import { execa } from 'execa'; import { dirname } from 'path'; import stripAnsi from 'strip-ansi'; import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'; const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url); export const testDir = dirname(__filename); export const timeout = 5000; const timeoutError = function (details) { let errorMsg = 'Timed out waiting for create-astro to respond with expected output.'; if (details) { errorMsg += '\nLast output: "' + details + '"'; } return new Error(errorMsg); } export function promiseWithTimeout(testFn) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let lastStdout; function onStdout (chunk) { lastStdout = stripAnsi(chunk.toString()).trim() || lastStdout; } const timeoutEvent = setTimeout(() => { reject(timeoutError(lastStdout)); }, timeout); function resolver() { clearTimeout(timeoutEvent); resolve(); } testFn(resolver, onStdout); }); } export const PROMPT_MESSAGES = { directory: 'Where would you like to create your new project?', template: 'Which template would you like to use?', typescript: 'How would you like to setup TypeScript?', typescriptSucceed: 'Next steps' }; export function setup(args = []) { const { stdout, stdin } = execa('../create-astro.mjs', [...args, '--dryrun'], { cwd: testDir }); return { stdin, stdout, }; }