import type { AstroConfig } from 'astro'; import { build as esbuild } from 'esbuild'; import * as fs from 'node:fs'; import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url'; import type { AstroMarkdocConfig } from './config.js'; const SUPPORTED_MARKDOC_CONFIG_FILES = [ 'markdoc.config.js', 'markdoc.config.mjs', 'markdoc.config.mts', 'markdoc.config.ts', ]; export type MarkdocConfigResult = { config: AstroMarkdocConfig; fileUrl: URL; }; export async function loadMarkdocConfig( astroConfig: Pick ): Promise { let markdocConfigUrl: URL | undefined; for (const filename of SUPPORTED_MARKDOC_CONFIG_FILES) { const filePath = new URL(filename, astroConfig.root); if (!fs.existsSync(filePath)) continue; markdocConfigUrl = filePath; break; } if (!markdocConfigUrl) return; const { code, dependencies } = await bundleConfigFile({ markdocConfigUrl, astroConfig, }); const config: AstroMarkdocConfig = await loadConfigFromBundledFile(astroConfig.root, code); return { config, fileUrl: markdocConfigUrl, }; } /** * Forked from Vite's `bundleConfigFile` function * with added handling for `.astro` imports, * and removed unused Deno patches. * @see */ async function bundleConfigFile({ markdocConfigUrl, astroConfig, }: { markdocConfigUrl: URL; astroConfig: Pick; }): Promise<{ code: string; dependencies: string[] }> { const result = await esbuild({ absWorkingDir: fileURLToPath(astroConfig.root), entryPoints: [fileURLToPath(markdocConfigUrl)], outfile: 'out.js', write: false, target: ['node16'], platform: 'node', packages: 'external', bundle: true, format: 'esm', sourcemap: 'inline', metafile: true, plugins: [ { name: 'stub-astro-imports', setup(build) { build.onResolve({ filter: /.*\.astro$/ }, () => { return { // Stub with an unused default export path: 'data:text/javascript,export default true', external: true, }; }); }, }, ], }); const { text } = result.outputFiles[0]; return { code: text, dependencies: result.metafile ? Object.keys(result.metafile.inputs) : [], }; } /** * Forked from Vite config loader, replacing CJS-based path concat * with ESM only * @see */ async function loadConfigFromBundledFile(root: URL, code: string): Promise { // Write it to disk, load it with native Node ESM, then delete the file. const tmpFileUrl = new URL(`markdoc.config.timestamp-${}.mjs`, root); fs.writeFileSync(tmpFileUrl, code); try { return (await import(tmpFileUrl.pathname)).default; } finally { try { fs.unlinkSync(tmpFileUrl); } catch { // already removed if this function is called twice simultaneously } } }