import type { App } from 'astro/app'; import type { IncomingMessage, ServerResponse } from 'node:http'; import { splitCookiesString } from 'set-cookie-parser'; const clientAddressSymbol = Symbol.for('astro.clientAddress'); /* Credits to the SvelteKit team */ function get_raw_body(req: IncomingMessage, body_size_limit?: number): ReadableStream | null { const h = req.headers; if (!h['content-type']) { return null; } const content_length = Number(h['content-length']); // check if no request body if ( (req.httpVersionMajor === 1 && isNaN(content_length) && h['transfer-encoding'] == null) || content_length === 0 ) { return null; } let length = content_length; if (body_size_limit) { if (!length) { length = body_size_limit; } else if (length > body_size_limit) { throw new HTTPError( 413, `Received content-length of ${length}, but only accept up to ${body_size_limit} bytes.` ); } } if (req.destroyed) { const readable = new ReadableStream(); readable.cancel(); return readable; } let size = 0; let cancelled = false; return new ReadableStream({ start(controller) { req.on('error', (error) => { cancelled = true; controller.error(error); }); req.on('end', () => { if (cancelled) return; controller.close(); }); req.on('data', (chunk) => { if (cancelled) return; size += chunk.length; if (size > length) { cancelled = true; controller.error( new HTTPError( 413, `request body size exceeded ${ content_length ? "'content-length'" : 'BODY_SIZE_LIMIT' } of ${length}` ) ); return; } controller.enqueue(chunk); if (controller.desiredSize === null || controller.desiredSize <= 0) { req.pause(); } }); }, pull() { req.resume(); }, cancel(reason) { cancelled = true; req.destroy(reason); }, }); } export async function getRequest( base: string, req: IncomingMessage, bodySizeLimit?: number ): Promise { let headers = req.headers as Record; let request = new Request(base + req.url, { // @ts-expect-error duplex: 'half', method: req.method, headers, body: get_raw_body(req, bodySizeLimit), }); Reflect.set(request, clientAddressSymbol, headers['x-forwarded-for']); return request; } export async function setResponse( app: App, res: ServerResponse, response: Response ): Promise { const headers = Object.fromEntries(response.headers); let cookies: string[] = []; if (response.headers.has('set-cookie')) { const header = response.headers.get('set-cookie')!; const split = splitCookiesString(header); cookies = split; } if (app.setCookieHeaders) { for (const setCookieHeader of app.setCookieHeaders(response)) { cookies.push(setCookieHeader); } } res.writeHead(response.status, { ...headers, 'set-cookie': cookies }); if (!response.body) { res.end(); return; } if (response.body.locked) { res.write( 'Fatal error: Response body is locked. ' + `This can happen when the response was already read (for example through 'response.json()' or 'response.text()').` ); res.end(); return; } const reader = response.body.getReader(); if (res.destroyed) { reader.cancel(); return; } const cancel = (error?: Error) => {'close', cancel);'error', cancel); // If the reader has already been interrupted with an error earlier, // then it will appear here, it is useless, but it needs to be catch. reader.cancel(error).catch(() => {}); if (error) res.destroy(error); }; res.on('close', cancel); res.on('error', cancel); next(); async function next() { try { for (;;) { const { done, value } = await; if (done) break; if (!res.write(value)) { res.once('drain', next); return; } } res.end(); } catch (error) { cancel(error instanceof Error ? error : new Error(String(error))); } } } class HTTPError extends Error { status: number; constructor(status: number, reason: string) { super(reason); this.status = status; } get reason() { return super.message; } }