import { expect } from 'chai'; import * as cheerio from 'cheerio'; import { loadFixture } from './test-utils.js'; import addClasses from './fixtures/astro-markdown-plugins/add-classes.mjs'; describe('Astro Markdown plugins', () => { let fixture; before(async () => { fixture = await loadFixture({ root: './fixtures/astro-markdown-plugins/', markdown: { remarkPlugins: [ 'remark-code-titles', ['rehype-autolink-headings', { behavior: 'prepend' }], ], rehypePlugins: [ 'rehype-slug', ['rehype-toc', { headings: ['h2', 'h3'] }], [addClasses, { 'h1,h2,h3': 'title' }], ], }, }); await; }); it('Can render Astro with plugins', async () => { const html = await fixture.readFile('/astro/index.html'); const $ = cheerio.load(html); // test 1: Added a TOC expect($('.toc')).to.have.lengthOf(1); // teste 2: Added .title to h1 expect($('#hello-world').hasClass('title')).to.equal(true); }); });