import fs from 'fs'; import path from 'path'; import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'; import { suite } from 'uvu'; import execa from 'execa'; import del from 'del'; import * as assert from 'uvu/assert'; import {TEMPLATES} from '../dist/templates.js'; const CreateAstro = suite('npm init astro'); const cwd = fileURLToPath(path.dirname(import.meta.url)); const fixturesDir = path.join(cwd, 'fixtures'); CreateAstro.before(async () => { await del(fixturesDir); await fs.promises.mkdir(fixturesDir); }); for (const {value: template} of TEMPLATES) { // TODO: Unskip once repo is made public. Because the repo is private, the templates can't yet be downloaded. CreateAstro.skip(template, async () => { const testDirectory = path.join(fixturesDir, template); const { stdout } = await execa('../../create-astro.mjs', [testDirectory, '--template', template, '--force-overwrite'], { cwd: path.join(cwd, 'fixtures') }); console.log(stdout); // test: path should formatted as './{dirName}' assert.not.match(stdout, '././'); const DOES_HAVE = ['.gitignore', 'package.json', 'public', 'src']; const DOES_NOT_HAVE = ['meta.json', 'node_modules', 'yarn.lock']; // test: template contains essential files & folders for (const file of DOES_HAVE) { console.log(path.join(testDirectory, file)); assert.ok(fs.existsSync(path.join(testDirectory, file)), `has ${file}`); } // test: template DOES NOT contain files supposed to be stripped away for (const file of DOES_NOT_HAVE) { assert.not.ok(fs.existsSync(path.join(testDirectory, file)), `does not have ${file}`); } }); };