diff --git a/packages/astro/src/cli/telemetry.ts b/packages/astro/src/cli/telemetry.ts
index 147e405ab..ff30b35d8 100644
--- a/packages/astro/src/cli/telemetry.ts
+++ b/packages/astro/src/cli/telemetry.ts
@@ -44,4 +44,3 @@ export async function update(subcommand: string, { flags, telemetry }: Telemetry
diff --git a/packages/astro/src/core/render/result.ts b/packages/astro/src/core/render/result.ts
index 27fc652d8..1bee4ab77 100644
--- a/packages/astro/src/core/render/result.ts
+++ b/packages/astro/src/core/render/result.ts
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ ${extra}`
_metadata: {
- needsHydrationStyles: false
+ needsHydrationStyles: false,
diff --git a/packages/astro/src/runtime/server/astro-island.ts b/packages/astro/src/runtime/server/astro-island.ts
index 3eadeb1f5..8cb573cf8 100644
--- a/packages/astro/src/runtime/server/astro-island.ts
+++ b/packages/astro/src/runtime/server/astro-island.ts
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ customElements.define('astro-island', class extends HTMLElement {
* This is a minified version of the above. If you modify the above you need to
* copy/paste it into a .js file and then run:
* > node_modules/.bin/terser --mangle --compress -- file.js
- *
+ *
* And copy/paste the result below
export const islandScript = `customElements.define("astro-island",class extends HTMLElement{async connectedCallback(){const[{default:t}]=await Promise.all([import(this.getAttribute("directive-url")),import(this.getAttribute("before-hydration-url"))]);const e=JSON.parse(this.getAttribute("opts"));t(this,e,(async()=>{const t=this.getAttribute("props");const e=t?JSON.parse(t):{};const r=this.getAttribute("renderer-url");const[{default:s},{default:i}]=await Promise.all([import(this.getAttribute("component-url")),r?import(r):()=>()=>{}]);return(t,r)=>i(t)(s,e,r)}))}});`;
diff --git a/packages/astro/src/runtime/server/hydration.ts b/packages/astro/src/runtime/server/hydration.ts
index f29379b10..04d678c3f 100644
--- a/packages/astro/src/runtime/server/hydration.ts
+++ b/packages/astro/src/runtime/server/hydration.ts
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import { hydrationSpecifier, serializeListValue } from './util.js';
import { escapeHTML } from './escape.js';
import serializeJavaScript from 'serialize-javascript';
// Serializes props passed into a component so that they can be reused during hydration.
// The value is any
export function serializeProps(value: any) {
@@ -116,25 +115,27 @@ export async function generateHydrateScript(
children: '',
props: {
// This is for HMR, probably can avoid it in prod
- uid: astroId
- }
+ uid: astroId,
+ },
// Add component url
island.props['component-url'] = await result.resolve(componentUrl);
// Add renderer url
- if(renderer.clientEntrypoint) {
+ if (renderer.clientEntrypoint) {
island.props['renderer-url'] = await result.resolve(renderer.clientEntrypoint);
island.props['props'] = escapeHTML(serializeProps(props));
island.props['directive-url'] = await result.resolve(hydrationSpecifier(hydrate));
island.props['before-hydration-url'] = await result.resolve('astro:scripts/before-hydration.js');
- island.props['opts'] = escapeHTML(JSON.stringify({
- name: metadata.displayName,
- value: metadata.hydrateArgs || ''
- }))
+ island.props['opts'] = escapeHTML(
+ JSON.stringify({
+ name: metadata.displayName,
+ value: metadata.hydrateArgs || '',
+ })
+ );
return island;
diff --git a/packages/astro/src/runtime/server/index.ts b/packages/astro/src/runtime/server/index.ts
index 69c97144b..aa2d1d574 100644
--- a/packages/astro/src/runtime/server/index.ts
+++ b/packages/astro/src/runtime/server/index.ts
@@ -321,27 +321,22 @@ If you're still stuck, please open an issue on GitHub or join us at https://astr
const needsAstroTemplate = children && !/<\/?astro-fragment\>/.test(html);
const template = needsAstroTemplate ? `${children}` : '';
- if(needsAstroTemplate) {
+ if (needsAstroTemplate) {
island.props.tmpl = '';
- island.children = `${
- html ?? ''
- }${template}`;
+ island.children = `${html ?? ''}${template}`;
// Add the astro-island definition only once. Since the SSRResult object
// is scoped to a page renderer we can use it as a key to know if the script
// has been rendered or not.
