import type { AstroIntegration, AstroConfig } from 'astro'; import type { IncomingMessage, ServerResponse } from 'http'; import type { PathLike } from 'fs'; import fs from 'fs/promises'; import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'; import { globby } from 'globby'; import esbuild from 'esbuild'; export type VercelRequest = IncomingMessage; export type VercelResponse = ServerResponse; export type VercelHandler = (request: VercelRequest, response: VercelResponse) => void | Promise; const writeJson = (path: PathLike, data: any) => fs.writeFile(path, JSON.stringify(data), { encoding: 'utf-8' }); const ENDPOINT_GLOB = 'api/**/*.{js,ts,tsx}'; function vercelFunctions(): AstroIntegration { let _config: AstroConfig; let output: URL; return { name: '@astrojs/vercel', hooks: { 'astro:config:setup': ({ config, ignorePages }) => { output = new URL('./.output/', config.projectRoot); config.dist = new URL('./static/', output); config.buildOptions.pageUrlFormat = 'directory'; ignorePages(ENDPOINT_GLOB); }, 'astro:config:done': async ({ config }) => { _config = config; }, 'astro:build:start': async () => { await fs.rm(output, { recursive: true, force: true }); }, 'astro:build:done': async ({ pages }) => { // Split pages from the rest of files await Promise.all( ({ pathname }) => { const origin = new URL(`./static/${pathname}index.html`, output); const finalDir = new URL(`./server/pages/${pathname}`, output); await fs.mkdir(finalDir, { recursive: true }); await fs.copyFile(origin, new URL(`./index.html`, finalDir)); await fs.rm(origin); }) ); // Routes Manifest // await writeJson(new URL(`./routes-manifest.json`, output), { version: 3, basePath: '/', pages404: false, }); const endpoints = await globby([ENDPOINT_GLOB, '!_*'], { onlyFiles: true, cwd: _config.pages }); if (endpoints.length === 0) return; await{ entryPoints: => new URL(endpoint, _config.pages)).map(fileURLToPath), outdir: fileURLToPath(new URL('./server/pages/api/', output)), outbase: fileURLToPath(new URL('./api/', _config.pages)), inject: [fileURLToPath(new URL('./shims.js', import.meta.url))], bundle: true, target: 'node14', platform: 'node', format: 'cjs', }); await writeJson(new URL(`./package.json`, output), { type: 'commonjs' }); }, }, }; } export default vercelFunctions;