[ci] format
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 71 additions and 65 deletions
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ export async function getStylesForURL(
const importedCssUrls = new Set<string>();
const importedStylesMap = new Map<string, string>();
for await(const importedModule of crawlGraph(viteServer, viteID(filePath), true)) {
for await (const importedModule of crawlGraph(viteServer, viteID(filePath), true)) {
const ext = path.extname(importedModule.url).toLowerCase();
if (STYLE_EXTENSIONS.has(ext)) {
if (
@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ import { render as coreRender } from '../core.js';
import { RouteCache } from '../route-cache.js';
import { collectMdMetadata } from '../util.js';
import { getStylesForURL } from './css.js';
import { getScriptsForURL } from './scripts.js';
import { resolveClientDevPath } from './resolve.js';
import { getScriptsForURL } from './scripts.js';
export interface SSROptions {
/** an instance of the AstroConfig */
@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
import type { AstroConfig, SSRElement } from '../../../@types/astro';
import type { ModuleInfo } from 'rollup';
import type { PluginMetadata as AstroPluginMetadata } from '../../../vite-plugin-astro/types';
import vite from 'vite';
import slash from 'slash';
import { fileURLToPath } from 'url';
import vite from 'vite';
import type { AstroConfig, SSRElement } from '../../../@types/astro';
import type { PluginMetadata as AstroPluginMetadata } from '../../../vite-plugin-astro/types';
import { viteID } from '../../util.js';
import { createModuleScriptElementWithSrc } from '../ssr-element.js';
import { crawlGraph } from './vite.js';
import { fileURLToPath } from 'url';
export async function getScriptsForURL(
filePath: URL,
astroConfig: AstroConfig,
viteServer: vite.ViteDevServer,
viteServer: vite.ViteDevServer
): Promise<Set<SSRElement>> {
const elements = new Set<SSRElement>();
const rootID = viteID(filePath);
let rootProjectFolder = slash(fileURLToPath(astroConfig.root));
const modInfo = viteServer.pluginContainer.getModuleInfo(rootID);
addHoistedScripts(elements, modInfo, rootProjectFolder);
for await(const moduleNode of crawlGraph(viteServer, rootID, true)) {
for await (const moduleNode of crawlGraph(viteServer, rootID, true)) {
const id = moduleNode.id;
if(id) {
if (id) {
const info = viteServer.pluginContainer.getModuleInfo(id);
addHoistedScripts(elements, info, rootProjectFolder);
@ -29,14 +29,18 @@ export async function getScriptsForURL(
return elements;
function addHoistedScripts(set: Set<SSRElement>, info: ModuleInfo | null, rootProjectFolder: string) {
if(!info?.meta?.astro) {
function addHoistedScripts(
set: Set<SSRElement>,
info: ModuleInfo | null,
rootProjectFolder: string
) {
if (!info?.meta?.astro) {
let id = info.id;
const astro = info?.meta?.astro as AstroPluginMetadata['astro'];
for(let i = 0; i < astro.scripts.length; i++) {
for (let i = 0; i < astro.scripts.length; i++) {
const scriptId = `${id}?astro&type=script&index=${i}&lang.ts`;
const element = createModuleScriptElementWithSrc(scriptId);
@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
import vite from 'vite';
import npath from 'path';
import vite from 'vite';
import { unwrapId } from '../../util.js';
* List of file extensions signalling we can (and should) SSR ahead-of-time
* See usage below
const fileExtensionsToSSR = new Set(['.astro', '.md']);
const fileExtensionsToSSR = new Set(['.astro', '.md']);
/** recursively crawl the module graph to get all style files imported by parent id */
export async function * crawlGraph(
export async function* crawlGraph(
viteServer: vite.ViteDevServer,
_id: string,
isFile: boolean,
scanned = new Set<string>()
) : AsyncGenerator<vite.ModuleNode, void, unknown> {
): AsyncGenerator<vite.ModuleNode, void, unknown> {
const id = unwrapId(_id);
const importedModules = new Set<vite.ModuleNode>();
const moduleEntriesForId = isFile
? // If isFile = true, then you are at the root of your module import tree.
// The `id` arg is a filepath, so use `getModulesByFile()` to collect all
// nodes for that file. This is needed for advanced imports like Tailwind.
viteServer.moduleGraph.getModulesByFile(id) ?? new Set()
// The `id` arg is a filepath, so use `getModulesByFile()` to collect all
// nodes for that file. This is needed for advanced imports like Tailwind.
viteServer.moduleGraph.getModulesByFile(id) ?? new Set()
: // Otherwise, you are following an import in the module import tree.
