--- 'astro': minor --- Shipped a new SSR build configuration mode: `split`. When enabled, Astro will "split" the single `entry.mjs` file and instead emit a separate file to render each individual page during the build process. These files will be emitted inside `dist/pages`, mirroring the directory structure of your page files in `src/pages/`, for example: ``` ├── pages │ ├── blog │ │ ├── entry._slug_.astro.mjs │ │ └── entry.about.astro.mjs │ └── entry.index.astro.mjs ``` To enable, set `build.split: true` in your Astro config: ```js // src/astro.config.mjs export default defineConfig({ output: "server", adapter: node({ mode: "standalone" }), build: { split: true } }) ```