import Markdoc from '@markdoc/markdoc'; import { isHTMLString } from 'astro/runtime/server/index.js'; import { expect } from 'chai'; import { parseHTML } from 'linkedom'; import prism from '../dist/extensions/prism.js'; import shiki from '../dist/extensions/shiki.js'; import { setupConfig } from '../dist/runtime.js'; const entry = ` \`\`\`ts const highlighting = true; \`\`\` \`\`\`css .highlighting { color: red; } \`\`\` `; describe('Markdoc - syntax highlighting', () => { describe('shiki', () => { it('transforms with defaults', async () => { const ast = Markdoc.parse(entry); const content = Markdoc.transform(ast, await getConfigExtendingShiki()); expect(content.children).to.have.lengthOf(2); for (const codeBlock of content.children) { expect(isHTMLString(codeBlock)); const pre = parsePreTag(codeBlock); expect(pre.classList).to.include('astro-code'); expect(pre.classList).to.include('github-dark'); } }); it('transforms with `theme` property', async () => { const ast = Markdoc.parse(entry); const content = Markdoc.transform( ast, await getConfigExtendingShiki({ theme: 'dracula', }) ); expect(content.children).to.have.lengthOf(2); for (const codeBlock of content.children) { expect(isHTMLString(codeBlock)); const pre = parsePreTag(codeBlock); expect(pre.classList).to.include('astro-code'); expect(pre.classList).to.include('dracula'); } }); it('transforms with `wrap` property', async () => { const ast = Markdoc.parse(entry); const content = Markdoc.transform( ast, await getConfigExtendingShiki({ wrap: true, }) ); expect(content.children).to.have.lengthOf(2); for (const codeBlock of content.children) { expect(isHTMLString(codeBlock)); const pre = parsePreTag(codeBlock); expect(pre.getAttribute('style')).to.include('white-space: pre-wrap'); expect(pre.getAttribute('style')).to.include('word-wrap: break-word'); } }); }); describe('prism', () => { it('transforms', async () => { const ast = Markdoc.parse(entry); const config = await setupConfig({ extends: [prism()], }); const content = Markdoc.transform(ast, config); expect(content.children).to.have.lengthOf(2); const [tsBlock, cssBlock] = content.children; expect(isHTMLString(tsBlock)); expect(isHTMLString(cssBlock)); const preTs = parsePreTag(tsBlock); expect(preTs.classList).to.include('language-ts'); const preCss = parsePreTag(cssBlock); expect(preCss.classList).to.include('language-css'); }); }); }); /** * @param {import('astro').ShikiConfig} config * @returns {import('../src/config.js').AstroMarkdocConfig} */ async function getConfigExtendingShiki(config) { return await setupConfig({ extends: [shiki(config)], }); } /** * @param {string} html * @returns {HTMLPreElement} */ function parsePreTag(html) { const { document } = parseHTML(html); const pre = document.querySelector('pre'); expect(pre).to.exist; return pre; }