import type { Node } from '@markdoc/markdoc'; import Markdoc from '@markdoc/markdoc'; import type { AstroConfig, AstroIntegration, ContentEntryType, HookParameters } from 'astro'; import fs from 'node:fs'; import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url'; import { isValidUrl, MarkdocError, parseFrontmatter, prependForwardSlash } from './utils.js'; // @ts-expect-error Cannot find module 'astro/assets' or its corresponding type declarations. import { emitESMImage } from 'astro/assets'; import { loadMarkdocConfig } from './load-config.js'; import { applyDefaultConfig } from './default-config.js'; import { bold, red } from 'kleur/colors'; import type * as rollup from 'rollup'; type SetupHookParams = HookParameters<'astro:config:setup'> & { // `contentEntryType` is not a public API // Add type defs here addContentEntryType: (contentEntryType: ContentEntryType) => void; }; export default function markdocIntegration(legacyConfig: any): AstroIntegration { if (legacyConfig) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log( `${red( bold('[Markdoc]') )} Passing Markdoc config from your \`astro.config\` is no longer supported. Configuration should be exported from a \`markdoc.config.mjs\` file. See the configuration docs for more:` ); process.exit(0); } return { name: '@astrojs/markdoc', hooks: { 'astro:config:setup': async (params) => { const { config: astroConfig, addContentEntryType } = params as SetupHookParams; const configLoadResult = await loadMarkdocConfig(astroConfig); const userMarkdocConfig = configLoadResult?.config ?? {}; function getEntryInfo({ fileUrl, contents }: { fileUrl: URL; contents: string }) { const parsed = parseFrontmatter(contents, fileURLToPath(fileUrl)); return { data:, body: parsed.content, slug:, rawData: parsed.matter, }; } addContentEntryType({ extensions: ['.mdoc'], getEntryInfo, async getRenderModule({ entry, viteId }) { const ast = Markdoc.parse(entry.body); const pluginContext = this; const markdocConfig = applyDefaultConfig(userMarkdocConfig, { entry }); const validationErrors = Markdoc.validate(ast, markdocConfig).filter((e) => { // Ignore `variable-undefined` errors. // Variables can be configured at runtime, // so we cannot validate them at build time. return !== 'variable-undefined'; }); if (validationErrors.length) { throw new MarkdocError({ message: [ `**${String(entry.collection)} → ${String(}** failed to validate:`, =>, ].join('\n'), }); } if (astroConfig.experimental.assets) { await emitOptimizedImages(ast.children, { astroConfig, pluginContext, filePath: entry._internal.filePath, }); } const code = { code: `import { jsx as h } from 'astro/jsx-runtime'; import { applyDefaultConfig } from '@astrojs/markdoc/default-config'; import { Renderer } from '@astrojs/markdoc/components'; import * as entry from ${JSON.stringify(viteId + '?astroContent')};${ configLoadResult ? `\nimport userConfig from ${JSON.stringify(configLoadResult.fileUrl.pathname)};` : '' }${ astroConfig.experimental.assets ? `\nimport { experimentalAssetsConfig } from '@astrojs/markdoc/experimental-assets-config';` : '' } const stringifiedAst = ${JSON.stringify( /* Double stringify to encode *as* stringified JSON */ JSON.stringify(ast) )}; export async function Content (props) { const config = applyDefaultConfig(${ configLoadResult ? '{ ...userConfig, variables: { ...userConfig.variables, ...props } }' : '{ variables: props }' }, { entry });${ astroConfig.experimental.assets ? `\nconfig.nodes = { ...experimentalAssetsConfig.nodes, ...config.nodes };` : '' } return h(Renderer, { stringifiedAst, config }); };`, }; return code; }, contentModuleTypes: await fs.promises.readFile( new URL('../template/content-module-types.d.ts', import.meta.url), 'utf-8' ), }); }, }, }; } /** * Emits optimized images, and appends the generated `src` to each AST node * via the `__optimizedSrc` attribute. */ async function emitOptimizedImages( nodeChildren: Node[], ctx: { pluginContext: rollup.PluginContext; filePath: string; astroConfig: AstroConfig; } ) { for (const node of nodeChildren) { if ( node.type === 'image' && typeof node.attributes.src === 'string' && shouldOptimizeImage(node.attributes.src) ) { // Attempt to resolve source with Vite. // This handles relative paths and configured aliases const resolved = await ctx.pluginContext.resolve(node.attributes.src, ctx.filePath); if (resolved?.id && fs.existsSync(new URL(prependForwardSlash(, 'file://'))) { const src = await emitESMImage(, ctx.pluginContext.meta.watchMode, ctx.pluginContext.emitFile, { config: ctx.astroConfig } ); node.attributes.__optimizedSrc = src; } else { throw new MarkdocError({ message: `Could not resolve image ${JSON.stringify( node.attributes.src )} from ${JSON.stringify(ctx.filePath)}. Does the file exist?`, }); } } await emitOptimizedImages(node.children, ctx); } } function shouldOptimizeImage(src: string) { // Optimize anything that is NOT external or an absolute path to `public/` return !isValidUrl(src) && !src.startsWith('/'); }