--- 'astro': minor --- Adds support for the client:media hydrator The new `client:media` hydrator allows you to define a component that should only be loaded when a media query matches. An example usage: ```jsx --- import Sidebar from '../components/Sidebar.jsx'; --- ``` This allows you to define components which, for example, only run on mobile devices. A common example is a slide-in sidebar that is needed to add navigation to a mobile app, but is never displayed in desktop view. Since Astro components can have expressions, you can move common media queries to a module for sharing. For example here are defining: **media.js** ```js export const MOBILE = '(max-width: 700px)'; ``` And then you can reference this in your page: **index.astro** ```jsx import Sidebar from '../components/Sidebar.jsx'; import { MOBILE } from '../media.js'; --- ```