import { expect } from '@playwright/test'; import { testFactory } from './test-utils.js'; const test = testFactory({ root: './fixtures/basic-prefetch/' }); test.describe('Basic prefetch', () => { test.describe('dev', () => { let devServer; test.beforeEach(async ({ astro }) => { devServer = await astro.startDevServer(); }); test.afterEach(async () => { await devServer.stop(); }); test.describe('prefetches rel="prefetch" links', () => { test('skips /admin', async ({ page, astro }) => { const requests = []; page.on('request', (request) => requests.push(request.url())); await page.goto(astro.resolveUrl('/')); await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle'); expect(requests.includes(astro.resolveUrl('/about')), '/about was prefetched').toBeTruthy(); expect( requests.includes(astro.resolveUrl('/contact')), '/contact was prefetched' ).toBeTruthy(); expect(requests.includes(astro.resolveUrl('/admin')), '/admin was skipped').toBeFalsy(); expect( requests.filter((r) => r === astro.resolveUrl('/')).length === 1, '/ was skipped by prefetch and only queried once' ).toBeTruthy(); }); }); }); test.describe('build', () => { let previewServer; test.beforeAll(async ({ astro }) => { await; previewServer = await astro.preview(); }); // important: close preview server (free up port and connection) test.afterAll(async () => { await previewServer.stop(); }); test.describe('prefetches rel="prefetch" links', () => { test('skips /admin', async ({ page, astro }) => { const requests = []; page.on('request', (request) => requests.push(request.url())); await page.goto(astro.resolveUrl('/')); await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle'); expect(requests.includes(astro.resolveUrl('/about')), '/about was prefetched').toBeTruthy(); expect( requests.includes(astro.resolveUrl('/contact')), '/contact was prefetched' ).toBeTruthy(); expect(requests.includes(astro.resolveUrl('/admin')), '/admin was skipped').toBeFalsy(); expect( requests.filter((r) => r === astro.resolveUrl('/')).length === 1, '/ was skipped by prefetch and only queried once' ).toBeTruthy(); }); }); }); });