import type { Image } from 'mdast'; import { visit } from 'unist-util-visit'; import { pathToFileURL } from 'url'; import type { VFile } from 'vfile'; /** * `src/content/` does not support relative image paths. * This plugin throws an error if any are found */ export default function toRemarkContentRelImageError({ contentDir }: { contentDir: URL }) { return function remarkContentRelImageError() { return (tree: any, vfile: VFile) => { if (typeof vfile?.path !== 'string') return; const isContentFile = pathToFileURL(vfile.path).href.startsWith(contentDir.href); if (!isContentFile) return; const relImagePaths = new Set(); visit(tree, 'image', function raiseError(node: Image) { if (isRelativePath(node.url)) { relImagePaths.add(node.url); } }); if (relImagePaths.size === 0) return; const errorMessage = `Relative image paths are not supported in the content/ directory. Place local images in the public/ directory and use absolute paths (see\n` + [...relImagePaths].map((path) => JSON.stringify(path)).join(',\n'); // Throw raw string to use `astro:markdown` default formatting throw errorMessage; }; }; } // Following utils taken from `packages/astro/src/core/path.ts`: function isRelativePath(path: string) { return startsWithDotDotSlash(path) || startsWithDotSlash(path); } function startsWithDotDotSlash(path: string) { const c1 = path[0]; const c2 = path[1]; const c3 = path[2]; return c1 === '.' && c2 === '.' && c3 === '/'; } function startsWithDotSlash(path: string) { const c1 = path[0]; const c2 = path[1]; return c1 === '.' && c2 === '/'; }