// You are safe to use getModuleById() here because Vite has already
// resolved the correct `id` for you, by creating the import you followed here.
new Set([viteServer.moduleGraph.getModuleById(id)]);
// You are safe to use getModuleById() here because Vite has already
// resolved the correct `id` for you, by creating the import you followed here.
new Set([viteServer.moduleGraph.getModuleById(id)]);
// Collect all imported modules for the module(s).
for (const entry of moduleEntriesForId) {
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ export async function * crawlGraph(
const { pathname } = new URL(`file://${importedModule.id}`);
if (fileExtensionsToSSR.has(npath.extname(pathname))) {
const mod = viteServer.moduleGraph.getModuleById(importedModule.id);
if(!mod?.ssrModule) {
if (!mod?.ssrModule) {
await viteServer.ssrLoadModule(importedModule.id);
@ -63,6 +63,6 @@ export async function * crawlGraph(
yield importedModule;
yield * crawlGraph(viteServer, importedModule.id, false, scanned);
yield* crawlGraph(viteServer, importedModule.id, false, scanned);
@ -16,45 +16,45 @@ describe('Environment Variables', () => {
before(async () => {
await fixture.build();
it('builds without throwing', async () => {
it('does render public env and private env', async () => {
let indexHtml = await fixture.readFile('/index.html');
it('does render destructured public env and private env', async () => {
let indexHtml = await fixture.readFile('/destructured/index.html');
it('does render builtin SITE env', async () => {
let indexHtml = await fixture.readFile('/index.html');
it('does render destructured builtin SITE env', async () => {
let indexHtml = await fixture.readFile('/destructured/index.html');
it('does render builtin BASE_URL env', async () => {
let indexHtml = await fixture.readFile('/index.html');
it('includes public env in client-side JS', async () => {
let dirs = await fixture.readdir('/');
let found = false;
// Look in all of the .js files to see if the public env is inlined.
// Testing this way prevents hardcoding expected js files.
// If we find it in any of them that's good enough to know its working.
@ -68,14 +68,14 @@ describe('Environment Variables', () => {
expect(found).to.equal(true, 'found the public env variable in the JS build');
it('does not include private env in client-side JS', async () => {
let dirs = await fixture.readdir('/');
let found = false;
// Look in all of the .js files to see if the public env is inlined.
// Testing this way prevents hardcoding expected js files.
// If we find it in any of them that's good enough to know its NOT working.
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ describe('Environment Variables', () => {
expect(found).to.equal(false, 'found the private env variable in the JS build');
@ -19,99 +19,99 @@ describe('Scripts (hoisted and not)', () => {
before(async () => {
await fixture.build();
it('Moves external scripts up', async () => {
const html = await fixture.readFile('/external/index.html');
const $ = cheerio.load(html);
expect($('head script[type="module"]:not([src="/regular_script.js"])')).to.have.lengthOf(1);
expect($('body script')).to.have.lengthOf(0);
it('Moves inline scripts up', async () => {
const html = await fixture.readFile('/inline/index.html');
const $ = cheerio.load(html);
expect($('head script[type="module"]')).to.have.lengthOf(1);
expect($('body script')).to.have.lengthOf(0);
it('Inline page builds the scripts to a single bundle', async () => {
// Inline page
let inline = await fixture.readFile('/inline/index.html');
let $ = cheerio.load(inline);
let $el = $('script');
// test 1: Just one entry module
// test 2: attr removed
const inlineEntryJS = $el.text();
// test 3: the JS exists
// test 4: Inline imported JS is included
'The inline imported JS is included in the bundle'
it("Inline scripts that are shared by multiple pages create chunks, and aren't inlined into the HTML", async () => {
let html = await fixture.readFile('/inline-shared-one/index.html');
let $ = cheerio.load(html);
it('External page builds the hoisted scripts to a single bundle', async () => {
let external = await fixture.readFile('/external/index.html');
let $ = cheerio.load(external);
// test 1: there are two scripts
let el = $('script').get(1);
expect($(el).attr('src')).to.equal(undefined, 'This should have been inlined');
let externalEntryJS = $(el).text();
// test 2: the JS exists
it('External page using non-hoist scripts that are modules are built standalone', async () => {
let external = await fixture.readFile('/external-no-hoist/index.html');
let $ = cheerio.load(external);
// test 1: there is 1 scripts
// test 2: inside assets
let entryURL = $('script').attr('src');
it('External page using non-hoist scripts that are not modules are built standalone', async () => {
let external = await fixture.readFile('/external-no-hoist-classic/index.html');
let $ = cheerio.load(external);
// test 1: there is 1 scripts
// test 2: inside assets
let entryURL = $('script').attr('src');
it('Scripts added via Astro.glob are hoisted', async () => {
let glob = await fixture.readFile('/glob/index.html');
let $ = cheerio.load(glob);
@ -135,10 +135,12 @@ describe('Scripts (hoisted and not)', () => {
let found = 0;
let moduleScripts = $('[type=module]');
moduleScripts.each((i, el) => {
if($(el).attr('src').includes('Glob/GlobComponent.astro?astro&type=script&index=0&lang.ts')) {
if (
) {
Add table
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