export const SIDEBAR = { en: [ { text: 'Setup', header: true }, { text: 'Getting Started', link: 'getting-started' }, { text: 'Quickstart', link: 'quick-start' }, { text: 'Installation', link: 'installation' }, { text: 'Themes', link: 'themes' }, { text: 'Astro vs. X', link: 'comparing-astro-vs-other-tools' }, { text: 'Basics', header: true }, { text: 'Project Structure', link: 'core-concepts/project-structure' }, { text: 'Component Syntax', link: 'core-concepts/astro-components' }, { text: 'Pages', link: 'core-concepts/astro-pages' }, { text: 'Layouts', link: 'core-concepts/layouts' }, { text: 'Routing', link: 'core-concepts/routing' }, { text: 'Partial Hydration', link: 'core-concepts/component-hydration' }, { text: 'Guides', header: true }, { text: 'Styling & CSS', link: 'guides/styling' }, { text: 'Markdown', link: 'guides/markdown-content' }, { text: 'Debugging', link: 'guides/debugging' }, { text: 'Data Fetching', link: 'guides/data-fetching' }, { text: 'Pagination', link: 'guides/pagination' }, { text: 'RSS', link: 'guides/rss' }, { text: 'Supported Imports', link: 'guides/imports' }, { text: 'Aliases', link: 'guides/aliases' }, { text: 'Deploy a Website', link: 'guides/deploy' }, { text: 'Publish a Component', link: 'guides/publish-to-npm' }, { text: 'Reference', header: true }, { text: 'Built-In Components', link: 'reference/builtin-components' }, { text: 'API Reference', link: 'reference/api-reference' }, { text: 'CLI Reference', link: 'reference/cli-reference' }, { text: 'Configuration Reference', link: 'reference/configuration-reference', }, { text: 'Renderer Reference', link: 'reference/renderer-reference' }, ], de: [ { text: 'Willkommen', header: true }, { text: 'Einführung', link: 'de/getting-started' }, ], nl: [ { text: 'Welkom', header: true }, { text: 'Beginnen', link: 'nl/getting-started' }, ], fi: [ { text: 'Tervetuloa', header: true }, { text: 'Aloittaminen', link: 'fi/getting-started' }, { text: 'Pika-aloitus', link: 'fi/quick-start' }, { text: 'Asennus', link: 'fi/installation' }, ], es: [ { text: 'Configuración', header: true }, { text: 'Empezando', link: 'es/getting-started' }, ], 'zh-CN': [ { text: '起步', header: true }, { text: '入门指南', link: 'zh-CN/getting-started' }, { text: '快速入门', link: 'zh-CN/quick-start' }, { text: '安装指南', link: 'zh-CN/installation' }, { text: '模板样例', link: 'zh-CN/examples' }, { text: 'Astro 对比其他框架', link: 'zh-CN/comparing-astro-vs-other-tools', }, ], 'zh-TW': [ { text: '設定', header: true }, { text: '新手上路', link: 'zh-TW/getting-started' }, { text: '快速開始', link: 'zh-TW/quick-start' }, { text: '安裝', link: 'zh-TW/installation' }, { text: '範例', link: 'zh-TW/examples' }, ], bg: [ { text: 'Главни', header: true }, { text: 'Започваме!', link: 'bg/getting-started' }, ], fr: [ { text: 'Bienvenue', header: true }, { text: 'Bien démarrer', link: 'fr/getting-started' }, { text: 'Démarrage rapide', link: 'fr/quick-start' }, { text: 'Installation', link: 'fr/installation' }, ], bn: [ { text: 'সেটআপ', header: true }, { text: 'শুরু করুন', link: 'bn/getting-started' }, ], kr: [ { text: '환영합니다', header: true }, { text: '시작하기', link: 'kr/getting-started' }, ], ar: [ { text: 'التهيئة', header: true }, { text: 'باشر البدأ', link: 'ar/getting-started' }, ], da: [ { text: 'Velkommen', header: true }, { text: 'Introduktion', link: 'da/getting-started' }, ], }; export const SITE = { title: 'Astro Documentation', description: 'Build faster websites with less client-side Javascript.', }; export const OPEN_GRAPH = { locale: 'en_US', image: { src: '/default-og-image.png?v=1', alt: 'astro logo on a starry expanse of space,' + ' with a purple saturn-like planet floating in the right foreground', }, twitter: 'astrodotbuild', };