import { InvalidAstroDataError } from '@astrojs/markdown-remark'; import { safelyGetAstroData } from '@astrojs/markdown-remark/dist/internal.js'; import type { VFile } from 'vfile'; import { jsToTreeNode } from './utils.js'; export function rehypeApplyFrontmatterExport() { return function (tree: any, vfile: VFile) { const astroData = safelyGetAstroData(; if (astroData instanceof InvalidAstroDataError) throw new Error( // Copied from Astro core `errors-data` // TODO: find way to import error data from core '[MDX] A remark or rehype plugin attempted to inject invalid frontmatter. Ensure "astro.frontmatter" is set to a valid JSON object that is not `null` or `undefined`.' ); const { frontmatter } = astroData; const exportNodes = [ jsToTreeNode(`export const frontmatter = ${JSON.stringify(frontmatter)};`), ]; if (frontmatter.layout) { // NOTE(bholmesdev) 08-22-2022 // Using an async layout import (i.e. `const Layout = (await import...)`) // Preserves the dev server import cache when globbing a large set of MDX files // Full explanation: '' exportNodes.unshift( jsToTreeNode( /** @see 'vite-plugin-markdown' for layout props reference */ `import { jsx as layoutJsx } from 'astro/jsx-runtime'; export default async function ({ children }) { const Layout = (await import(${JSON.stringify(frontmatter.layout)})).default; const { layout, ...content } = frontmatter; content.file = file; content.url = url; return layoutJsx(Layout, { file, url, content, frontmatter: content, headings: getHeadings(), 'server:root': true, children, }); };` ) ); } tree.children = exportNodes.concat(tree.children); }; }