/// // Caution! The types here are only available inside Astro files (injected automatically by our language server) // As such, if the typings you're trying to add should be available inside ex: React components, they should instead // be inside `client-base.d.ts` type Astro = import('./dist/@types/astro.js').AstroGlobal; // We have to duplicate the description here because editors won't show the JSDoc comment from the imported type // However, they will for its properties, ex: Astro.request will show the AstroGlobal.request description /** * Astro global available in all contexts in .astro files * * [Astro documentation](https://docs.astro.build/en/reference/api-reference/#astro-global) */ declare const Astro: Readonly; declare const Fragment: any; declare module '*.html' { const Component: { render(opts: { slots: Record }): string }; export default Component; }