import { h } from 'preact'; type Props = { value: string; name?: string; hydrate?: boolean; } /** * Astro passes `children` as a string of HTML, so we need * a wrapper `div` to render that content as VNodes. * * As a bonus, we can signal to Preact that this subtree is * entirely static and will never change via `shouldComponentUpdate`. */ const StaticHtml = ({ value, name, hydrate }: Props) => { if (!value) return null; const tagName = hydrate === false ? 'astro-static-slot' : 'astro-slot'; return h(tagName, { name, dangerouslySetInnerHTML: { __html: value } }); }; /** * This tells Preact to opt-out of re-rendering this subtree, * In addition to being a performance optimization, * this also allows other frameworks to attach to `children`. * * See */ StaticHtml.shouldComponentUpdate = () => false; export default StaticHtml;