeChecker.getSymbolAtLocation(;
if(!symbol) continue;
let description = symbol.getDocumentationComment(typeChecker).map(val => val.text).join('\n');
let item: CompletionItem = {
label: name,
insertText: name,
commitCharacters: []
if(description) {
let docs: MarkupContent = {
kind: MarkupKind.Markdown,
value: description
item.documentation = docs;
return completionItems;
private isInsideFrontmatter(document: Document, position: Position) {
return isInsideFrontmatter(document.getText(), document.offsetAt(position));
@ -182,6 +274,28 @@ export class AstroPlugin implements CompletionsProvider, FoldingRangeProvider {
return /[A-Z]/.test(firstChar);
private getDefinitionsForComponentName(document: Document, lang: ts.LanguageService, componentName: string): readonly ts.DefinitionInfo[] | undefined {
const filePath = urlToPath(document.uri);
const tsFilePath = toVirtualAstroFilePath(filePath!);
const sourceFile = lang.getProgram()?.getSourceFile(tsFilePath);
if (!sourceFile) {
return undefined;
const specifier = this.getImportSpecifierForIdentifier(sourceFile, componentName);
if (!specifier) {
return [];
const defs = lang.getDefinitionAtPosition(tsFilePath, specifier.getStart());
if (!defs) {
return undefined;
return defs;
private getImportSpecifierForIdentifier(sourceFile: ts.SourceFile, identifier: string): ts.Expression | undefined {
let importSpecifier: ts.Expression | undefined = undefined;
ts.forEachChild(sourceFile, (tsNode) => {
@ -197,4 +311,26 @@ export class AstroPlugin implements CompletionsProvider, FoldingRangeProvider {
return importSpecifier;
private getPropsNode(sourceFile: ts.SourceFile): ts.InterfaceDeclaration | null {
let found: ts.InterfaceDeclaration | null = null;
ts.forEachChild(sourceFile, node => {
if(isNodeExported(node)) {
if(ts.isInterfaceDeclaration(node)) {
if(ts.getNameOfDeclaration(node)?.getText() === 'Props') {
found = node;
return found;
function isNodeExported(node: ts.Node): boolean {
return (
(ts.getCombinedModifierFlags(node as ts.Declaration) & ts.ModifierFlags.Export) !== 0 ||
(!!node.parent && node.parent.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.SourceFile)
@ -31,6 +31,13 @@ export class HTMLPlugin implements CompletionsProvider, FoldingRangeProvider {
return null;
const offset = document.offsetAt(position);
const node = html.findNodeAt(offset);
if(this.isComponentTag(node)) {
return null;
const emmetResults: CompletionList = {
isIncomplete: true,
items: [],
@ -124,4 +131,12 @@ export class HTMLPlugin implements CompletionsProvider, FoldingRangeProvider {
private isInsideFrontmatter(document: Document, position: Position) {
return isInsideFrontmatter(document.getText(), document.offsetAt(position));
private isComponentTag(node: Node): boolean {
if (!node.tag) {
return false;
const firstChar = node.tag[0];
return /[A-Z]/.test(firstChar);
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import * as ts from 'typescript';
import type { Document, DocumentManager } from '../../core/documents';
import type { ConfigManager } from '../../core/config';
import { urlToPath, pathToUrl, debounceSameArg } from '../../utils';
import { getLanguageService, getLanguageServiceForDocument, LanguageServiceContainer, LanguageServiceDocumentContext } from './languageService';
import { getLanguageService, getLanguageServiceForPath, getLanguageServiceForDocument, LanguageServiceContainer, LanguageServiceDocumentContext } from './languageService';
import { SnapshotManager } from './SnapshotManager';
import { DocumentSnapshot } from './DocumentSnapshot';
@ -71,6 +71,10 @@ export class LanguageServiceManager {
return { tsDoc, lang };
async getTypeScriptLangForPath(filePath: string): Promise<ts.LanguageService> {
return getLanguageServiceForPath(filePath, this.workspaceUris, this.docContext);
async getSnapshotManager(filePath: string): Promise<SnapshotManager> {
return (await this.getTypeScriptLanguageService(filePath)).snapshotManager;
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