let script = '';
- if(!resultsWithHydrationScript.has(result)) {
+ if (!resultsWithHydrationScript.has(result)) {
script = ``;
- return markHTMLString(
- script +
- renderElement('astro-island', island, false)
- );
+ return markHTMLString(script + renderElement('astro-island', island, false));
/** Create the Astro.fetchContent() runtime function. */
diff --git a/packages/telemetry/src/events/session.ts b/packages/telemetry/src/events/session.ts
index fce5976aa..ee1daca89 100644
--- a/packages/telemetry/src/events/session.ts
+++ b/packages/telemetry/src/events/session.ts
@@ -45,24 +45,37 @@ function getExperimentalFeatures(astroConfig?: Record): string[] |
}, [] as string[]);
-const secondLevelViteKeys = new Set(["resolve", "css", "json", "server", "server.fs", "build", "preview", "optimizeDeps", "ssr", "worker"]);
+const secondLevelViteKeys = new Set([
+ 'resolve',
+ 'css',
+ 'json',
+ 'server',
+ 'server.fs',
+ 'build',
+ 'preview',
+ 'optimizeDeps',
+ 'ssr',
+ 'worker',
function viteConfigKeys(obj: Record | undefined, parentKey: string): string[] {
- if(!obj) {
+ if (!obj) {
return [];
- return Object.entries(obj).map(([key, value]) => {
- if(typeof value === 'object' && !Array.isArray(value)) {
- const localKey = parentKey ? parentKey + '.' + key : key;
- if(secondLevelViteKeys.has(localKey)) {
- let keys = viteConfigKeys(value, localKey).map(subkey => key + '.' + subkey);
- keys.unshift(key);
- return keys;
+ return Object.entries(obj)
+ .map(([key, value]) => {
+ if (typeof value === 'object' && !Array.isArray(value)) {
+ const localKey = parentKey ? parentKey + '.' + key : key;
+ if (secondLevelViteKeys.has(localKey)) {
+ let keys = viteConfigKeys(value, localKey).map((subkey) => key + '.' + subkey);
+ keys.unshift(key);
+ return keys;
+ }
- }
- return key;
- }).flat(1);
+ return key;
+ })
+ .flat(1);
export function eventCliSession(
@@ -79,11 +92,10 @@ export function eventCliSession(
config: astroConfig
? {
hasViteConfig: Object.keys(astroConfig?.vite).length > 0,
- markdownPlugins:
- [
- astroConfig?.markdown?.remarkPlugins ?? [],
- astroConfig?.markdown?.rehypePlugins ?? [],
- ].flat(1),
+ markdownPlugins: [
+ astroConfig?.markdown?.remarkPlugins ?? [],
+ astroConfig?.markdown?.rehypePlugins ?? [],
+ ].flat(1),
hasBase: astroConfig?.base !== '/',
viteKeys: viteConfigKeys(astroConfig?.vite, ''),
adapter: astroConfig?.adapter?.name ?? null,
diff --git a/packages/telemetry/test/session-event.test.js b/packages/telemetry/test/session-event.test.js
index 5a23bade8..354ed2878 100644
--- a/packages/telemetry/test/session-event.test.js
+++ b/packages/telemetry/test/session-event.test.js
@@ -17,32 +17,45 @@ describe('Session event', () => {
a: 'b',
publicDir: 'some/dir',
- }
+ },
- const [{ payload }] = events.eventCliSession({
- cliCommand: 'dev',
- astroVersion: '0.0.0'
- }, config);
- expect(payload.config.viteKeys).is.deep.equal(['css', 'css.modules', 'base', 'mode', 'define', 'publicDir']);
- })
+ const [{ payload }] = events.eventCliSession(
+ {
+ cliCommand: 'dev',
+ astroVersion: '0.0.0',
+ },
+ config
+ );
+ expect(payload.config.viteKeys).is.deep.equal([
+ 'css',
+ 'css.modules',
+ 'base',
+ 'mode',
+ 'define',
+ 'publicDir',
+ ]);
+ });
it('vite.resolve keys are captured', async () => {
const config = await mockConfig({
vite: {
resolve: {
alias: {
- a: 'b'
+ a: 'b',
- dedupe: ['one', 'two']
- }
- }
+ dedupe: ['one', 'two'],
+ },
+ },
- const [{ payload }] = events.eventCliSession({
- cliCommand: 'dev',
- astroVersion: '0.0.0'
- }, config);
+ const [{ payload }] = events.eventCliSession(
+ {
+ cliCommand: 'dev',
+ astroVersion: '0.0.0',
+ },
+ config
+ );
expect(payload.config.viteKeys).is.deep.equal(['resolve', 'resolve.alias', 'resolve.dedupe']);
@@ -50,20 +63,29 @@ describe('Session event', () => {
const config = await mockConfig({
vite: {
resolve: {
- dedupe: ['one', 'two']
+ dedupe: ['one', 'two'],
css: {
modules: [],
- postcss: {}
- }
- }
+ postcss: {},
+ },
+ },
- const [{ payload }] = events.eventCliSession({
- cliCommand: 'dev',
- astroVersion: '0.0.0'
- }, config);
