import type { RouteData } from 'astro'; import fs from 'fs'; export async function createRedirects( routes: RouteData[], dir: URL, entryFile: string, edge: boolean ) { const _redirectsURL = new URL('./_redirects', dir); const kind = edge ? 'edge-functions' : 'functions'; // Create the redirects file that is used for routing. let _redirects = ''; for (const route of routes) { if (route.pathname) { if (route.distURL) { _redirects += ` ${route.pathname} /${route.distURL.toString().replace(dir.toString(), '')} 200`; } else { _redirects += ` ${route.pathname} /.netlify/${kind}/${entryFile} 200`; if (route.route === '/404') { _redirects += ` /* /.netlify/${kind}/${entryFile} 404`; } } } else { const pattern = '/' +[part]) => (part.dynamic ? '*' : part.content)).join('/'); if (route.distURL) { _redirects += ` ${pattern} /${route.distURL.toString().replace(dir.toString(), '')} 200`; } else { _redirects += ` ${pattern} /.netlify/${kind}/${entryFile} 200`; } } } // Always use appendFile() because the redirects file could already exist, // e.g. due to a `/public/_redirects` file that got copied to the output dir. // If the file does not exist yet, appendFile() automatically creates it. await fs.promises.appendFile(_redirectsURL, _redirects, 'utf-8'); }