import { expect } from 'chai'; import { parseHTML } from 'linkedom'; import { loadFixture } from '../../../astro/test/test-utils.js'; const root = new URL('./fixtures/image-assets/', import.meta.url); describe('Markdoc - Image assets', () => { let baseFixture; before(async () => { baseFixture = await loadFixture({ root, }); }); describe('dev', () => { let devServer; before(async () => { devServer = await baseFixture.startDevServer(); }); after(async () => { await devServer.stop(); }); it('uses public/ image paths unchanged', async () => { const res = await baseFixture.fetch('/'); const html = await res.text(); const { document } = parseHTML(html); expect(document.querySelector('#public > img')?.src).to.equal('/favicon.svg'); }); it('transforms relative image paths to optimized path', async () => { const res = await baseFixture.fetch('/'); const html = await res.text(); const { document } = parseHTML(html); expect(document.querySelector('#relative > img')?.src).to.match( /\/_image\?href=.*%2Fsrc%2Fassets%2Frelative%2Foar.jpg%3ForigWidth%3D420%26origHeight%3D630%26origFormat%3Djpg&f=webp/ ); }); it('transforms aliased image paths to optimized path', async () => { const res = await baseFixture.fetch('/'); const html = await res.text(); const { document } = parseHTML(html); expect(document.querySelector('#alias > img')?.src).to.match( /\/_image\?href=.*%2Fsrc%2Fassets%2Falias%2Fcityscape.jpg%3ForigWidth%3D420%26origHeight%3D280%26origFormat%3Djpg&f=webp/ ); }); }); describe('build', () => { before(async () => { await; }); it('uses public/ image paths unchanged', async () => { const html = await baseFixture.readFile('/index.html'); const { document } = parseHTML(html); expect(document.querySelector('#public > img')?.src).to.equal('/favicon.svg'); }); it('transforms relative image paths to optimized path', async () => { const html = await baseFixture.readFile('/index.html'); const { document } = parseHTML(html); expect(document.querySelector('#relative > img')?.src).to.match(/^\/_astro\/oar.*\.webp$/); }); it('transforms aliased image paths to optimized path', async () => { const html = await baseFixture.readFile('/index.html'); const { document } = parseHTML(html); expect(document.querySelector('#alias > img')?.src).to.match(/^\/_astro\/cityscape.*\.webp$/); }); }); });