import { promises as fs } from 'fs'; import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'; import execa from 'execa'; /** Copies `astro-languageserver` to our file */ async function publish() { const p0 = execa('yarn', ['lerna', 'run', 'build', '--scope', 'astro-vscode', '--scope', 'astro-languageserver'], { all: true }); p0.all.setEncoding('utf8'); for await (const chunk of p0.all) { console.log(chunk); if (/lerna success/g.test(chunk)) { break; } if (/ERROR/g.test(chunk)) { process.exit(1); } } const p1 = execa('vsce', ['package'], { all: true }); p1.all.setEncoding('utf8'); for await (const chunk of p1.all) { console.log(chunk); if (/DONE/g.test(chunk)) { break; } if (/ERROR/g.test(chunk)) { process.exit(1); } } p1.kill(); } publish();