Nate Moore
Update VS Code package
2021-08-11 14:41:21 -05:00 |
Fred K. Schott
get build-all passing (#795)
2021-07-21 17:39:14 -07:00 |
Nate Moore
Fix VS Code extension (#467)
* chore: astro-languageserver => @astrojs/language-server
* chore: astro-vscode => vscode
* chore: move devDeps to deps
* chore: bump language-server to 0.5.0-next.0
* chore: remove astro-docs
* chore: update changelog
* fix: expose `astro-ls` bin
* fix: vscode extension
* chore: update changelog
2021-06-16 13:20:29 -05:00 |
Nate Moore
Split out astro-languageserver and astro-vscode (#173)
2021-05-05 12:44:31 -05:00 |
Drew Powers
Format (#167)
2021-05-03 12:26:10 -06:00 |
Nate Moore
Migrate to yarn monorepo (#157)
* chore: use monorepo
* chore: scaffold astro-scripts
* chore: move tests inside packages/astro
* chore: refactor tests, add scripts
* chore: move parser to own module
* chore: move runtime to packages/astro
* fix: move parser to own package
* test: fix prettier-plugin-astro tests
* fix: tests
* chore: update package-lock
* chore: add changesets
* fix: cleanup examples
* fix: starter example
* chore: update changeset config
* chore: update changeset config
* chore: setup changeset release workflow
* chore: bump lockfiles
* chore: prism => astro-prism
* fix: tsc --emitDeclarationOnly
* chore: final cleanup, switch to yarn
* chore: add lerna
* chore: update workflows to yarn
* chore: update workflows
* chore: remove lint workflow
* chore: add astro-dev script
* chore: add symlinked README
2021-04-30 16:33:35 -05:00 |