import { test as testBase } from '@playwright/test'; import { loadFixture as baseLoadFixture } from '../../../astro/test/test-utils.js'; export function loadFixture(inlineConfig) { if (!inlineConfig || !inlineConfig.root) throw new Error("Must provide { root: './fixtures/...' }"); // resolve the relative root (i.e. "./fixtures/tailwindcss") to a full filepath // without this, the main `loadFixture` helper will resolve relative to `packages/astro/test` return baseLoadFixture({ ...inlineConfig, root: new URL(inlineConfig.root, import.meta.url).toString(), }); } export function testFactory(inlineConfig) { let fixture; const test = testBase.extend({ astro: async ({}, use) => { fixture = await loadFixture(inlineConfig); await use(fixture); }, }); test.afterEach(() => { fixture.resetAllFiles(); }); return test; }