#!/usr/bin/env bash # Convert context URL to an array mapfile -t CONTEXT_URL_ITEMS < <(echo "$GITPOD_WORKSPACE_CONTEXT_URL" | tr '/' '\n') # Check if Gitpod started from a specific example directory in the repository if [ "${CONTEXT_URL_ITEMS[7]}" = "examples" ]; then EXAMPLE_PROJECT=${CONTEXT_URL_ITEMS[8]} # Check it Gitpod started with $ASTRO_NEW environment variable elif [ -n "$ASTRO_NEW" ]; then EXAMPLE_PROJECT="$ASTRO_NEW" # Otherwise, set the default example project - 'starter' else EXAMPLE_PROJECT="starter" fi # Wait for VSCode to be ready (port 23000) gp ports await 23000 > /dev/null 2>&1 echo "Loading example project:" $EXAMPLE_PROJECT # Go to the requested example project cd "$GITPOD_REPO_ROOT"/examples/"$EXAMPLE_PROJECT" || exit # Open the main page in VSCode code src/pages/index.astro # Start Astro pnpm start