- expect(payload.config.viteKeys).is.deep.equal(['resolve', 'resolve.dedupe', 'css', 'css.modules', 'css.postcss']);
+ const [{ payload }] = events.eventCliSession(
+ {
+ cliCommand: 'dev',
+ astroVersion: '0.0.0',
+ },
+ config
+ );
+ expect(payload.config.viteKeys).is.deep.equal([
+ 'resolve',
+ 'resolve.dedupe',
+ 'css',
+ 'css.modules',
+ 'css.postcss',
+ ]);
it('vite.server keys are captured', async () => {
@@ -74,17 +96,27 @@ describe('Session event', () => {
open: true,
fs: {
strict: true,
- allow: ['a', 'b']
- }
- }
- }
+ allow: ['a', 'b'],
+ },
+ },
+ },
- const [{ payload }] = events.eventCliSession({
- cliCommand: 'dev',
- astroVersion: '0.0.0'
- }, config);
- expect(payload.config.viteKeys).is.deep.equal(['server', 'server.host', 'server.open', 'server.fs', 'server.fs.strict', 'server.fs.allow']);
+ const [{ payload }] = events.eventCliSession(
+ {
+ cliCommand: 'dev',
+ astroVersion: '0.0.0',
+ },
+ config
+ );
+ expect(payload.config.viteKeys).is.deep.equal([
+ 'server',
+ 'server.host',
+ 'server.open',
+ 'server.fs',
+ 'server.fs.strict',
+ 'server.fs.allow',
+ ]);
it('vite.build keys are captured', async () => {
@@ -94,20 +126,27 @@ describe('Session event', () => {
target: 'one',
outDir: 'some/dir',
cssTarget: {
- one: 'two'
- }
- }
- }
+ one: 'two',
+ },
+ },
+ },
- const [{ payload }] = events.eventCliSession({
- cliCommand: 'dev',
- astroVersion: '0.0.0'
- }, config);
- expect(payload.config.viteKeys).is.deep.equal(['build', 'build.target', 'build.outDir', 'build.cssTarget']);
+ const [{ payload }] = events.eventCliSession(
+ {
+ cliCommand: 'dev',
+ astroVersion: '0.0.0',
+ },
+ config
+ );
+ expect(payload.config.viteKeys).is.deep.equal([
+ 'build',
+ 'build.target',
+ 'build.outDir',
+ 'build.cssTarget',
+ ]);
it('vite.preview keys are captured', async () => {
const config = await mockConfig({
vite: {
@@ -115,17 +154,25 @@ describe('Session event', () => {
host: 'example.com',
port: 8080,
another: {
- a: 'b'
- }
- }
- }
+ a: 'b',
+ },
+ },
+ },
- const [{ payload }] = events.eventCliSession({
- cliCommand: 'dev',
- astroVersion: '0.0.0'
- }, config);
- expect(payload.config.viteKeys).is.deep.equal(['preview', 'preview.host', 'preview.port', 'preview.another']);
+ const [{ payload }] = events.eventCliSession(
+ {
+ cliCommand: 'dev',
+ astroVersion: '0.0.0',
+ },
+ config
+ );
+ expect(payload.config.viteKeys).is.deep.equal([
+ 'preview',
+ 'preview.host',
+ 'preview.port',
+ 'preview.another',
+ ]);
it('vite.optimizeDeps keys are captured', async () => {
@@ -133,16 +180,23 @@ describe('Session event', () => {
vite: {
optimizeDeps: {
entries: ['one', 'two'],
- exclude: ['secret', 'name']
- }
- }
+ exclude: ['secret', 'name'],
+ },
+ },
- const [{ payload }] = events.eventCliSession({
- cliCommand: 'dev',
- astroVersion: '0.0.0'
- }, config);
- expect(payload.config.viteKeys).is.deep.equal(['optimizeDeps', 'optimizeDeps.entries', 'optimizeDeps.exclude']);
+ const [{ payload }] = events.eventCliSession(
+ {
+ cliCommand: 'dev',
+ astroVersion: '0.0.0',
+ },
+ config
+ );
+ expect(payload.config.viteKeys).is.deep.equal([
+ 'optimizeDeps',
+ 'optimizeDeps.entries',
+ 'optimizeDeps.exclude',
+ ]);
it('vite.ssr keys are captured', async () => {
@@ -150,15 +204,18 @@ describe('Session event', () => {
vite: {
ssr: {
external: ['a'],
- target: { one: 'two' }
- }
- }
+ target: { one: 'two' },
+ },
+ },
- const [{ payload }] = events.eventCliSession({
- cliCommand: 'dev',
- astroVersion: '0.0.0'
- }, config);
+ const [{ payload }] = events.eventCliSession(
+ {
+ cliCommand: 'dev',
+ astroVersion: '0.0.0',
+ },
+ config
+ );
expect(payload.config.viteKeys).is.deep.equal(['ssr', 'ssr.external', 'ssr.target']);
@@ -167,15 +224,18 @@ describe('Session event', () => {
vite: {
worker: {
format: { a: 'b' },
- plugins: ['a', 'b']
- }
- }
+ plugins: ['a', 'b'],
+ },
+ },
- const [{ payload }] = events.eventCliSession({
- cliCommand: 'dev',
- astroVersion: '0.0.0'
- }, config);
+ const [{ payload }] = events.eventCliSession(
+ {
+ cliCommand: 'dev',
+ astroVersion: '0.0.0',
+ },
+ config
+ );
expect(payload.config.viteKeys).is.deep.equal(['worker', 'worker.format', 'worker.plugins']);