# @astrojs/markdoc (experimental) πŸ“ This **[Astro integration][astro-integration]** enables the usage of [Markdoc](https://markdoc.dev/) to create components, pages, and content collection entries. - [Why Markdoc?](#why-markdoc) - [Installation](#installation) - [Usage](#usage) - [Configuration](#configuration) - [Examples](#examples) - [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting) - [Contributing](#contributing) - [Changelog](#changelog) ## Why Markdoc? Markdoc allows you to enhance your Markdown with [Astro components][astro-components]. If you have existing content authored in Markdoc, this integration allows you to bring those files to your Astro project using content collections. ## Installation ### Quick Install The `astro add` command-line tool automates the installation for you. Run one of the following commands in a new terminal window. (If you aren't sure which package manager you're using, run the first command.) Then, follow the prompts, and type "y" in the terminal (meaning "yes") for each one. ```sh # Using NPM npx astro add markdoc # Using Yarn yarn astro add markdoc # Using PNPM pnpm astro add markdoc ``` If you run into any issues, [feel free to report them to us on GitHub](https://github.com/withastro/astro/issues) and try the manual installation steps below. ### Manual Install First, install the `@astrojs/markdoc` package using your package manager. If you're using npm or aren't sure, run this in the terminal: ```sh npm install @astrojs/markdoc ``` Then, apply this integration to your `astro.config.*` file using the `integrations` property: __`astro.config.mjs`__ ```js ins={2} "markdoc()" import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config'; import markdoc from '@astrojs/markdoc'; export default defineConfig({ // ... integrations: [markdoc()], }); ``` ### Editor Integration [VS Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/) supports Markdown by default. However, for Markdoc editor support, you may wish to add the following setting in your VSCode config. This ensures authoring Markdoc files provides a Markdown-like editor experience. ```json title=".vscode/settings.json" "files.associations": { "*.mdoc": "markdown" } ``` ## Usage Markdoc files can only be used within content collections. Add entries to any content collection using the `.mdoc` extension: ```sh src/content/docs/ why-markdoc.mdoc quick-start.mdoc ``` Then, query your collection using the [Content Collection APIs](https://docs.astro.build/en/guides/content-collections/#querying-collections): ```astro --- import { getEntryBySlug } from 'astro:content'; const entry = await getEntryBySlug('docs', 'why-markdoc'); const { Content } = await entry.render(); ---


``` πŸ“š See the [Astro Content Collection docs][astro-content-collections] for more information. ## Configuration `@astrojs/markdoc` offers configuration options to use all of Markdoc's features and connect UI components to your content. ### Using components You can add Astro and UI framework components (React, Vue, Svelte, etc.) to your Markdoc using both [Markdoc tags][markdoc-tags] and HTML element [nodes][markdoc-nodes]. #### Render Markdoc tags as Astro components You may configure [Markdoc tags][markdoc-tags] that map to components. You can configure a new tag from your `astro.config` using the `tags` attribute. ```js // astro.config.mjs import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config'; import markdoc from '@astrojs/markdoc'; // https://astro.build/config export default defineConfig({ integrations: [ markdoc({ tags: { aside: { render: 'Aside', attributes: { // Component props as attribute definitions // See Markdoc's documentation on defining attributes // https://markdoc.dev/docs/attributes#defining-attributes type: { type: String }, } }, }, }), ], }); ``` Then, you can wire this render name (`'Aside'`) to a component from the `components` prop via the `` component. Note the object key name (`Aside` in this case) should match the render name: ```astro --- import { getEntryBySlug } from 'astro:content'; import Aside from '../components/Aside.astro'; const entry = await getEntryBySlug('docs', 'why-markdoc'); const { Content } = await entry.render(); --- ``` #### Render Markdoc nodes / HTML elements as Astro components You may also want to map standard HTML elements like headings and paragraphs to components. For this, you can configure a custom [Markdoc node][markdoc-nodes]. This example overrides Markdoc's `heading` node to render a `Heading` component, passing the built-in `level` attribute as a prop: ```js // astro.config.mjs import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config'; import markdoc from '@astrojs/markdoc'; // https://astro.build/config export default defineConfig({ integrations: [ markdoc({ nodes: { heading: { render: 'Heading', // Markdoc requires type defs for each attribute. // These should mirror the `Props` type of the component // you are rendering. // See Markdoc's documentation on defining attributes // https://markdoc.dev/docs/attributes#defining-attributes attributes: { level: { type: String }, } }, }, }), ], }); ``` Now, you can map the string passed to render (`'Heading'` in this example) to a component import. This is configured from the `` component used to render your Markdoc using the `components` prop: ```astro --- import { getEntryBySlug } from 'astro:content'; import Heading from '../components/Heading.astro'; const entry = await getEntryBySlug('docs', 'why-markdoc'); const { Content } = await entry.render(); --- ``` Now, all Markdown headings will render with the `Heading.astro` component. This example uses a level 3 heading, automatically passing `level: 3` as the component prop: ```md ### I'm a level 3 heading! ``` πŸ“š [Find all of Markdoc's built-in nodes and node attributes on their documentation.](https://markdoc.dev/docs/nodes#built-in-nodes) #### Use client-side UI components Today, the `components` prop does not support the `client:` directive for hydrating components. To embed client-side components, create a wrapper `.astro` file to import your component and apply a `client:` directive manually. This example wraps a `Aside.tsx` component with a `ClientAside.astro` wrapper: ```astro --- // src/components/ClientAside.astro import Aside from './Aside'; ---