import type { AstroAdapter, AstroConfig, AstroIntegration, RouteData } from 'astro'; import glob from 'fast-glob'; import { basename } from 'node:path'; import { fileURLToPath, pathToFileURL } from 'node:url'; import { defaultImageConfig, getImageConfig, throwIfAssetsNotEnabled, type VercelImageConfig, } from '../image/shared.js'; import { exposeEnv } from '../lib/env.js'; import { getVercelOutput, removeDir, writeJson } from '../lib/fs.js'; import { copyDependenciesToFunction } from '../lib/nft.js'; import { getRedirects } from '../lib/redirects.js'; import { generateEdgeMiddleware } from './middleware.js'; const PACKAGE_NAME = '@astrojs/vercel/serverless'; export const ASTRO_LOCALS_HEADER = 'x-astro-locals'; export const VERCEL_EDGE_MIDDLEWARE_FILE = 'vercel-edge-middleware'; // const SUPPORTED_NODE_VERSIONS: Record< string, { status: 'current' } | { status: 'deprecated'; removal: Date } > = { 14: { status: 'deprecated', removal: new Date('August 15 2023') }, 16: { status: 'deprecated', removal: new Date('February 6 2024') }, 18: { status: 'current' }, }; function getAdapter(): AstroAdapter { return { name: PACKAGE_NAME, serverEntrypoint: `${PACKAGE_NAME}/entrypoint`, exports: ['default'], }; } export interface VercelServerlessConfig { includeFiles?: string[]; excludeFiles?: string[]; analytics?: boolean; imageService?: boolean; imagesConfig?: VercelImageConfig; } export default function vercelServerless({ includeFiles, excludeFiles, analytics, imageService, imagesConfig, }: VercelServerlessConfig = {}): AstroIntegration { let _config: AstroConfig; let buildTempFolder: URL; let serverEntry: string; let _entryPoints: Map; // Extra files to be merged with `includeFiles` during build const extraFilesToInclude: URL[] = []; async function createFunctionFolder(funcName: string, entry: URL, inc: URL[]) { const functionFolder = new URL(`./functions/${funcName}.func/`, _config.outDir); // Copy necessary files (e.g. node_modules/) const { handler } = await copyDependenciesToFunction({ entry, outDir: functionFolder, includeFiles: inc, excludeFiles: excludeFiles?.map((file) => new URL(file, _config.root)) || [], }); // Enable ESM // await writeJson(new URL(`./package.json`, functionFolder), { type: 'module', }); // Serverless function config // await writeJson(new URL(`./.vc-config.json`, functionFolder), { runtime: getRuntime(), handler, launcherType: 'Nodejs', }); } return { name: PACKAGE_NAME, hooks: { 'astro:config:setup': ({ command, config, updateConfig, injectScript }) => { if (command === 'build' && analytics) { injectScript('page', 'import "@astrojs/vercel/analytics"'); } const outDir = getVercelOutput(config.root); const viteDefine = exposeEnv(['VERCEL_ANALYTICS_ID']); updateConfig({ outDir, build: { serverEntry: 'entry.mjs', client: new URL('./static/', outDir), server: new URL('./dist/', config.root), }, vite: { define: viteDefine, ssr: { external: ['@vercel/nft'], }, }, ...getImageConfig(imageService, imagesConfig, command), }); }, 'astro:config:done': ({ setAdapter, config }) => { throwIfAssetsNotEnabled(config, imageService); setAdapter(getAdapter()); _config = config; buildTempFolder =; serverEntry =; if (config.output === 'static') { throw new Error(` [@astrojs/vercel] \`output: "server"\` or \`output: "hybrid"\` is required to use the serverless adapter. `); } }, 'astro:build:ssr': async ({ entryPoints, middlewareEntryPoint }) => { _entryPoints = entryPoints; if (middlewareEntryPoint) { const outPath = fileURLToPath(buildTempFolder); const vercelEdgeMiddlewareHandlerPath = new URL( VERCEL_EDGE_MIDDLEWARE_FILE, _config.srcDir ); const bundledMiddlewarePath = await generateEdgeMiddleware( middlewareEntryPoint, outPath, vercelEdgeMiddlewareHandlerPath ); // let's tell the adapter that we need to save this file extraFilesToInclude.push(bundledMiddlewarePath); } }, 'astro:build:done': async ({ routes }) => { // Merge any includes from `vite.assetsInclude if (_config.vite.assetsInclude) { const mergeGlobbedIncludes = (globPattern: unknown) => { if (typeof globPattern === 'string') { const entries = glob.sync(globPattern).map((p) => pathToFileURL(p)); extraFilesToInclude.push(...entries); } else if (Array.isArray(globPattern)) { for (const pattern of globPattern) { mergeGlobbedIncludes(pattern); } } }; mergeGlobbedIncludes(_config.vite.assetsInclude); } const routeDefinitions: { src: string; dest: string }[] = []; const filesToInclude = includeFiles?.map((file) => new URL(file, _config.root)) || []; filesToInclude.push(...extraFilesToInclude); // Multiple entrypoint support if (_entryPoints.size) { for (const [route, entryFile] of _entryPoints) { const func = basename(entryFile.toString()).replace(/\.mjs$/, ''); await createFunctionFolder(func, entryFile, filesToInclude); routeDefinitions.push({ src: route.pattern.source, dest: func, }); } } else { await createFunctionFolder( 'render', new URL(serverEntry, buildTempFolder), filesToInclude ); routeDefinitions.push({ src: '/.*', dest: 'render' }); } // Output configuration // await writeJson(new URL(`./config.json`, _config.outDir), { version: 3, routes: [ ...getRedirects(routes, _config), { src: `^/${}/(.*)$`, headers: { 'cache-control': 'public, max-age=31536000, immutable' }, continue: true, }, { handle: 'filesystem' }, ...routeDefinitions, ], ...(imageService || imagesConfig ? { images: imagesConfig ? imagesConfig : defaultImageConfig } : {}), }); // Remove temporary folder await removeDir(buildTempFolder); }, }, }; } function getRuntime() { const version = process.version.slice(1); // 'v16.5.0' --> '16.5.0' const major = version.split('.')[0]; // '16.5.0' --> '16' const support = SUPPORTED_NODE_VERSIONS[major]; if (support === undefined) { console.warn( `[${PACKAGE_NAME}] The local Node.js version (${major}) is not supported by Vercel Serverless Functions.` ); console.warn(`[${PACKAGE_NAME}] Your project will use Node.js 18 as the runtime instead.`); console.warn(`[${PACKAGE_NAME}] Consider switching your local version to 18.`); return 'nodejs18.x'; } if (support.status === 'deprecated') { console.warn( `[${PACKAGE_NAME}] Your project is being built for Node.js ${major} as the runtime.` ); console.warn( `[${PACKAGE_NAME}] This version is deprecated by Vercel Serverless Functions, and scheduled to be disabled on ${new Intl.DateTimeFormat( undefined, { dateStyle: 'long' } ).format(support.removal)}.` ); console.warn(`[${PACKAGE_NAME}] Consider upgrading your local version to 18.`); } return `nodejs${major}.x`; }