# 🪄 Renderers Astro is designed to support your favorite UI frameworks. [React](https://npm.im/@astrojs/renderer-react), [Svelte](https://npm.im/@astrojs/renderer-svelte), [Vue](https://npm.im/@astrojs/renderer-vue), and [Preact](https://npm.im/@astrojs/renderer-preact) are all built-in to Astro and supported out of the box. No configuration is needed to enable these. Internally, each framework is supported via a framework **renderer.** A renderer is a type of Astro plugin that adds support for a framework. Some are built-in, but you can also provide your own third-party renderers to add Astro support for new frameworks. ## What is a renderer? A renderer is an NPM package that has two responsiblities: 1. _render a component to a static string of HTML_ at build time 2. _rehydrate that HTML to create an interactive component_ on the client. Take a look at any one of Astro's built-in [`renderers`](https://github.com/snowpackjs/astro/tree/main/packages/renderers) to see this in action. We'll go into more detail in the following sections. ## Add a renderer to Astro Astro enables a few popular framework renderers by default. If you want to add a new renderer to your project, you first need to set the built-in renderers that you care about. ```js // astro.config.js export default { renderers: [ // Add the framework renderers that you want to enable for your project. // If you set an empty array here, no UI frameworks will work. // '@astrojs/renderer-svelte', // '@astrojs/renderer-vue', // '@astrojs/renderer-react', // '@astrojs/renderer-preact', ], }; ``` To add a new custom renderer, install the npm package dependency in your project and then update the `renderers` array to include it: ```js // astro.config.js export default { renderers: ['my-custom-renderer', '@astrojs/renderer-svelte', '@astrojs/renderer-vue', '@astrojs/renderer-react', '@astrojs/renderer-preact'], }; ``` #### Managing Framework Versions In Astro, the renderer plugin defines which version of your framework to use with Astro. This should be set to as wide of a range as possible, but often will be pinned to a specific major version: - `@astrojs/renderer-vue`: `"vue": "^3.0.0"` - `@astrojs/renderer-react`: `"react": "^17.0.0"` - See all: https://github.com/snowpackjs/astro/tree/main/packages/renderers This is required because the renderer itself also uses these packages and requires a specific API to work. For example, If the user updated from Vue 2 to Vue 3 (or vice versa) then the renderer itself would break since the `vue` package would have changed. **What if I want to use a beta framework (ex: react@next)?** Check to see if the renderer has a `@next` version that you could manually install and use. If one doesn't exist, feel free to request it: https://github.com/snowpackjs/astro/issues/new/choose **What if I need to override the framework version in my project?** You can use the "resolutions" feature of many npm package managers to override or pin the framework version for your entire project. Just be sure to select a version that is compatible with your renderer: - **yarn:** https://classic.yarnpkg.com/en/docs/selective-version-resolutions/ - **pnpm:** https://pnpm.io/package_json#pnpmoverrides - **npm:** see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15806152/how-do-i-override-nested-npm-dependency-versions ## Building Your Own Renderer > **Building a renderer?** We'd love for you to contribute renderers for popular frameworks back to the Astro repo. Feel free to open an issue or pull request to discuss. A simple renderer only needs a few files: ``` /my-custom-renderer/ ├── package.json ├── index.js ├── server.js └── client.js ``` ### Package Manifest (`package.json`) A renderer should include any framework dependencies as package dependencies. For example, `@astrojs/renderer-react` includes `react` & `react-dom` as dependencies in the `package.json` manifest. ```js // package.json "name": "@astrojs/renderer-react", "dependencies": { "react": "^17.0.0", "react-dom": "^17.0.0" } ``` This means that Astro users don't need to install the UI framework packages themselves. The renderer is the only package that your users will need to install. ### Renderer Entrypoint (`index.js`) The main entrypoint of a renderer is a simple JS file which exports a manifest for the renderer. The required values are `name`, `server`, and `client`. Additionally, this entrypoint can define a [Snowpack plugin](https://www.snowpack.dev/guides/plugins) that should be used to load non-JavaScript files. ```js export default { name: '@astrojs/renderer-xxx', // the renderer name client: './client.js', // relative path to the client entrypoint server: './server.js', // relative path to the server entrypoint snowpackPlugin: '@snowpack/plugin-xxx', // optional, the name of a snowpack plugin to inject snowpackPluginOptions: { example: true }, // optional, any options to be forwarded to the snowpack plugin knownEntrypoint: ['framework'], // optional, entrypoint modules that will be used by compiled source }; ``` ### Server Entrypoint (`server.js`) The server entrypoint of a renderer is responsible for checking if a component should use this renderer, and if so, how that component should be rendered to a string of static HTML. ```js export default { // should Component use this renderer? check(Component, props, childHTML) {}, // Component => string of static HTML renderToStaticMarkup(Component, props, childHTML) {}, }; ``` #### `check` `check` is a function that determines whether a Component should be "claimed" by this renderer. In it's simplest form, it can check for the existence of a flag on Object-based components. ```js function check(Component) { return Component.isMyFrameworkComponent; } ``` In more complex scenarios, like when a Component is a `Function` without any flags, you may need to use `try/catch` to attempt a full render. This result is cached so that it only runs once per-component. ```js function check(Component, props, childHTML) { try { const { html } = renderToStaticMarkup(Component, props, childHTML); return Boolean(html); } catch (e) {} return false; } ``` #### `renderToStaticMarkup` `renderToStaticMarkup` is a function that renders a Component to a static string of HTML. There's usually a method exported by frameworks named something like `renderToString`. ```js import { renderToString } from 'xxx'; function renderToStaticMarkup(Component, props, childHTML) { const html = renderToString(h(Component, { ...props, innerHTML: childHTML })); return { html }; } ``` Note that `childHTML` is an HTML string representing this component's children. If your framework does not support rendering HTML directly, you are welcome to use a wrapper component. By convention, Astro uses the `astro-fragment` custom element to inject `childHTML` into. Your renderer should use that, too. ```js import { h, renderToString } from 'xxx'; const Wrapper = ({ value }) => h('astro-fragment', { dangerouslySetInnerHTML: { __html: value } }); function renderToStaticMarkup(Component, props, childHTML) { const html = renderToString(h(Component, props, h(Wrapper, { value: childHTML }))); return { html }; } ``` ### Client Entrypoint (`client.js`) The client entrypoint of a renderer is responsible for rehydrating static HTML (the result of `renderToStaticMarkup`) back into a fully interactive component. Its `default` export should be a `function` which accepts the host element of the Component, an `astro-root` custom element. > If your framework supports non-destructive component hydration (as opposed to a destructive `render` method), be sure to use that! Following your framework's Server Side Rendering (SSR) guide should point you in the right direction. ```js import { hydrate } from 'xxx'; export default (element) => { return (Component, props, childHTML) => { hydrate(h(Component, { ...props, innerHTML: childHTML }), element); }; }; ``` Note that `childHTML` is an HTML string representing this component's children. If your framework does not support rendering HTML directly, you should use the same wrapper component you used for the server entrypoint. ```js import { h, hydrate } from 'xxx'; import SharedWrapper from './SharedWrapper.js'; export default (element) => { return (Component, props, childHTML) => { hydrate(h(Component, props, h(SharedWrapper, { value: childHTML })), element); }; }; ``` [astro-config]: ./config.md