import type { AstroConfig, RouteData } from 'astro'; import fs from 'fs'; type RedirectDefinition = { dynamic: boolean; input: string; target: string; weight: 0 | 1; status: 200 | 404; }; export async function createRedirects( config: AstroConfig, routes: RouteData[], dir: URL, entryFile: string, type: 'functions' | 'edge-functions' | 'builders' ) { const _redirectsURL = new URL('./_redirects', dir); const kind = type ?? 'functions'; const definitions: RedirectDefinition[] = []; for (const route of routes) { if (route.pathname) { if (route.distURL) { definitions.push({ dynamic: false, input: route.pathname, target: prependForwardSlash(route.distURL.toString().replace(dir.toString(), '')), status: 200, weight: 1, }); } else { definitions.push({ dynamic: false, input: route.pathname, target: `/.netlify/${kind}/${entryFile}`, status: 200, weight: 1, }); if (route.route === '/404') { definitions.push({ dynamic: true, input: '/*', target: `/.netlify/${kind}/${entryFile}`, status: 404, weight: 0, }); } } } else { const pattern = '/' + route.segments .map(([part]) => { //(part.dynamic ? '*' : part.content) if (part.dynamic) { if (part.spread) { return '*'; } else { return ':' + part.content; } } else { return part.content; } }) .join('/'); if (route.distURL) { const target = `${pattern}` + ( === 'directory' ? '/index.html' : '.html'); definitions.push({ dynamic: true, input: pattern, target, status: 200, weight: 1, }); } else { definitions.push({ dynamic: true, input: pattern, target: `/.netlify/${kind}/${entryFile}`, status: 200, weight: 1, }); } } } let _redirects = prettify(definitions); // Always use appendFile() because the redirects file could already exist, // e.g. due to a `/public/_redirects` file that got copied to the output dir. // If the file does not exist yet, appendFile() automatically creates it. await fs.promises.appendFile(_redirectsURL, _redirects, 'utf-8'); } function prettify(definitions: RedirectDefinition[]) { let minInputLength = 0, minTargetLength = 0; definitions.sort((a, b) => { // Find the longest input, so we can format things nicely if (a.input.length > minInputLength) { minInputLength = a.input.length; } if (b.input.length > minInputLength) { minInputLength = b.input.length; } // Same for the target if ( > minTargetLength) { minTargetLength =; } if ( > minTargetLength) { minTargetLength =; } // Sort dynamic routes on top return b.weight - a.weight; }); let _redirects = ''; // Loop over the definitions definitions.forEach((defn, i) => { // Figure out the number of spaces to add. We want at least 4 spaces // after the input. This ensure that all targets line up together. let inputSpaces = minInputLength - defn.input.length + 4; let targetSpaces = minTargetLength - + 4; _redirects += (i === 0 ? '' : '\n') + defn.input + ' '.repeat(inputSpaces) + + ' '.repeat(Math.abs(targetSpaces)) + defn.status; }); return _redirects; } function prependForwardSlash(str: string) { return str[0] === '/' ? str : '/' + str; }