# Astro Lit Renderer This is a plugin for [Astro](https://astro.build/) apps that enables server-side rendering of custom elements build with [Lit](https://lit.dev/). Server-side rendering uses [Declarative Shadow DOM](https://web.dev/declarative-shadow-dom/), a new web technology that allows custom elements to be rendered to HTML with __0 JavaScript__. ## Installation Install `@astrojs/renderer-lit` and then add it to your `astro.config.mjs` in the `renderers` property: ``` npm install @astrojs/renderer-lit ``` __astro.config.mjs__ ```js export default { // ... renderers: [ // ... '@astrojs/renderer-lit' ] } ``` ## Usage If you're familiar with Astro then you already know that you can import components into your templates and use them. What's different about custom elements is you can use the *tag name* directly. Astro needs to know which tag is associated with which component script. We expose this through exporting a `tagName` variable from the component script. It looks like this: __src/components/my-element.js__ ```js import { LitElement, html } from 'lit'; export const tagName = 'my-element'; class MyElement extends LitElement { render() { return html`
Hello world! From my-element
`; } } customElements.define(tagName, MyElement); ``` > Note that exporting the `tagName` is __required__ if you want to use the tag name in your templates. Otherwise you can export and use the constructor, like with non custom element frameworks. In your Astro template import this component as a side-effect and use the element. __src/pages/index.astro__ ```astro --- import '../components/my-element.js'; ---