# @astrojs/sitemap 🗺 This **[Astro integration][astro-integration]** generates a sitemap for your Astro project. Sitemaps outline all of the pages, videos, and files on your site. Search engines like Google read this file to crawl your site more efficiently. [See Google's own advice on sitemaps](https://developers.google.com/search/docs/advanced/sitemaps/overview) to learn more. ## Installation There are two ways to add integrations to your project. Let's try the most convenient option first! ### (experimental) `astro add` command Astro includes a CLI tool for adding first party integrations: `astro add`. This command will: 1. (Optionally) Install all necessary dependencies and peer dependencies 2. (Also optionally) Update your `astro.config.*` file to apply this integration To install `@astrojs/sitemap`, run the following from your project directory and follow the prompts: ```sh # Using NPM npx astro add sitemap # Using Yarn yarn astro add sitemap # Using PNPM pnpx astro add sitemap ``` If you run into any hiccups, [feel free to log an issue on our GitHub](https://github.com/withastro/astro/issues) and try the manual installation steps below. ### Install dependencies manually First, install the `@astrojs/sitemap` integration like so: ``` npm install @astrojs/sitemap ``` Then, apply this integration to your `astro.config.*` file using the `integrations` property: __astro.config.mjs__ ```js import sitemap from '@astrojs/sitemap'; export default { // ... integrations: [sitemap()], } ``` ## Getting started `@astrojs/sitemap` requires a deployment / site URL for generation. Add your site's URL under your `astro.config.*` using the `site` property: __astro.config.mjs__ ```js import sitemap from '@astrojs/sitemap'; export default { // ... site: 'https://stargazers.club', integrations: [sitemap()], } ``` Now, [build your site for production](https://docs.astro.build/en/reference/cli-reference/#astro-build) via the `astro build` command. You should find your _sitemap_ under `dist/sitemap-index.xml` and `dist/sitemap-0.xml`! Generated sitemap content for two pages website: **sitemap-index.xml** ```xml https://stargazers.club/sitemap-0.xml ``` **sitemap-0.xml** ```xml https://stargazers.club/ https://stargazers.club/second-page/ ``` You can also check our [Astro Integration Documentation][astro-integration] for more on integrations. ## Configuration ### filter All pages are included in your sitemap by default. By adding a custom `filter`, you can filter included pages by URL. __astro.config.mjs__ ```js import sitemap from '@astrojs/sitemap'; export default { site: 'https://stargazers.club', integrations: [ sitemap({ filter: (page) => page !== 'https://stargazers.club/secret-vip-lounge' }), ], } ``` The `page` function parameter is the full URL of your rendered page, including your `site` domain. Return `true` to include a page in your sitemap, and `false` to remove it. ### canonicalURL If present, we use the `site` config option as the base for all sitemap URLs. Use `canonicalURL` to override this. __astro.config.mjs__ ```js import sitemap from '@astrojs/sitemap'; export default { site: 'https://stargazers.club', integrations: [ sitemap({ // https://astronaut.party will be used for all sitemap URLs instead canonicalURL: 'https://astronaut.party', }), ], } ``` ### entryLimit Non-negative `Number` of entries per sitemap file. Default value is 45000. A sitemap index and multiple sitemaps are created if you have more entries. See explanation on [Google](https://developers.google.com/search/docs/advanced/sitemaps/large-sitemaps). __astro.config.mjs__ ```js import sitemap from '@astrojs/sitemap'; export default { site: 'https://stargazers.club', integrations: [ sitemap({ entryLimit: 10000, }), ], } ``` ### changefreq, lastmod, priority `changefreq` - How frequently the page is likely to change. Available values: `always` \| `hourly` \| `daily` \| `weekly` \| `monthly` \| `yearly` \| `never`. `priority` - The priority of this URL relative to other URLs on your site. Valid values range from 0.0 to 1.0. `lastmod` - The date of page last modification. `changefreq` and `priority` are ignored by Google. See detailed explanation of sitemap specific options on [sitemap.org](https://www.sitemaps.org/protocol.html). :exclamation: This integration uses 'astro:build:done' hook. The hook exposes generated page paths only. So with present version of Astro the integration has no abilities to analyze a page source, frontmatter etc. The integration can add `changefreq`, `lastmod` and `priority` attributes only in a batch or nothing. __astro.config.mjs__ ```js import sitemap from '@astrojs/sitemap'; export default { site: 'https://stargazers.club', integrations: [ sitemap({ changefreq: 'weekly', priority: 0.7, lastmod: new Date('2022-02-24'), }), ], } ``` ### serialize Async or sync function called for each sitemap entry just before writing to a disk. It receives as parameter `SitemapItem` object which consists of `url` (required, absolute page URL) and optional `changefreq`, `lastmod`, `priority` and `links` properties. Optional `links` property contains a `LinkItem` list of alternate pages including a parent page. `LinkItem` type has two required fields: `url` (the fully-qualified URL for the version of this page for the specified language) and `hreflang` (a supported language code targeted by this version of the page). `serialize` function should return `SitemapItem`, touched or not. The example below shows the ability to add the sitemap specific properties individually. __astro.config.mjs__ ```js import sitemap from '@astrojs/sitemap'; export default { site: 'https://stargazers.club', integrations: [ sitemap({ serialize(item) { if (/your-special-page/.test(item.url)) { item.changefreq = 'daily'; item.lastmod = new Date(); item.priority = 0.9; } return item; }, }), ], } ``` ### i18n To localize a sitemap you should supply the integration config with the `i18n` option. The integration will check generated page paths on presence of locale keys in paths. `i18n` object has two required properties: - `defaultLocale`: `String`. Its value must exist as one of `locales` keys. - `locales`: `Record`, key/value - pairs. The key is used to look for a locale part in a page path. The value is a language attribute, only English alphabet and hyphen allowed. See more about language attribute on [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Global_attributes/lang). Read more about localization on Google in [Advanced SEO](https://developers.google.com/search/docs/advanced/crawling/localized-versions#all-method-guidelines). __astro.config.mjs__ ```js import sitemap from '@astrojs/sitemap'; export default { site: 'https://stargazers.club', integrations: [ sitemap({ i18n: { defaultLocale: 'en', // All urls that don't contain `es` or `fr` after `https://stargazers.club/` will be treated as default locale, i.e. `en` locales: { en: 'en-US', // The `defaultLocale` value must present in `locales` keys es: 'es-ES', fr: 'fr-CA', }, }, }), ], }; ... ``` The sitemap content will be: ```xml ... https://stargazers.club/ https://stargazers.club/es/ https://stargazers.club/fr/ https://stargazers.club/es/second-page/ ... ``` [astro-integration]: https://docs.astro.build/en/guides/integrations-guide/ [astro-ui-frameworks]: https://docs.astro.build/en/core-concepts/framework-components/#using-framework-components