import mdx from '@astrojs/mdx'; import { expect } from 'chai'; import { visit as estreeVisit } from 'estree-util-visit'; import { parseHTML } from 'linkedom'; import remarkToc from 'remark-toc'; import { loadFixture } from '../../../astro/test/test-utils.js'; const FIXTURE_ROOT = new URL('./fixtures/mdx-plugins/', import.meta.url); const FILE = '/with-plugins/index.html'; describe('MDX plugins', () => { it('supports custom remark plugins - TOC', async () => { const fixture = await buildFixture({ integrations: [ mdx({ remarkPlugins: [remarkToc], }), ], }); const html = await fixture.readFile(FILE); const { document } = parseHTML(html); expect(selectTocLink(document)); }); it('Applies GFM by default', async () => { const fixture = await buildFixture({ integrations: [mdx()], }); const html = await fixture.readFile(FILE); const { document } = parseHTML(html); expect(selectGfmLink(document)); }); it('Applies SmartyPants by default', async () => { const fixture = await buildFixture({ integrations: [mdx()], }); const html = await fixture.readFile(FILE); const { document } = parseHTML(html); const quote = selectSmartypantsQuote(document); expect(quote); expect(quote.textContent).to.contain('“Smartypants” is — awesome'); }); it('supports custom rehype plugins', async () => { const fixture = await buildFixture({ integrations: [ mdx({ rehypePlugins: [rehypeExamplePlugin], }), ], }); const html = await fixture.readFile(FILE); const { document } = parseHTML(html); expect(selectRehypeExample(document)); }); it('supports custom rehype plugins with namespaced attributes', async () => { const fixture = await buildFixture({ integrations: [ mdx({ rehypePlugins: [rehypeSvgPlugin], }), ], }); const html = await fixture.readFile(FILE); const { document } = parseHTML(html); expect(selectRehypeSvg(document)); }); it('extends markdown config by default', async () => { const fixture = await buildFixture({ markdown: { remarkPlugins: [remarkExamplePlugin], rehypePlugins: [rehypeExamplePlugin], }, integrations: [mdx()], }); const html = await fixture.readFile(FILE); const { document } = parseHTML(html); expect(selectRemarkExample(document)); expect(selectRehypeExample(document)); }); it('ignores string-based plugins in markdown config', async () => { const fixture = await buildFixture({ markdown: { remarkPlugins: [['remark-toc', {}]], }, integrations: [mdx()], }); const html = await fixture.readFile(FILE); const { document } = parseHTML(html); expect(selectTocLink(document)); }); for (const extendMarkdownConfig of [true, false]) { describe(`extendMarkdownConfig = ${extendMarkdownConfig}`, () => { let fixture; before(async () => { fixture = await buildFixture({ markdown: { remarkPlugins: [remarkToc], gfm: false, smartypants: false, }, integrations: [ mdx({ extendMarkdownConfig, remarkPlugins: [remarkExamplePlugin], rehypePlugins: [rehypeExamplePlugin], }), ], }); }); it('Handles MDX plugins', async () => { const html = await fixture.readFile(FILE); const { document } = parseHTML(html); expect(selectRemarkExample(document, 'MDX remark plugins not applied.')); expect(selectRehypeExample(document, 'MDX rehype plugins not applied.')); }); it('Handles Markdown plugins', async () => { const html = await fixture.readFile(FILE); const { document } = parseHTML(html); expect( selectTocLink( document, '`remarkToc` plugin applied unexpectedly. Should override Markdown config.' ) ); }); it('Handles gfm', async () => { const html = await fixture.readFile(FILE); const { document } = parseHTML(html); if (extendMarkdownConfig === true) { expect(selectGfmLink(document), 'Does not respect `markdown.gfm` option.'); } else { expect(selectGfmLink(document), 'Respects `markdown.gfm` unexpectedly.'); } }); it('Handles smartypants', async () => { const html = await fixture.readFile(FILE); const { document } = parseHTML(html); const quote = selectSmartypantsQuote(document); if (extendMarkdownConfig === true) { expect(quote.textContent, 'Does not respect `markdown.smartypants` option.').to.contain( '"Smartypants" is -- awesome' ); } else { expect(quote.textContent, 'Respects `markdown.smartypants` unexpectedly.').to.contain( '“Smartypants” is — awesome' ); } }); }); } it('supports custom recma plugins', async () => { const fixture = await buildFixture({ integrations: [ mdx({ recmaPlugins: [recmaExamplePlugin], }), ], }); const html = await fixture.readFile(FILE); const { document } = parseHTML(html); expect(selectRecmaExample(document)); }); }); async function buildFixture(config) { const fixture = await loadFixture({ root: FIXTURE_ROOT, ...config, }); await; return fixture; } function remarkExamplePlugin() { return (tree) => { tree.children.push({ type: 'html', value: '
', }); }; } function rehypeExamplePlugin() { return (tree) => { tree.children.push({ type: 'element', tagName: 'div', properties: { 'data-rehype-plugin-works': 'true' }, }); }; } function rehypeSvgPlugin() { return (tree) => { tree.children.push({ type: 'element', tagName: 'svg', properties: { xmlns: '' }, children: [ { type: 'element', tagName: 'use', properties: { xLinkHref: '#icon' }, }, ], }); }; } function recmaExamplePlugin() { return (tree) => { estreeVisit(tree, (node) => { if ( node.type === 'VariableDeclarator' && === 'recmaPluginWorking' && node.init?.type === 'Literal' ) { node.init = { ...(node.init ?? {}), value: true, raw: 'true', }; } }); }; } function selectTocLink(document) { return document.querySelector('ul a[href="#section-1"]'); } function selectGfmLink(document) { return document.querySelector('a[href=""]'); } function selectSmartypantsQuote(document) { return document.querySelector('blockquote'); } function selectRemarkExample(document) { return document.querySelector('div[data-remark-plugin-works]'); } function selectRehypeExample(document) { return document.querySelector('div[data-rehype-plugin-works]'); } function selectRehypeSvg(document) { return document.querySelector('svg > use[xlink\\:href]'); } function selectRecmaExample(document) { return document.querySelector('div[data-recma-plugin-works]'); }