import load, { resolve } from '@proload/core'; import type { AstroConfig, AstroIntegration } from 'astro'; import autoprefixerPlugin from 'autoprefixer'; import fs from 'fs/promises'; import path from 'path'; import tailwindPlugin, { type Config as TailwindConfig } from 'tailwindcss'; import resolveConfig from 'tailwindcss/resolveConfig.js'; import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'; import type { CSSOptions, UserConfig } from 'vite'; function getDefaultTailwindConfig(srcUrl: URL): TailwindConfig { return resolveConfig({ theme: { extend: {}, }, plugins: [], content: [path.join(fileURLToPath(srcUrl), `**`, `*.{astro,html,js,jsx,svelte,ts,tsx,vue}`)], presets: undefined, // enable Tailwind's default preset }) as TailwindConfig; } async function getUserConfig(root: URL, configPath?: string, isRestart = false) { const resolvedRoot = fileURLToPath(root); let userConfigPath: string | undefined; if (configPath) { const configPathWithLeadingSlash = /^\.*\//.test(configPath) ? configPath : `./${configPath}`; userConfigPath = fileURLToPath(new URL(configPathWithLeadingSlash, root)); } if (isRestart) { // Hack: Write config to temporary file at project root // This invalidates and reloads file contents when using ESM imports or "resolve" const resolvedConfigPath = (await resolve('tailwind', { mustExist: false, cwd: resolvedRoot, filePath: userConfigPath, })) as string; const { dir, base } = path.parse(resolvedConfigPath); const tempConfigPath = path.join(dir, `.temp.${}.${base}`); await fs.copyFile(resolvedConfigPath, tempConfigPath); let result: load.Config> | undefined; try { result = await load('tailwind', { mustExist: false, cwd: resolvedRoot, filePath: tempConfigPath, }); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } finally { await fs.unlink(tempConfigPath); } return { ...result, filePath: resolvedConfigPath, }; } else { return await load('tailwind', { mustExist: false, cwd: resolvedRoot, filePath: userConfigPath, }); } } async function getPostCssConfig( root: UserConfig['root'], postcssInlineOptions: CSSOptions['postcss'] ) { let postcssConfigResult; // Check if postcss config is not inlined if (!(typeof postcssInlineOptions === 'object' && postcssInlineOptions !== null)) { let { default: postcssrc } = await import('postcss-load-config'); const searchPath = typeof postcssInlineOptions === 'string' ? postcssInlineOptions : root!; try { postcssConfigResult = await postcssrc({}, searchPath); } catch (e) { postcssConfigResult = null; } } return postcssConfigResult; } async function getViteConfiguration( tailwindConfig: TailwindConfig, viteConfig: AstroConfig['vite'] ) { // We need to manually load postcss config files because when inlining the tailwind and autoprefixer plugins, // that causes vite to ignore postcss config files const postcssConfigResult = await getPostCssConfig(viteConfig.root, viteConfig.css?.postcss); const postcssOptions = (postcssConfigResult && postcssConfigResult.options) || {}; const postcssPlugins = postcssConfigResult && postcssConfigResult.plugins ? postcssConfigResult.plugins.slice() : []; postcssPlugins.push(tailwindPlugin(tailwindConfig)); postcssPlugins.push(autoprefixerPlugin()); return { css: { postcss: { options: postcssOptions, plugins: postcssPlugins, }, }, }; } type TailwindOptions = | { config?: { /** * Path to your tailwind config file * @default 'tailwind.config.js' */ path?: string; /** * Apply Tailwind's base styles * Disabling this is useful when further customization of Tailwind styles * and directives is required. See {@link Tailwind's docs} * for more details on directives and customization. * @default: true */ applyBaseStyles?: boolean; }; } | undefined; export default function tailwindIntegration(options?: TailwindOptions): AstroIntegration { const applyBaseStyles = options?.config?.applyBaseStyles ?? true; const customConfigPath = options?.config?.path; return { name: '@astrojs/tailwind', hooks: { 'astro:config:setup': async ({ config, updateConfig, injectScript, addWatchFile, isRestart, }) => { // Inject the Tailwind postcss plugin const userConfig = await getUserConfig(config.root, customConfigPath, isRestart); if (customConfigPath && !userConfig?.value) { throw new Error( `Could not find a Tailwind config at ${JSON.stringify( customConfigPath )}. Does the file exist?` ); } if (addWatchFile && userConfig?.filePath) { addWatchFile(userConfig.filePath); } const tailwindConfig = (userConfig?.value as TailwindConfig) ?? getDefaultTailwindConfig(config.srcDir); updateConfig({ vite: await getViteConfiguration(tailwindConfig, config.vite), }); if (applyBaseStyles) { // Inject the Tailwind base import injectScript('page-ssr', `import '@astrojs/tailwind/base.css';`); } }, }, }; }