import { expect } from 'chai'; import * as cheerio from 'cheerio'; import { loadFixture, fixLineEndings } from './test-utils.js'; describe('Astro Markdown', () => { let fixture; before(async () => { fixture = await loadFixture({ root: './fixtures/astro-markdown/', }); await; }); // NOTE: This test uses legacy markdown, which requires `github-slugger` to be installed. // This breaks in strict dependency installation, but since it's a legacy feature, ignore for now. it('Can load markdown pages with Astro', async () => { const html = await fixture.readFile('/post/index.html'); const $ = cheerio.load(html); // test 1: There is a div added in markdown expect($('#first').length); // test 2: There is a div added via a component from markdown expect($('#test').length); }); it('Can parse JSX expressions in markdown pages', async () => { const html = await fixture.readFile('/jsx-expressions/index.html'); const $ = cheerio.load(html); expect($('h2').html()).to.equal('Blog Post with JSX expressions'); expect(html).to.contain('JSX at the start of the line!'); for (let listItem of ['test-1', 'test-2', 'test-3']) { expect($(`#${listItem}`).html()).to.equal(`${listItem}`); } }); it('Can handle slugs with JSX expressions in markdown pages', async () => { const html = await fixture.readFile('/slug/index.html'); const $ = cheerio.load(html); expect($('h1').attr('id')).to.equal('my-blog-post'); }); it('Can handle code elements without extra spacing', async () => { const html = await fixture.readFile('/code-element/index.html'); const $ = cheerio.load(html); $('code').each((_, el) => { expect($(el).html()).to.equal($(el).html().trim()); }); }); it('Can handle namespaced components in markdown', async () => { const html = await fixture.readFile('/namespace/index.html'); const $ = cheerio.load(html); expect($('h1').text()).to.equal('Hello Namespace!'); expect($('button').length).to.equal(1); }); it('Correctly handles component children in markdown pages (#3319)', async () => { const html = await fixture.readFile('/children/index.html'); expect(html)'

'); }); it('Can handle HTML comments in markdown pages', async () => { const html = await fixture.readFile('/comment/index.html'); const $ = cheerio.load(html); expect($('h1').text()).to.equal('It works!'); }); it('Prevents `*/` sequences from breaking HTML comments (#3476)', async () => { const html = await fixture.readFile('/comment-with-js/index.html'); const $ = cheerio.load(html); expect($('h1').text()).to.equal('It still works!'); }); it('Can handle HTML comments in inline code', async () => { const html = await fixture.readFile('/comment-with-js/index.html'); const $ = cheerio.load(html); expect($('p code').text()).to.equal(''); }); it('Can handle HTML comments in code fences', async () => { const html = await fixture.readFile('/comment-with-js/index.html'); const $ = cheerio.load(html); expect($('pre > code').text()).to.equal(''); }); // it('Can handle scripts in markdown pages', async () => { const html = await fixture.readFile('/script/index.html'); expect(html) RegExp('/src/scripts/test.js')); }); it('Can load more complex jsxy stuff', async () => { const html = await fixture.readFile('/complex/index.html'); const $ = cheerio.load(html); expect($('#test').text()).to.equal('Hello world'); }); it('Empty code blocks do not fail', async () => { const html = await fixture.readFile('/empty-code/index.html'); const $ = cheerio.load(html); // test 1: There is not a `` in the codeblock expect($('pre')[0].children).to.have.lengthOf(1); // test 2: The empty `
` failed to render

	it('Runs code blocks through syntax highlighter', async () => {
		const html = await fixture.readFile('/code/index.html');
		const $ = cheerio.load(html);

		// test 1: There are child spans in code blocks
		expect($('code span').length).greaterThan(0);

	it('Scoped styles should not break syntax highlight', async () => {
		const html = await fixture.readFile('/scopedStyles-code/index.html');
		const $ = cheerio.load(html);

		// test 1: 
 tag has correct shiki class

		// test 2: inline styles are still applied

		// test 3: There are styled child spans in code blocks
		expect($('pre code span').length);
		expect($('pre code span').is('[style]')).to.equal(true);

	function isAstroScopedClass(cls) {
		return /^astro-.*/.test(cls);

	it('Scoped styles should be applied to syntax highlighted lines', async () => {
		const html = await fixture.readFile('/scopedStyles-code/index.html');
		const $ = cheerio.load(html);

		// test 1: the "pre" tag receives scoped style
		const preClassList = $('pre').attr('class').split(/\s+/);
		const preAstroClass = preClassList.find(isAstroScopedClass);

		// test 2: each "span" line receives scoped style
		const spanClassList = $('pre code span').attr('class').split(/\s+/);
		const spanAstroClass = spanClassList.find(isAstroScopedClass);

	it('Renders correctly when deeply nested on a page', async () => {
		const html = await fixture.readFile('/deep/index.html');
		const $ = cheerio.load(html);

		// test 1: Rendered all children

		// tests 2–4: Only rendered title in each section

		// test 5–7: Rendered title in correct section
		expect($('.a > h2').text()).to.equal('A');
		expect($('.b > h2').text()).to.equal('B');
		expect($('.c > h2').text()).to.equal('C');

	it('Renders dynamic content though the content attribute', async () => {
		const html = await fixture.readFile('/external/index.html');
		const $ = cheerio.load(html);

