import { z } from 'astro/zod'; import { XMLBuilder, XMLParser } from 'fast-xml-parser'; import { yellow } from 'kleur/colors'; import { rssSchema } from './schema.js'; import { createCanonicalURL, errorMap, isValidURL } from './util.js'; export { rssSchema }; export type RSSOptions = { /** Title of the RSS Feed */ title: z.infer['title']; /** Description of the RSS Feed */ description: z.infer['description']; /** * Specify the base URL to use for RSS feed links. * We recommend using the [endpoint context object](, * which includes the `site` configured in your project's `astro.config.*` */ site: z.infer['site']; /** List of RSS feed items to render. */ items: RSSFeedItem[] | GlobResult; /** Specify arbitrary metadata on opening tag */ xmlns?: z.infer['xmlns']; /** * Specifies a local custom XSL stylesheet. Ex. '/public/custom-feed.xsl' */ stylesheet?: z.infer['stylesheet']; /** Specify custom data in opening of file */ customData?: z.infer['customData']; /** Whether to include drafts or not */ drafts?: z.infer['drafts']; trailingSlash?: z.infer['trailingSlash']; }; type RSSFeedItem = { /** Link to item */ link: string; /** Full content of the item. Should be valid HTML */ content?: string | undefined; /** Title of item */ title: z.infer['title']; /** Publication date of item */ pubDate: z.infer['pubDate']; /** Item description */ description?: z.infer['description']; /** Append some other XML-valid data to this item */ customData?: z.infer['customData']; /** Whether draft or not */ draft?: z.infer['draft']; }; type ValidatedRSSFeedItem = z.infer; type ValidatedRSSOptions = z.infer; type GlobResult = z.infer; const rssFeedItemValidator = rssSchema.extend({ link: z.string(), content: z.string().optional() }); const globResultValidator = z.record(z.function().returns(z.promise(z.any()))); const rssOptionsValidator = z.object({ title: z.string(), description: z.string(), site: z.preprocess((url) => (url instanceof URL ? url.href : url), z.string().url()), items: z .array(rssFeedItemValidator) .or(globResultValidator) .transform((items) => { if (!Array.isArray(items)) { // eslint-disable-next-line console.warn( yellow( '[RSS] Passing a glob result directly has been deprecated. Please migrate to the `pagesGlobToRssItems()` helper:' ) ); return pagesGlobToRssItems(items); } return items; }), xmlns: z.record(z.string()).optional(), drafts: z.boolean().default(false), stylesheet: z.union([z.string(), z.boolean()]).optional(), customData: z.string().optional(), trailingSlash: z.boolean().default(true), }); export default async function getRSS(rssOptions: RSSOptions) { const validatedRssOptions = await validateRssOptions(rssOptions); return { body: await generateRSS(validatedRssOptions), }; } async function validateRssOptions(rssOptions: RSSOptions) { const parsedResult = await rssOptionsValidator.safeParseAsync(rssOptions, { errorMap }); if (parsedResult.success) { return; } const formattedError = new Error( [ `[RSS] Invalid or missing options:`, (zodError) => `${zodError.message} (${zodError.path.join('.')})` ), ].join('\n') ); throw formattedError; } export function pagesGlobToRssItems(items: GlobResult): Promise { return Promise.all( Object.entries(items).map(async ([filePath, getInfo]) => { const { url, frontmatter } = await getInfo(); if (url === undefined || url === null) { throw new Error( `[RSS] You can only glob entries within 'src/pages/' when passing import.meta.glob() directly. Consider mapping the result to an array of RSSFeedItems. See the RSS docs for usage examples:` ); } const parsedResult = rssFeedItemValidator.safeParse( { ...frontmatter, link: url }, { errorMap } ); if (parsedResult.success) { return; } const formattedError = new Error( [ `[RSS] ${filePath} has invalid or missing frontmatter.\nFix the following properties:`, => zodError.message), ].join('\n') ); (formattedError as any).file = filePath; throw formattedError; }) ); } /** Generate RSS 2.0 feed */ async function generateRSS(rssOptions: ValidatedRSSOptions): Promise { const { site } = rssOptions; const items = rssOptions.drafts ? rssOptions.items : rssOptions.items.filter((item) => !item.draft); const xmlOptions = { ignoreAttributes: false, // Avoid correcting self-closing tags to standard tags // when using `customData` // suppressEmptyNode: true, }; const parser = new XMLParser(xmlOptions); const root: any = { '?xml': { '@_version': '1.0', '@_encoding': 'UTF-8' } }; if (typeof rssOptions.stylesheet === 'string') { const isXSL = /\.xsl$/i.test(rssOptions.stylesheet); root['?xml-stylesheet'] = { '@_href': rssOptions.stylesheet, ...(isXSL && { '@_type': 'text/xsl' }), }; } root.rss = { '@_version': '2.0' }; if (items.find((result) => result.content)) { // the namespace to be added to the xmlns:content attribute to enable the RSS feature const XMLContentNamespace = ''; root.rss['@_xmlns:content'] = XMLContentNamespace; // Ensure that the user hasn't tried to manually include the necessary namespace themselves if (rssOptions.xmlns?.content && rssOptions.xmlns.content === XMLContentNamespace) { delete rssOptions.xmlns.content; } } // xmlns if (rssOptions.xmlns) { for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(rssOptions.xmlns)) { root.rss[`@_xmlns:${k}`] = v; } } // title, description, customData = { title: rssOptions.title, description: rssOptions.description, link: createCanonicalURL(site, rssOptions.trailingSlash, undefined).href, }; if (typeof rssOptions.customData === 'string') Object.assign(, parser.parse(`${rssOptions.customData}`).channel ); // items = => { // If the item's link is already a valid URL, don't mess with it. const itemLink = isValidURL( ? : createCanonicalURL(, rssOptions.trailingSlash, site).href; const item: any = { title: result.title, link: itemLink, guid: itemLink, }; if (result.description) { item.description = result.description; } if (result.pubDate) { item.pubDate = result.pubDate.toUTCString(); } // include the full content of the post if the user supplies it if (typeof result.content === 'string') { item['content:encoded'] = result.content; } if (typeof result.customData === 'string') { Object.assign(item, parser.parse(`${result.customData}`).item); } return item; }); return new XMLBuilder(xmlOptions).build(root); }