import fs from 'fs/promises'; import path from 'path'; import { pathToFileURL } from 'url'; import mri from 'mri'; const args = mri(process.argv.slice(2)); if ( || args.h) { console.log(`\ astro-benchmark <command> [options] Command [empty] Run all benchmarks memory Run build memory and speed test render Run rendering speed test server-stress Run server stress test Options --project <project-name> Project to use for benchmark, see benchmark/make-project/ for available names --output <output-file> Output file to write results to `); process.exit(0); } const commandName = args._[0]; const benchmarks = { memory: () => import('./bench/memory.js'), render: () => import('./bench/render.js'), 'server-stress': () => import('./bench/server-stress.js'), }; if (commandName && !(commandName in benchmarks)) { console.error(`Invalid benchmark name: ${commandName}`); process.exit(1); } if (commandName) { // Run single benchmark const bench = benchmarks[commandName]; const benchMod = await bench(); const projectDir = await makeProject(args.project || benchMod.defaultProject); const outputFile = await getOutputFile(commandName); await, outputFile); } else { // Run all benchmarks for (const name in benchmarks) { const bench = benchmarks[name]; const benchMod = await bench(); const projectDir = await makeProject(args.project || benchMod.defaultProject); const outputFile = await getOutputFile(name); await, outputFile); } } async function makeProject(name) { console.log('Making project:', name); const projectDir = new URL(`./projects/${name}/`, import.meta.url); const makeProjectMod = await import(`./make-project/${name}.js`); await; console.log('Finished making project:', name); return projectDir; } /** * @param {string} benchmarkName */ async function getOutputFile(benchmarkName) { let file; if (args.output) { file = pathToFileURL(path.resolve(args.output)); } else { file = new URL(`./results/${benchmarkName}-bench-${}.json`, import.meta.url); } // Prepare output file directory await fs.mkdir(new URL('./', file), { recursive: true }); return file; }