# Contributing ## Setting Up the Monorepo ```shell # git clone && cd ... yarn install yarn build ``` ## Making Pull Requests When making a pull request, add a changeset which helps with releases. ```shell yarn changeset ``` This will prompt you asking what type of change was made. ## Releases For those contributors that have access to publish to npm, the following is how you do releases. From the `main` branch do a pull, install and build: ```shell git pull origin main yarn install yarn build ``` Then bump the versions: ```shell yarn changeset version ``` This should change package.json bumping version numbers and update changelogs. Inspect these to make sure they are what you expect. Commit and push these changes, then run an npm publish for each of the packages that have changed. > **Important**! Ordering publishes can be important. If `@astrojs/parser` changes you should publish that before `astro`, for example. ```shell cd packages/astro npm publish ``` ## Running benchmarks We have benchmarks to keep performance under control. You can run these by running (from the project root): ```shell yarn workspace astro run benchmark ``` Which will fail if the performance has regressed by **10%** or more. To update the times cd into the `packages/astro` folder and run the following: ```shell node test/benchmark/build.bench.js --save node test/benchmark/dev.bench.js --save ``` Which will update the build and dev benchmarks.