		// test 1: Rendered markdown content

		// test 2: Nested markdown content

		// test 3: Scoped class passed down

	it('Renders curly braces correctly', async () => {
		const html = await fixture.readFile('/braces/index.html');
		const $ = cheerio.load(html);

		// test 1: Rendered curly braces markdown content

		// test 2: Rendered curly braces markdown content

		// test 3: Rendered curly braces markdown content

		// test 4: Rendered curly braces markdown content
		expect($('code:last-child').text()).to.equal('{/* JavaScript */}');

	it('Does not close parent early when using content attribute (#494)', async () => {
		const html = await fixture.readFile('/close/index.html');
		const $ = cheerio.load(html);

		// test  closed div#target early

	it('Can render markdown with --- for horizontal rule', async () => {
		const html = await fixture.readFile('/dash/index.html');

	it('Can render markdown content prop (#1259)', async () => {
		const html = await fixture.readFile('/content/index.html');
		const $ = cheerio.load(html);

		// test Markdown rendered correctly via content prop

	it("doesn't occurs TypeError when no elements", async () => {
		const html = await fixture.readFile('/no-elements/index.html');
		// render html without error

	it('can render nested list correctly', async () => {
		const html = await fixture.readFile('/nested-list/index.html');
		const $ = cheerio.load(html);
		 * - list
		 *  - list
		expect($('#target > ul > li').children()).to.have.lengthOf(1);
		expect($('#target > ul > li > ul > li').text()).to.equal('nested list');
		 * 1. Hello
		 *  1. nested hello
		expect($('#target > ol > li').children()).to.have.lengthOf(1);
		expect($('#target > ol > li > ol > li').text()).to.equal('nested hello');

	it('Exposes raw markdown content', async () => {
		const { raw } = JSON.parse(await fixture.readFile('/raw-content.json'));

			`\n## With components\n\n### Non-hydrated\n\n\n\n### Hydrated\n\n\n\n`

	it('Exposes HTML parser for raw markdown content', async () => {
		const { compiled } = JSON.parse(await fixture.readFile('/raw-content.json'));


With components





\n\n` ); }); it('Allows referencing Vite env var names in markdown (#3412)', async () => { const html = await fixture.readFile('/vite-env-vars/index.html'); const $ = cheerio.load(html); // test 1: referencing an existing var name expect($('code').eq(0).text()).to.equal('import.meta.env.SITE'); expect($('li').eq(0).text()).to.equal('import.meta.env.SITE'); expect($('code').eq(3).text()).to.contain('site: import.meta.env.SITE'); expect($('blockquote').text()).to.contain('import.meta.env.SITE'); // test 2: referencing a non-existing var name expect($('code').eq(1).text()).to.equal('import.meta.env.TITLE'); expect($('li').eq(1).text()).to.equal('import.meta.env.TITLE'); expect($('code').eq(3).text()).to.contain('title: import.meta.env.TITLE'); expect($('blockquote').text()).to.contain('import.meta.env.TITLE'); // test 3: referencing `import.meta.env` itself (without any var name) expect($('code').eq(2).text()).to.equal('import.meta.env'); expect($('li').eq(2).text()).to.equal('import.meta.env'); expect($('code').eq(3).text()).to.contain('// Use Vite env vars with import.meta.env'); expect($('blockquote').text()).to.match(/import\.meta\.env\s*$/); }); it('Escapes HTML tags in code blocks', async () => { const html = await fixture.readFile('/code-in-md/index.html'); const $ = cheerio.load(html); expect($('code').eq(0).html()).to.equal('<script>'); expect($('blockquote').length).to.equal(1); expect($('code').eq(1).html()).to.equal('</script>'); expect($('pre').html()).to.contain('>This should also work without any problems.<'); }); it('Allows defining slot contents in component children', async () => { const html = await fixture.readFile('/slots/index.html'); const $ = cheerio.load(html); const slots = $('article').eq(0); expect(slots.find('> .fragmentSlot > div').text()).to.contain('1:'); expect(slots.find('> .fragmentSlot > div + p').text()).to.contain('2:'); expect(slots.find('> .pSlot > p[title="hello"]').text()).to.contain('3:'); expect(slots.find('> .defaultSlot').html()).to.match( new RegExp( `
4: Div in default slot
` + // Optional extra paragraph due to the line breaks between components `(

)?` + `

5: Paragraph in fragment in default slot

` + // Optional whitespace due to the line breaks between components `[\s\n]*` + `6: Regular text in default slot` ) ); const nestedSlots = $('article').eq(1); expect(nestedSlots.find('> .fragmentSlot').html()).to.contain('1:'); expect(nestedSlots.find('> .pSlot > p').text()).to.contain('2:'); expect(nestedSlots.find('> .defaultSlot > article').text().replace(/\s+/g, ' ')).to.equal( ` 3: nested fragmentSlot 4: nested pSlot 5: nested text in default slot `.replace(/\s+/g, ' ') ); expect($('article').eq(3).text().replace(/[^❌]/g, '')).to.equal('❌❌❌'); expect($('article').eq(4).text().replace(/[^❌]/g, '')).to.equal('❌❌❌'); }); it('Generate the right props for the layout', async () => { const html = await fixture.readFile('/layout-props/index.html'); const $ = cheerio.load(html); expect($('#title').text()).to.equal('Hello world!'); expect($('#url').text()).to.equal('/layout-props'); expect($('#file').text()).to.match(/.*\/$/); }); });