import { execa} from 'execa'; import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'; import { dirname, resolve } from 'path'; import {promises, existsSync} from 'fs' const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url); const __dirname = dirname(__filename); const createAstroError = new Error('Timed out waiting for create-astro to respond with expected output.') const timeout = 5000; const instructions = { directory: 'Where would you like to create your app?', template: 'Which app template would you like to use?', }; const inputs = { nonEmptyDir: './fixtures/select-directory/nonempty-dir', emptyDir: './fixtures/select-directory/empty-dir', nonexistentDir: './fixtures/select-directory/banana-dir', }; function promiseWithTimeout(testFn) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const timeoutEvent = setTimeout(() => { reject(createAstroError); }, timeout); function resolver() { clearTimeout(timeoutEvent); resolve(); } testFn(resolver); }) } function setup(args = []) { const {stdout, stdin} = execa('../create-astro.mjs', args, { cwd: __dirname }) return { stdin, stdout, } } describe('[create-astro] select directory', function() { this.timeout(timeout); it ('should prompt for directory when none is provided', function () { return promiseWithTimeout(resolve => { const {stdout} = setup() stdout.on('data', chunk => { if (chunk.includes( { resolve() } }) }) }) it ('should NOT proceed on a non-empty directory', function () { return promiseWithTimeout(resolve => { const {stdout} = setup([inputs.nonEmptyDir]) stdout.on('data', chunk => { if (chunk.includes( { resolve() } }) }) }) it ('should proceed on an empty directory', async function () { const resolvedEmptyDirPath = resolve(__dirname, inputs.emptyDir) if (!existsSync(resolvedEmptyDirPath)) { await promises.mkdir(resolvedEmptyDirPath) } return promiseWithTimeout(resolve => { const {stdout} = setup([inputs.emptyDir]) stdout.on('data', chunk => { if (chunk.includes(instructions.template)) { resolve() } }) }) }) it ('should proceed when directory does not exist', function () { return promiseWithTimeout(resolve => { const {stdout} = setup([inputs.nonexistentDir]) stdout.on('data', chunk => { if (chunk.includes(instructions.template)) { resolve() } }) }) }) it ('should error on bad directory selection in prompt', function () { return promiseWithTimeout(resolve => { const {stdout, stdin} = setup() stdout.on('data', chunk => { if (chunk.includes('Please clear contents or choose a different path.')) { resolve() } if (chunk.includes( { stdin.write(`${inputs.nonEmptyDir}\x0D`) } }) }) }) })