// File vendored from Vite itself, as a workaround to https://github.com/vitejs/vite/pull/9827 until Vite 4 comes out // This file is an augmentation to the built-in ImportMeta interface // Thus cannot contain any top-level imports // /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-imports */ // Duplicate of import('../src/node/importGlob').GlobOptions in order to // avoid breaking the production client type. Because this file is referenced // in vite/client.d.ts and in production src/node/importGlob.ts doesn't exist. interface GlobOptions { as?: string; } interface ImportMeta { url: string; readonly hot?: import('vite/types/hot').ViteHotContext; readonly env: ImportMetaEnv; glob: import('vite/types/importGlob').ImportGlobFunction; /** * @deprecated Use `import.meta.glob('*', { eager: true })` instead */ globEager: import('vite/types/importGlob').ImportGlobEagerFunction; } interface ImportMetaEnv { [key: string]: any; BASE_URL: string; MODE: string; DEV: boolean; PROD: boolean; SSR: boolean; }